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Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; H. Kopp Delaney (photo)
This questionable quote is based on real aphorisms in the Dhammapada, which run:
"There is no fire like passion(greed); there is no losing throw like hatred; there is no snare like delusion; there is no happiness higher than nirvana" (sacred-texts.com).
Variations are due to free translations and the coupling of related passages to synthesize more inclusive quotes. Hatred is a crime, hunger is a sickness; there is no sorrow like separation; there is no joy like the joy of complete freedom-- which is nirvana (Dhp).
Minds/hearts are bound by lust (H-K-D/flickr)
One is burned by lust, by craving, by clinging, by passion. If nothing else, it blinds one from seeing the liberating-truth. Most are not looking, so we delight in the senses and dream of a heavenly rebirth with intensified senses and sensual experiences. For men in general, the Buddha declared, there is nothing more alluring than the form of a woman, and for women in general, the form of a man.
Of course, Buddhism admits of individual variation, but this generally holds. From time to time one may crave anything. It is craving itself that is the fire. And though one changes what one craves, if one still craves, the burning will continue. This is an internal problem not the Buddha's comment on some social (external) situation. Meditation -- both for the sake of serenity and insight -- is ruined by craving.
Aversion has many manifestations like racism
Hatred expressing itself as revenge, wrath, thoughts of harming and ill willdo little to harm others compared to the harm done to oneself. One is not only harming oneself. One is harming both and everyone else as well. Indeed, hate is a losing throw, like theoriginal meaning of "sin," which simply meant "to miss the mark." A society esteeming archery understood. Do we hate? "I don't hate!" We fail to recognize how pervasive aversion (dosa) is in our lives and how much harm it does. For most of us most of the time, aversion manifests as fear. It leads to bias just as greed does, just as delusion does.
At the root of all harm, all faults, all suffering is delusion, wrong views, ignorance, folly. (Craving is singled out as the cause of suffering because it is a weak link in the causal chain of Dependent Origination, a point at which to undo suffering, but in fact ignorance is a more fundamental root of misery).
This being the case, the solution, the cure, the antidote to dukkha (unsatisfactoriness, woe, pain) of all kinds is enlightenment, liberating-insight, wisdom. This cure can be administered immediately with mindfulness -- bare awareness of just what is without embellishment or propagating worries about it. Right here, right now everything is fine. When we move out of presence (presence of mind, the present moment), we encounter troubles.
A more permanent solution is developing calm and collectedness (concentration of the heart/mind's innate power) then turning that purified consciousness on the development of systematic insight. The liberated heart is the highest happiness.
Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Yogi Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Sanskrit, ganja (medicinal Cannabis sativa)
BODHGAYA, India - "Smoking weed in front of Tibetan monks"? It's not as bad as it sounds. The headline might more correctly read, "Intoxicated Hindu mendicant dancing, ganja in hand, in front of Tibetan lamas at Buddhism's enlightenment grove."
The precincts of the Bodhi tree are sacred ground visited by hundreds of thousands of Buddhist pilgrims every year. (It is the most Buddhist town in the world, with authentic temples from every Buddhist land, from stately Japanese zendos (dojos) to a mysterious and fascinating Bhutanese dzong).
But the grove is controlled by Hindu holy men and Indian government officials, not Buddhists. The Maha Bodhi Societyhas a presence, but the sannyasis and sadhus (Hindu spiritual wanderers) run rampant.
Devotional exiled Tibetans travel down from Himalayan Dharamsala, Himalchal Pradesh in the north of the country. Some do 108,000 (yes, one-hundred and eight thousand) prostrations around the Maha Bodhi temple next to the tree, a genetic ancestor of the original enlightenment tree Siddhartha sat under.
Why would a wanderer behave like a madman (pagal) in front of pilgrim monks? Why would a spiritual wanderer go about smoking marijuana or hash? It is the custom of some Hindu ascetic holymen. The lamas could not be too put off since Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism has a long and storied history of spiritual madmen epitomized in the saintly-sinner figure Milarepa.
Crime regular feature of life in every American city
The Dharma in the West
Hookah pipe Buddha ashtray (Raezyx/flickr)
Sure these things happen in the chaotic East. But would anyone dream of firing up a peace pipe in front of Vajrayana lamas? We can't imagine. However, stranger things have happened. Many Tibetan monks (great rinpoches, lamas, even alleged tulkus) are falling. It's not self-immolation of the attention-grabbing sort that's bringing them down. They often explain that they want to "taste" the allure of the West. What was it about America in the 1960s that was so intriguing to the most powerful generation in the world? In "My Dinner With Andre" Andre explained the little Tibetan monk who went off kilter gorging himself on Western excesses. There is the real life story of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who may have been the source of Andre's account. There are American lamas like Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Surya Das around which swirl rumors and controversies of sexual impropriety.
So what's a little ganja to those violating other precepts? Monastics are not using or abusing drugs. We are. And we think they would be okay with that. "Let's get Buddha'ed," we say as if that meant let's get high. Medical cannabis abuse is no mild vice -- and it is no way to any kind of enlightenment or transcendent wisdom. It's a circuitous route to here, so some call it an insidious trap.So which is it? It's not Buddhist. Smoke and you, too, can dance in front of Tibetan monks like an addict sadhu in the video above. But instead of owning up to it, one can use euphemisms and claim it's a spiritual endeavor, a Milarepa-like-madman "quest."
Were alcohol or intoxicants part of the path, the Buddha would have pointed to them as aids rather than obstacles. Or he would have remained silent on the matter. That he thought them such a serious obstacle that he listed alcohol as a path of doom in the Five Precepts is serious.
Could there be a difference between drugs? Do some serve only to blot out and obtund consciousness rather than to expand it? It is certainly our position at Wisdom Quarterly that some natural substances (DMT, alkaloids, iboga, Amazonian vines that make ayahuasca and natema, etc.) may have some benefits to the awakening of the pineal gland/third eye. But booze and high-THC (low-CBD) weed stocks and caustic synthetic chemicals? Wake up. Reality is better than this or we would advocate making the best of this illusion.
(LINK) The wyrd world far beyond dulled consciousness
Hai, sahabat, tips kesehatan. Tidur merupakan aktivitas rutin yang di lakukan oleh setiap manusia untuk mengistirahat pikiran dan tenaga yang mereka miliki. Sehingga ketika bangun, stamina yang dimiliki akan pulih seperti sedia kala. Seperti yang kita ketahui, malam merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan aktivitas tidur. tapi banyak sebagian dari kita yang sering melakukannya pada siang hari atau lebih di kenal dengan tidur siang. Lalu, manfaat apa saja yang dapat kita peroleh dari tidur siang tersebut....????
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Mungkin tak banyak orang yang mengetahui bahwa tidur siang yang kita lakukan banyak sekali bermanfaat bagi kesehatan anda. Untuk itulah, perlunya tips kesehatan mengupas tentang berbagai manfaat tidur siang tersebut. Sehingga pembaca lebih memiliki informasi yang mungkin sangat berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Berikut ini manfaat luar biasa tidur siang bagi kesehatan anda :
Tidur siang ternyata mampu meningkatkan daya ingat otak anda. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2008 menemukan bahwa tidur siang dalam wakut 45 menit mampu meningkatkan daya ingat otak anda. ( 7 Tips Mudah Mempertajam Daya Ingat Otak Anda ).
Tidur siang ternyata mampu meningkatkan produktivitas kerja anda. Oleh karena itulah, bagi anda yang sering mengalami kecapekan tenaga dan pikiran setelah bekerja di sarankan untuk tidur siang agar produktivitas kerja anda meningkat. ( 7 Tips Mudah Menghilangkan Capek Di Tubuh Anda ).
Tidur siang ternyata mampu mengobati insomnia atau gejala susah tidur. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan pada tahun 2011 menegaskan bahwa tidur siang akan membuat penderita insomnia jadi lebih bugar. Ini dikarenakan total waktu istirahatnya jadi lebih panjang. ( 7 Tips Mudah Agar Tidur Lebih Nyenyak ).
Tidur siang ternyata membantu menurunkan tingkat stress yang anda miliki. Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hormon stress secara dramatis akan mengalami penurunan setelah anda melakukan tidur siang bagi anda yang semalam tidurnya kurang begitu nyenyak dan lelap. ( Inilah 7 Tips Efektif Menghilangkan Stress ).
Tidur siang ternyat mampu mencegah penyakit jantung. Jika anda melakukan tidur siang pendek selama 20-40 menit setiap hari akan mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung serta stroke. Sebuah penelitan yang dilakukan oleh orang Yunani menemukan bahwa orang yang setidaknya tidur siang selama 30 menit selama 3 kali sehari dalam waktu seminggu mampu menurunkan resiko penyakit kardiovaskuler sebesar 37 persen. berdasarkan penelitan tersebut, tidur siang yang sehat yaitu antara pukul 1-3 siang selama tak lebih dari 45 menit. Karena jika lebih dari waktu tersebut akan menyebabkan kepala berat ketika anda terbangun. ( 7 Tips Mudah Menjaga Jantung Agar Tetap Sehat ).
Demikianlah manfaat luar biasa tidur siang bagi kesehatan anda. Semoga setelah membaca artikel ini. pembaca akan lebih paham betapa pentingnya tidur siang bagi kesehatan. Karena kesehatan merupakan harta yang tak ternilai dalam kehidupan setiap manusia. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.Sumber : health.detik