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Friday, March 18, 2011

A Wish of Comfort for the Japanese People.

My heart throbs with empathy for the Japanese who are experiencing such all-encompassing destruction and suffering from the natural disaster.I hold you in my heart through-out the day, and wish I could just spend some time with each person suffering to offer a warm blanket, listen to your fears and comfort your distress in any small way that I can. Perhaps a warm wash cloth to wipe off the grit or soft socks to bring some small comfort to your strong spirit.I don't have a lot of money but I have...

Local Radio Station Threatened by Cuts

ORLAND — Roughly a quarter of WERU 89.9 FM’s annual operating budget would disappear if lawmakers kill federal funding for public broadcasting.Karen Doherty deejays her Monday afternoon radio program at WERU’s Orland headquarters. The community radio station, which broadcasts everything from reggae to organic gardening tips, is threatened by possible cuts to federal funding for public broadcasting. — ELLSWORTH AMERICAN PHOTO BY CYNDI WOOD“Everything we do there could be less of,” said General Manager...

UN Approves Military Action by U.S., Allies Against Libya

By Ola Galal, Massoud A. Derhally and Bill Varner(Updates 11th paragraph with Obama telephone call to British, French leaders. For more news on Mideast turmoil, see EXTRA and MET.)March 18 (Bloomberg) -- The United Nations Security Council authorized a no-fly zone and other military action to prevent Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi from making good on his threat to conquer the rebel capital, Benghazi, and “destroy” the opposition movement.The council provided the legal basis for the U.S., France, the U.K. and several Arab nations to intervene in the Libyan conflict to avert a feared bloodbath if...

Japan works to restore power at crippled reactors

Japanese engineers are racing to restore a power cable to the quake-ravaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of restarting pumps needed to pour cold water on overheating fuel rods and avert a catastrophic release of radiation.Even if the engineers manage to connect the power, it is not clear the pumps will work as they may have been damaged in the earthquake or subsequent explosions and there are real fears of the electricity shorting and causing another explosi...

Japan works to restore power at crippled reactors

Japanese engineers are racing to restore a power cable to the quake-ravaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in the hope of restarting pumps needed to pour cold water on overheating fuel rods and avert a catastrophic release of radiation.Even if the engineers manage to connect the power, it is not clear the pumps will work as they may have been damaged in the earthquake or subsequent explosions and there are real fears of the electricity shorting and causing another explosion.Officials will also continue water-bombing in the hope of bringing radiation emissions under control.Australia is among a...

Cara Install Apache dan MySQL dalam paket XAMPP

Apache adalah merupakan sebuah program yang berfungsi sebagai server web yang dapat dijalankan di banyak sistem operasi (OS). Apache ini harus di install di komputer lokal agar kita bisa memiliki web server lokal sebelum web blog yang kita buat di upload atau disimpan di web server online. Dengan kata lain apache menjadikan komputer kita adalah webserver lokal yang mampu menerima respon dari...