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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cara Menyembunyikan Status Obrolan Facebook

Facebook adalah situs jejaring sosial yang sangat banyak penggunanya, setiap pengguna saling berkaitan satu sama lain dan saling menulis serta membaca status. Selain menuliskan status di dinding (wall), facebook juga dapat digunakan untuk melakukan komunikasi langsung menggunakan media teks maupun video call. Untuk melakukan komunikasi langsung ini, harus kepada teman yang sama-sama onli...

The Funny "Sick Sad World" (comedy)

Allana Bennett "You're Standing On My Neck" (Oberlin.edu); Wisdom QuarterlyBeyond Comedy Central: actress, genius, and comedienne Sarah Silverman, a real flesh and blood "Daria," may get her own NBC network show (Reuters/Fred Prouser).   My mother used to beg me to turn the channel halfway through a Daria marathon. “Her voice is irritating,” she would say. “It’s just so monotonous.” And it was. I completely saw her point, but my feelings on the matter were beyond the voice at that...

The Real "Sick Sad World" (video)

Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; MrChrisMcPhail2 (video)  "It astonishes me to find... [that so many] of our countrymen... should be contented to live under a system which leaves to their governors the power of taking from them the trial by jury in civil cases, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of commerce, the habeas corpus laws, and of yoking them with a standing army. This is a degeneracy in the principles of liberty... which I [would not have expected...

Part II: It's Been a Long Time (sutra)

Maurice O'C. Walshe, "Great Discourse on the Lineage" (DN 14); Dhr. Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyFuture Buddha, Thiksey Temple, Ladakh, Himalayan India (Ragg Burns Imaging/flickr.com)   CONTINUED FROM PART I "It is the rule that when a Bodhisattva [a Buddha-to be in his final rebirth] has entered the mother’s womb, four devas come to protect him from the four quarters [of space, the four cardinal directions in the sky], saying:   "Let no person, no non-human being, no thing whatsoever...

Monks walk away from sex-abuse cases

Text: Megan Twohey (Chicago Tribune, July 24, 2011); Wisdom QuarterlyAcross the U.S., temples frustrate investigators by insisting they have no control over monks' actions or whereabouts. The scourge is not limited to Catholic priests and nuns.  The meeting took place at Wat Dhammaram, a cavernous [Thai] Theravada Buddhist temple on the southwest edge of Chicago.   A tearful 12-year-old told three monks how another monk had turned off the lights during a tutoring session, lifted...


盧勝彥文集 144-尋找另一片天空「大地震與龍捲風」釋迦牟尼佛告訴我們,世間的一切事物,我們所知的世間一切,都不是真實的永恒存在。  在這方面,我在歷年來舉例很多來說明:  我常常提到「朝代」的變化,中國五千年歷史,從黃帝到夏、商、周,從夏商周到唐宋元明清,我們知道「朝代」都在變化,歷史都在演變,人、事、地、物都在變,由此證明,人類、國家,以至於地球星際都不是永恒的,都是無常的。  我又提到,不只是外面的形象在變化,就連學問、知識、科技,甚至人心也在變...

“Kenapa nasib dan peruntungan saya demikian buruk ?”

┊  ┊  ┊  ┊┊  ┊  ┊  ★ 02 蓮火上師分享寶貴的經驗┊  ┊  ☆ 02 - Acarya Lian-huo Sharing Pengalaman Berharga┊  ★Om Guru Lian-sheng Siddhi Hum☆Namo Suvarnaprabha Sutra - Om Sarasvatyai Svaha Source :2000-12-09 蓮火上師,美國西雅圖雷藏寺Dharmadesana Acarya Lian-huo 09 Des'00Translated by Lianhua Jun ShianHari ini kita membahas nasib dan peruntungan,Banyak orang sering mengatakan :“Kenapa nasib dan peruntungan saya demikian buruk ...

有關「持誦八百萬遍上師心咒」!/ 文 : 蓮花慧君上師

有關「持誦八百萬遍上師心咒」!/ 文 : 蓮花慧君上師¤ Berkaitan tentang "Penjapaan 8 juta kali mantra hati Mula Acarya " ¤ oleh : Vajra Acarya Huijun ( Nking Daden)Pada buku ke-219 “Kisah Aneh Nanshan” karya Maha Guru di artikel “Mahaguru Lu benar-benar datang menjemput” , diceritakan mengenai kisah kontak batin penjapaan 8 juta kali mantra hati Mula Acarya. Di artikel ini disebutkan : banyak siswa usai menjapa mantra hati Mula Acarya genap 8 juta kali, seluruhnya muncul pertanda yang baik --- melihat sendiri...