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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life After Death: A Zen Response.

A samurai once asked Zen Master Hakuin where he would go after he died. Hakuin answered 'How am I supposed to know?' 'How do you not know? You're a Zen master!' exclaimed the samurai. 'Yes, but not a dead one,' Hakuin answered.

James: What Master Hakuin understood was that so long as this samurai was obsessed with what happens after death, (if anything) he might as well already be dead. In clinging to worries about death, he is dead to the present moment. Therefore, the samurai is not able to experience and enjoy the vibrant life that is already unfolding around him!! Why concern yourself with an existence after this one if you're not even experiencing the current one?!! This is why Zen doesn't focus too intently on afterlife.

It advises people to live each moment as though it were their last, which leads us to live a life of greater awareness of our actions; and that causes less suffering for us and those around us. In this way, we will live a healthier spiritual life to where any concerns or fears about a possible afterlife will naturally fade away.

PHOTO: The altar where I meditate at home.

~may all beings know peace~

Tinggi Hati

主題: 再貼一段師尊開示與大家分享
Translated by:Dony Zhou

banyak orang, tidak sudi mengikuti kebaktian. "Saya adalah presiden direktur, saya dan kalian duduk di sana, bersadhana di sana." Setelah melihat-lihat, "Saya adalah presiden direktur, mengapa saya kebaktian bersama kalian? Saya tidak kebaktian bersama kalian lagi." Sebelah kiri adalah penjual sayur, sebelah kanan adalah penjual sosis, sebelah depan adalah penjual sup kacang hijau, di sebelah belakang adalah penjual barang keperluan tahun baru, Big Street New Year Shopping, umat Zhenfo Zong kita! Orang apapun ada.


Dikutip dari ceramah Dharma Maha Guru tgl. 20 September 1997 “Ada 3 hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan oleh seorang sadhaka”

Translated by: Minarto Yang Ying Min
< Kita sebagai umat Buddha, baik seorang biksu maupun non biksu, ada 3 jenis pekerjaan, yg pasti tidak boleh dilakukan. Yang pertama, pekerjaan berjudi, baik berjudi sendiri, apalagi membuka tempat perjudian....>

取自蓮生活佛1997-09-20 開示--學佛者有三不受

Scientists find fifty new planets… and one of them could have alien life Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2036631/Scientists-50-new-planets-alien-life.html#ixzz1XuAFuoiF

European astronomers have discovered 50 new planets beyond our solar system, including 16 which are a similar size to Earth. 
This is the largest number of such planets ever announced at one time.
The biggest planet of the new batch is HD 85512 b, which is 3.6 times the mass of Earth and can be found 36 light-years away in the Vela constellation.
Habitable: An artist's impression of the super-Earth HD 85512 b
Habitable: An artist's impression of the super-Earth HD 85512 b
The findings suggest that more than half of the stars like our sun possess planets, and that many of those worlds are lighter than Saturn.
HD 85512 b is the only one of new planets, dubbed 'super-Earths' that is located in its star system's habitable zone.
That's the area around a star where scientists believe water could exist, in liquid form, making a planet potentially habitable.
The new findings are being presented at a conference on Extreme Solar Systems in Wyoming, U.S., where 350 exoplanet experts are meeting.
This discovery was made by The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS), which is installed at the European Southern Observatory's 11.8ft La Silla Observatory in Chile.
The European Southern Observatory, La Silla Paranal, Chile, South America
'The detection of HD 85512 b is far from the limit of HARPS, and demonstrates the possibility of discovering other super-Earths in the habitable zones around stars similar to the sun,' said University of Geneva astronomer Michel Mayor.
The European Southern Observatory, La Silla Paranal, Chile, South America
Super-Earths, which range from Earth's mass to worlds 10 times more massive, are of particular interest to planet-hunters because it's thought that they could be even more conducive to the development of life than our own planet. 
One of the team members, Lisa Kaltenegger, of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, said the latest round of findings marked a new age in the search for habitable planets.
'We are actually entering an incredibly interesting time in our history,' she said.
When the search for extrasolar planets began more than 15 years ago, the telescopes used for the task could only detect giant planets like our own solar system's Jupiter. Since then, the techniques and tools used for the search have become much more sensitive.
HARPS can detect the slight gravitational wobble caused by planets as small as Earth, if they have incredibly close-in orbits. 
HARPS' observations of 376 sunlike stars has led the team to conclude not only that more than half of such stars are surrounded by planets, but also that about 40 per cent of them have at least one planet less massive than Saturn.


聖尊蓮生活佛給蓮寧上師赴印尼籌備法會手諭。聖尊 蓮生活佛親賜手諭予蓮寧上師籌辦印尼時輪金剛大法會
〈宗委會〉為主辦單位 印尼各道場共同協辦護持

真佛宗根本傳承上師 聖尊蓮生活佛於2011年5月1日香港大法會後隔日,特授意咐囑「印尼時輪金剛大法會」由蓮寧上師總策劃,並領導〈宗委會〉主辦此次大法會,印尼各道場共同協辦護持。次日,5月3日〈宗委會〉核心小組會議並針對此次大法會,作出多項重要決議及規劃,並得到處長們的全力護持!


世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟

Y.A. Buddha Hidup Lian Sheng Menganugrahi Langsung Jubah Silsilah Ganden Tripa Rinpoche kepada Dharmaraja Acarya Lianning Serta Mengangkatnya Menjadi Pemimpin Zhenfo Zong Generasi Kedua

Y.A. Buddha Hidup Lian Sheng menganugrahi langsung jubah silsilah Ganden Tripa Rinpoche kepada Dharmaraja Acarya Lianning serta mengangkatnya menjadi pemimpin Zhenfo Zong generasi kedua.

Perintis Zhenfo Zong Y.A. Buddha Hidup Lian Sheng, dalam buku karya ke-221 "Dansa Bersama Pencerahan" menyebutkan: demi kesinambungan aliran Zhenfo Zong, saya akan mewariskan kunci-kunci pencerahan Zhenfo Zong kepada Acarya Lianning. Oleh karena itu, patriak kedua Zhenfo Zong adalah Acarya Lianning.

Pada Upacara Akbar Tolak Bala dan Penyeberangan Buddha Amitabha Tahun Xinmao tanggal 27 Agustus 2011 yang diselengarakan oleh Seattle Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple, Mahaguru menganugrahi langsung jubah silsilah Dharmaraja yang dianugrahi oleh Ganden Tripa Rinpoche kepada Acarya Lianning.

Keesokan harinya, Mahaguru di tengah upacara akbar homa Mahacakra Vajra di Rainbow Temple khusus menekankan: kemarin, jubah silsilah yang dianugrahi kepada Acarya Lianning mengandung makna yang luar biasa, mewakili jubah Dharmaraja yang diberikan oleh inkarnasi Tsongkhapa ke-100, Ganden Tripa Rinpoche kepada Mahaguru, kini Mahaguru menganugrahi lagi jubah Dharmaraja ini kepada Acarya Lianning yang berarti pemimpin Zhenfo Zong generasi ke-2 adalah Dharmaraja Acarya Lianning.

Semoga Acarya Lianning mengembangkan nadi Dharma Zhenfo Zong dan menyeberangkan insan yang tak terhingga!

Hormat kami,

True Buddha Foundation
8 September 2011