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Monday, July 30, 2012

Indian actress to pose for Playboy, ruin India

Huffington Post: Weird News; Wisdom QuarterlyIndia makes more movies than HollywoodSherlyn Chopra, a Bollywood film actor, will become the first woman from India to strip naked in Playboy. The 28-year-old knockout wrote to the magazine and suggested the idea herself, the BBC reported. They got back to her within a few days to accept.     Fans will have to wait till the November issue circulates to get a glimpse of Chopra. A press conference earlier this week heralded the addition...

A Buddhist Path to Recovery (Part 2)

The Eightfold Path of Recovery Buddhist Recovery at Dharma Punk, Against the Stream; Wisdom Quarterly (Part 2 of 3)1. UnderstandingWe understand that recovery begins when we renounce and abstain from all substances and addictive behaviors regardless of specific substances we have become addicted to. Forgiveness, non-harming actions, service, and generosity (unselfishness) are a necessary part of the recovery process. We cannot do it alone. Community support and wise guidance are an integral part...

"Our deepest fear is not..."

Nelson Mandela (Eco_Bela/flickr.c...