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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Intolerant Christians.

I recently read another article (see the previous one here) on The Buddhist Channel about predatory practices and bullying by Christians in predominately Buddhist countries.I don't have the slightest intention to put one religion above another, to praise one and to blame another. I'm here writing about the attitude I'm expecting from somebody claiming to be a religious person, especially if he has much power in voicing his ideas. Then I came across Mr. Lothe's article in the UB POST and I did...

Pengenalan Adobe Premiere 6.0

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan Adobe, yang selama ini telah banyak menghasilkan software yang sangat bermutu seperti Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Acrobat Reader dan masih banyak lagi software yang dihasilkan Adobe.Berbagai software yang dihasilkan oleh adobe tersebut tentu mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda-beda dan sudah tentu juga manfaatnya bagi praktisi-praktisi...