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Monday, January 21, 2013

Super Copier 2.2 Bata Send to File USB Fast speed Free Download

Super Copier replaces windows explorer file copy and adds many features:Windows doesn't certainly stand out for its speed when copying or moving files. This is why using a program like SuperCopier is such a great idea!
SuperCopier manages transfers of large quantities of folders and files, or huge-sized files in a much more reliable and efficient way than that standard Windows Explorer. You can run the program from its icon on the system or simply copy and paste files and folders in the usual way: SuperCopier is embedded in Windows Explorer and will take care of the task.

This program not only makes-copying and moving files much faster, but also adds some handy new options: you can now pause and resume the task at any point, see the transfer speed rate, check the percentage of completion, create lists of files to be copied or moved and even modify this list while the process is already taking place. Best of all, SuperCopier doesn't replace the standard copy/paste Windows functionality, so you can try it out without any fears and simply uninstall it in case you're not happy
with it.

SuperCopier includes a complete settings menu that lets you tweak the program's behavior, as well as customize some details in the program's interface– which, to be honest, wouldn't win any design prize.

SuperCopier replaces windows explorer file copy and adds many features:

  • Transfer resuming
  • Copy speed control
  • No bugs if You copy more than 2GB at once
  • Copy speed computation
  • Better copy progress display
  • A little faster
  • Copy list editable while copyin
  • Error log
  • Copy list saving/loading


  • Seamlessly integrated with Windows Explorer
  • Much faster than standard Windows copying utility
  • Allows you to create copy lists and pause copying process
  • Complete settings menu

OS:Windows 2003,Windows XP,Windows 2000,Windows 98,Windows Me,Windows NT
Requirements:No special requirements

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Inilah 7 Minuman Yang Menyehatkan Tubuh Anda

     Hai, sahabat, Tips kesehatan. Makanan dan minuman merupakan dua elemen yang penting untuk kelangsungan hidup makhluk hidup khususnya manusia. Ketika perut terasa telah kenyang, maka minum segelas air putih merupakan salah satu keharusan. Manfaat air putih sendiri yaitu ikut membantu memperlancar proses pencernaan didalam tubuh kita dan manfaat lainnya yang menyehatkan tubuh anda selain menghilangkan rasa haus tentunya. Tapi tahukah anda, ada beberapa minuman selain air putih yang dapat menyehatkan tubuh anda pula...????

    Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Ternyata ada beberapa minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda dan dapat menghindarkan anda dari berbagai penyakit yang menyerang tubuh anda. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dengan hal tersebut. sahabat, tips kesehatan. Berikut ini 7 minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda :
  1. Minuman yang pertama yaitu teh hijau. Teh hijau merupakan salah satu minuman yang kaya akan flavanoid, polifenol. antioksidan dan fluoride. Fungsi dari flavanoid, polifeno dan antioksidan yaitu melindungis sel-sel pada tubuh anda dari karzinogen (zat penyebab penyakit kanker) serta menghambat pertumbuhan tumor. Sedangkan kandungan fluoride dalam teh hijau berfungsi untuk memperkuat gigi dan mencegah kerusakan pada gigi anda. ( 5 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi Anda ).
  2. Minuman yang kedua yaitu air kelapa. Air kelapa juga termasuk salah satu minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda. Ini dikarenakan air kelapa banyak mengandung kalium, kalsium, natrium, belerang, fosfor dan klorida yang merupakan zat-zat yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Air kelapa juga membantu memperlancar pengeluaran air seni kita dan sakit diare yang kita alami.
  3. Minuman berikutnya yaitu sup. Sup juga merupakan salah satu minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda pula karena mengandung vitamin komplit, mineral dan juga salah satu pembangkit energi dalam tubuh anda.
  4. Berikutnya yaitu jus lemon. Jus lemon juga merupakan salah satu minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda. Ini dikarenakan segelas jus lemon mengandung berbagai vitamin dan antioksidan yang dapat menyegarkan tubuh anda yang telah capek dan lelah. ( 7 Tips Mudah Menghilangkan Capek Di Tubuh Anda ).
  5. Susu kedelai, ini juga merupakan salah satu minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda.Susu kedelai mengandung serat larut dan protein kedelai. Kandungan zat tersebut berfungsi untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat serta mengrangi  resiko penyakit kardiovaskular. ( 7 Makanan Yang Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Anda ).
  6. Segelas coklat panas atau hangat. Ini juga merupakan salah satu minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda pula. Coklat memiliki kandungan polifenol yang cukup tinggi yang dapat menghindarkan anda dari serangan jantung dan dapat pula menenangkan suasanan hati ketika meminumnya. ( Ciri Penyakit Jantung Plus Pencegahannya ).
  7. Minuman berikutnya yaitu jus tomat. Tomat merupakan salah satu buah yang banyak mengandung antioksidan lycopene. fungsi antioksidan lycopene yaitu dapat menurunkan resiko penyakit paru, kanker perut, pankreas, usus besar, mulut, payudara, serta kanker serviks. 
Artikel Terkait...

       Semoga tips kesehatan yang berjudul 7 minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh anda dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : id.she.yahoo, fitnessmagazine).
Image courtesy of zirconicusso at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The Typing of the Dead PC Game Full Version Free Download

The Typing of the Dead certainly looks dated, but it's also surprisingly fun.The Typing of the Dead is an offbeat first person puzzle action game for the PC that lets you fight hordes of gruesome zombies by quickly typing out words that appear onscreen. This unusual game actually has a history: It originally debuted on Sega's Dreamcast console in 2000 and was itself a modified version of Sega's previously released light-gun arcade game, The House of the Dead 2
. The Typing of the Dead certainly looks dated, considering its age and the number of times it's been ported onto different platforms, but it's also surprisingly fun.  

What other game lets you type zombies to death?

The Typing of the Dead's "story," such as it is, concerns a mad scientist's attempt to create an army of zombies, led by a superzombie "emperor," to rule the world. Only your character a special agent armed with a Dreamcast console and keyboard can stop him. That's all you need to know about The Typing of the Dead's story, because once you start playing, you'll be too busy frantically typing away at zombies to care about anything else. Every time an enemy appears onscreen, it's accompanied by a word or phrase that you must type in quickly and accurately to defeat it. This might not sound too interesting, but things can get very exciting when three or four angry zombies each bearing a long, challenging phrase suddenly leap out at you from all sides.
As with most light-gun games, The Typing of the Dead is played "on rails"--that is, you can't actually move your character or choose where to go next; the game determines that. However, depending on how quickly you defeat your enemies, you may be able to rescue innocent bystanders, uncover bonus items, and choose alternate paths through a level, though you'll always finish each level by fighting a powerful boss monster. These boss monsters will actually challenge you in a few interesting ways. For instance, one will force you to figure out and type in the correct answer to a simple question, while another will come barreling at you with a giant chainsaw and will strike you if you can't type out a full sentence in time.
You can play through the game's six stages either in arcade mode or in an alternate, original mode, which lets you unlock a few handy options, like starting new games with extra lives or with more "continues." The game also features several other modes that let you square off against each of the boss monsters or sharpen your skills by testing your typing speed and accuracy, and you can unlock new modes as you complete each test.
The Typing of the Dead uses pretty much all the same monsters and levels from The House of the Dead 2, and unfortunately, it shows. The same graphics, environments, and special effects that may have seemed like the state of the art for an arcade game a few years ago now look flat, blocky, and pixelated by today's standards. The Typing of the Dead runs at a fixed (and unimpressive) resolution of 640x480, which doesn't do much to keep many of the game's textures from looking blurry. And, in keeping with its horror theme, the game isn't especially colorful: Most of the levels you'll fight through are drab, broken-down buildings and sewers. However, the game itself runs briskly, even on low-end to mid-range machines, with absolutely no slowdown, and the zombies (and the heroes who fight them) are animated well and look about as good as they can, considering how blocky the game's 3D models sometimes seem.
The dialogue alone might well justify the price of admission.
The game also features-the same music and sound from House of the Dead 2 and the Dreamcast version of The Typing of the Dead. Its arcade-action soundtrack is repetitive, but you might expect it to be, considering The Typing of the Dead's arcade origins. At any rate, the music is largely inoffensive, and as you play, you'll probably find yourself so focused on typing zombies to death that you'll ignore the music entirely. However, the game's voice acting is a completely different matter. Sega's House of the Dead series is notorious for terrible voice acting, and The Typing of the Dead's voice work is just as bad. In fact, the game's voice acting is so bad as to be thoroughly ridiculous but then again, so is the rest of the game. At worst, you might find The Typing of the Dead's voice acting to be disappointing. At best, you may actually enjoy how absurdly bad it is, since The Typing of the Dead's silly voice acting and equally silly premise of secret agents armed with keyboards seem as campy and as self-consciously funny as a cheesy, low-budget horror film.
The Typing of the Dead is an unusual game that might not have amazing graphics or sound, but its gameplay is unique and extremely fun. Despite its strange, silly premise, it does have a few explicitly gory sequences--some zombies turn into sloppy messes when shot down, which is why it's an M-rated game. But if you like action-packed games or horror movies, you'll probably enjoy The Typing of the Dead...and even if you don't, you might want to give it a try.
 The Typing of the Dead's silly voice acting and equally silly premise of secret agents armed with keyboards seem as campy and as self-consciously funny as a cheesy, low-budget horror film.The Typing of the Dead runs at a fixed (and unimpressive) resolution of 640x480.

Processor= 600MHz
RAM= 128MB
Video Memory= 16MB


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Cara Membuka Tombol Keyboard Laptop

Memperbaiki keyboard laptop, salah satu langkah awal adalah dengan membuka atau melepas tombol keyboard laptop, karena kerusakan tombol keyboard bukan terjadi pada bagian luar tombol keyboard melainkan bagian dalam tombol keyboard, dimana pada bagian dalam keyboard terdapat lapisan karbon yang mungkin saja terkena debu sehingga tidak bisa berfungsi dengan baik.

Melepas atau membuka tombol

Yahoo Messenger 11.5 offline installers Complete Setup Download

Instant Messaging: Send text messages in real-time to your friends on Yahoo! Messenger.Photo Sharing: Share photos from your desktop or Flickr, then discuss them over IM while you and a friend view them together PC-to-PC Calls: Make a voice call to another Yahoo! Messenger user for free (microphone and speakers/headset required). Standalone offline installers can be found via Yahoo’s YIMG portal, while downloading, you might find this article useful – How To Run or Login Yahoo Messenger With Two Or Multiple Yahoo ID.

SMS (Text Messaging): Send text messages from Messenger to your friends mobile phones for free.Webcam: Plug in your webcam to share live video with your friends on Yahoo! Messenger.IM Conferencing: Instant message with many friends at once in a conference room (includes voice capabilities, where
IM with Friends on Other Networks: IM with friends who use Windows Live™ Messenger, Reuters Messaging, and Lotus Sametime — right from Yahoo! Messenger.File Transfer: Send files instantly to a friend while you IM (2 GB limit).XP, MAC,IPHONE,WEB,PRODUCTIVITY.IM ,Forwarding to Mobile: When you sign out of Messenger, have new IMs sent to your phone as text messages.

Contact Search Bar: Quickly find a contact to IM, call, SMS or more.Yahoo! Search: Start a web search right from your Yahoo! Messenger window.Yahoo! Address Book: View and edit your Yahoo! Address Book information for your contacts right from Messenger.Stealth/Privacy Settings: Make yourself appear online to some friends, and offline to others.Call Forwarding: Have incoming calls to Messenger forwarded to another phone number, even if you're signed out (Phone Out account required).

Yahoo! Mail alerts: Get notified when new a new Yahoo! Mail message arrives.Voicemail: When friends call you on Yahoo! Messenger, they can leave you a voicemail if you're unavailable.Message Archiving: Maintain a private archive of your IM conversations.Tabbed IM Windows: Reduce desktop clutter by organizing multiple conversations into a single window.Buzz Alert: Get your friend's attention with a click of the Buzz buttonYahoo! Updates: Get real-time updates in Yahoo! Messenger about what your friends are posting online, reviewing and generally buzzing about

Plug-ins: Add content, services and games to Messenger that you can enjoy on your own, or with friends while you IM.Audibles: Send an animated, talking character to a friend to liven up your IM conversation.

Emoticons: Express your feelings with these animated, smiling faces.Avatars: Represent yourself with a stylized, graphic image where you can choose the hair, clothing and more.Display Images: Display an image to represent yourself to your friends.Skins: Choose a different skin to give your IM world a new look.IMVironments: Liven things up with interactive, themed backgrounds in the IM window.

Yahoo! Games: Play a game of pool, backgammon, checkers and more with a friend while you IM.Custom Status Messages: Tell your friends what you're doing, seeing or feeling by customizing your online status message.Custom Ringtones: Assign ringtones to different callers, or upload your own audio files to use.Customizable Fonts & Colors: IM with a font, color and style that suits your personality.Sound Effects & Soundtrack (During Voice Calls): Throw a sound effect in while you're on a call or upload a music file to play as a soundtrack in the background.

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1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR  DOWNLOAD

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Mp3 Cutter Joiner Iovsoft 3.12 Full Version Free Download

Mp3 Cutter Joiner Iovsoft A file format that some may run into is called AVI, or Audio Video Interleave. If you receive a file with an extension of .avi, this file will only function on those devices compatible with the format. The good news is this is common. It is among one of the most common types of file formats used today. However, to ensure that your device will playback from this file, it is a good idea for you to ensure the file format is supported by the device. It should list this information in its features.

What to Know

While it is such a valuable option, AVI is also one of the most diverse options available. It has been changed by various companies, vendors and even individuals to make it work within various platforms. As such, there are hundreds of files that all seem to be very similar but are very different once they open and play. Because of this fact, it is often difficult to convert AVI files to other file formats with

Individuals who want to ensure they have access to the ability to transfer AVI files into other formats will want to invest in a device that will specifically convert these products with ease. There are some software programs available that will handle this conversion easily. In doing so, it can convert any AVI files into effective files for the iPhone and iPod, as well as Zune, PSP, xBox and virtually any smart phone application.

Tested And Working...
Scanned (With Avast internet pro) And 100% Clean.

1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR  DOWNLOAD

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