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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

真智即無礙,慧劍破諸暗 / 蓮花麗惠上師開示

真智即無礙,慧劍破諸暗 / 蓮花麗惠上師開示
Satya-jnana tiada rintangan , Pedang Prajna Menghancurkan Kegelapan
source : Dharmadesana Vajra Acarya Lianhua Lihui (Master Samantha)

Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An












































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Selanjutnya kita membahas mengenai tata cara Sadhana Bodhisattva Manjusri ini, penekunan Sadhana Visualisasi Sadhana Pedang Prajna Manjusri ada empat macam visualisasi. Empat visualisasi ini lebih rumit, maka lebih diutamakan visualisasi yang keempat : “Diangkasa hadir Bodhisattva Manjusri, tangan kanan membawa pedang Prajna melambangkan Prajna, tangan kiri membawa padma yang diatasnya terdapat Sutra Prajna. Padma melambangkan kemurnian yang tak ternoda, pada saat yang bersamaan tergabung Prajna dan kemurnian yang tak bernoda. Dengan kemurnian tanpa noda barulah bisa bermaitri-karuna, barulah bisa tanpa rintangan.

Seperti halnya dalam sadhana kita pada tahap akhir, pelimpahan jasa, menyilangkan gantha dan vajra, ini bermakna penggabungan karuna dan prajna.

Kita bervisualisasi Bodhisattva Manjusri hadir di angkasa, satu muka dan dua lengan, tangan kanan memegang pedang Prajna, tangan kiri memegang utpala, diatas utpala terdapat Sutra Prajna. Visualisasi pada umumnya adalah memvisualisasikan pedang Prajna dan sutra Prajna memancarkan cahaya mengadhistana kita, menyinari semua karmawarana kita sejak masa tanpa awal, semua keluar melalui pori-pori tubuh. Demikianlah visualisasi secara umum.

Sedangkan Visualisasi Pedang Prajna untuk menumbuhkan Prajna ada cara yang khusus : Sama bervisualisasi kehadiran Bodhisattva Manjusri di angkasa, pedang Prajna dan utpala serta sutra di atas utpala memancarkan cahaya adhistana ; Kemudian bervisualisasi cakra mantra dari Bodhisattva Manjusri : “Om A La Ba Zha Na Di” (Bijaksara Dhih adalah bijaksara Nya) , mantra tersebut membentuk lingkaran, visualisasikan cakramantra berputar, memancarkan cahaya putih yang agung , mengalir bagaikan susu Dharma, terus sampai ke ubun-ubun sadhaka, memasuki dan memenuhi sekujur tubuh, visualisasikan semua karmawarana sejak masa tanpa awal keluar dari tubuh. Seperti misalnya lobha-dosa-moha diri sendiri sangat berat, maka visualisasikan berubah menjadi laba-laba, ular berbisa maupun katak dan lain sebagainya, satu-persatu keluar dari pori-pori tubuh, cahaya putih arus Dharma yang dipancarkan oleh perputaran cakra mantra ini mengadhistana kita, dalam seketika semua karma gelap sejak masa tanpa awal menjadi murni, dengan demikian cahaya prajna diri sendiri muncul.” Ini merupakan visualisasi yang pertama.

Visualisasi yang kedua adalah menjapa mantra Bodhisattva Manjusri, “Om A La Ba Zha Na Di” , memvisualisasikan suara mantra tersebut menjadi amrta merah kekuningan, memenuhi sepuluh penjuru Dharmadhatu, kemudian masuk melalui ubun-ubun sadhaka, satu-satu masuk melalui sekujur pori tubuh, suara mantra tersebut bertransformasi menjadi amrta merah kekuningan yang mengadhistana, dapat menumbuhkan semua prajna kita, dapat memperoleh makna mendalam dan terunggul dari Tantrayana, dengan kekuatan diri sendiri menyelami ajaran memperoleh Maha-prajna, ini merupakan visualisasi yang kedua.

Visualisasi yang ketiga, visualisasikan bijaksara Dhih, coba Anda perhatikan deretan mantra tersebut, yang paling bawah adalah aksara Dhih. Visualisasikan bijaksara Dhih memenuhi angkasa, bijaksara ini juga memancarkan cahaya merah kekuningan, cahaya merah kekuningan tersebut memasuki sekujur tubuh kita melalui pori tubuh, sehingga diri kita bertransformasi menjadi bijaksara Dhih. Visualisasi ini dapat membantu kita untuk dengan segera memperoleh Maha-prajna,karena bijaksara ini sangat terang, mampu menyingkirkan semua pikiran kacau yang sesat, mampu menyingkirkan semua kebodohan dan noda, saat semua itu terkikis, maka akan segera memperoleh Maha-prajna. Ini merupakan visualisasi yang ketiga.

Visualisasi yang keempat, merupakan poin utama dalam Sadhana Visualisasi Pedang Prajna Manjusri, visualisasikan Bodhisattva Manjusri di angkasa tangan kanan membawa pedang prajna dan tangan kiri adalah utpala dan sutra diatasnya, memancarkan cahaya terang menyinari sekujur tubuh sadhaka, mengadhistana kita tiada semua rintangan, memperoleh prajna yang paling dalam, semua makna dari teks suci, mampu menguasai semua ajaran Dharma dengan jelas, dengan bervisualisasi demikian Anda akan memperoleh adhistana dalam hal tersebut. Kemudian bervisualisasi manipura-cakra bertransformasi menjadi sekuntum padma, diatas padma ada bijaksara Manjusri yaitu Dhih, diatas bijaksara Dhih terdapat sebuah pedang ratna (vertikal), diatas pedang bertuliskan “A La Ba Zha Na” jika dihubungkan dengan bijaksara Dhih dibawah maka total adalah enam aksara. Visualisasikan sebilah pedang tersebut berputar ke arah kanan, , visualisasikan sampai ujung lidah, kemudian berputar lagi ke arah kanan tiga kali sampai dibagian bawah ujung lidah, (ket : Penjelasan ini sesuai dengan buku edisi lama dari Mahaguru, baru-baru ini dalam Dharmadesana 14 Agst 2010, Mahaguru ada menjelaskan lagi kiat lebih lanjut, yaitu ujung pedang sampai di ujung lidah dan aksara OM tertulis mencapai ujung lidah, selanjutnya mantranya berderet di pedang, bija Dhih tetap di bawah pedang, kemudian pedang berputar ke kanan tiga kali dan ke kiri tiga kali) dengan sering melatih ini maka Anda akan memperoleh kefasihan berbicara tanpa rintangan, mampu menghancurkan semua teori-teori sesat dari kaum adharmik. Sebilah pedang mestika ini di dalam tubuh Anda juga harus divisualisasikan memancarkan cahaya, dengan sering melakukan visualisasi ini, maka dalam hal menulis Anda juga tiada rintangan, dengan visualisasi padma pedang mestika, maka karya tulis Anda akan diterima sepanjang masa, tidak akan lapuk, akan memperoleh penghormatan dan penghargaan dari dunia.

Dengan menekuni sadhana ini, sungguh Anda akan memperoleh Siddhi dari Bodhisattva Manjusri, Yang paling utama adalah padma pedang mustika ini sering berputar ke arah kanan, juga Bodhisattva Manjusri di angkasa memancarkan cahaya adhistana, pedang mustika, utpala dan sutra semua memancarkan cahaya adhistana, demikian juga pedang mestika di dalam hati (dalam visualisasi) juga memancarkan cahaya , dengan sering melakukan visualisasi demikian, maka Anda akan memperoleh cahaya tersebut. Perputaran pedang mustika memunculkan kekuatan prajna pada lidah Anda, dimanapun dan kapanpun prajna selalu hadir dalam Anda, diibaratkan bahkan hanya mengangkat sekuntum bunga saja juga mampu membabarkan Dharma, juga mampu membabarkan Dharma hanya dengan satu gerakan tubuh saja, dalam posisi diam maupun bergerak semua adalah Dharma, bahkan Anda dapat menginsafi Dharma hanya dari satu rumput dan satu kayu, kapanpun Anda selalu berada dalam rasa Dharma, ini merupakan Sadhana menumbuhkan kebijaksanaan dari metode visualisasi pedang Prajna Manjusri.

Saya sendiri sudah memulai sadhana ini sejak lebih dari sepuluh tahun yang lalu, terus tanpa henti bervisualisasi pedang mustika dan padma dalam diri ini memancarkan cahaya, juga terus memutar pedang tersebut, menghancurkan semua rintangan, bervisualisasi ucapan yang dilontarkan merupakan lingkaran cahaya, merupakan padma, dengan alamiah akan membentuk prajna tanpa rintangan, ini merupakan yukta Bodhisattva Manjusri.

Hari ini datang ke Hongkong untuk transmisi Sadhana Manjusri menumbuhkan prajna ini, saya khusus dengan tulus meminjam pedang mestika ini dari Mahaguru, saya tahu asalkan pedang prajna dari Mahaguru diangkat, maka Prajna akan hadir, tak disangka ternyata Mahaguru sungguh mengutus orang untuk memberikan pedang prajna ini kepada saya. (tepuk tangan hadirin)

Pedang mustika ini sekarang ada dihadapan, pedang ini tidak sama dengan pedang pada umumnya, pedang ini bisa diangkat dan memancarkan cahaya.

Bhiksu yang menghantarkan pedang mustika ini kepada saya mengatakan, bahwa saat dia mengangkat pedang ini, kepalanya langsung seperti kesemutan, dia membawa pedang ini sampai ke Purple Lotus Temple untuk diberikan kepada saya, sekujur pedang ini beraroma cendana, jadi ini merupakan keunggulan dari Upacara Dharma yang diselenggarakan oleh Cetya Tongzhen kali ini. (tepuk tangan hadirin)

Semoga setelah semuanya memperoleh abhiseka penumbuhan prajna ini, kemudian dengan sungguh tekun bersadhana, tiap-tiap orang dapat memunculkan Maha-prajna, menyebarluaskan cahaya Zhenfo, terima kasih semuanya. Om Mani Padme Hum

Sadhana tantra memerlukan abhiseka silsilah baru boleh menekuninya. Segala pertanyaan mengenai sadhana tantra harap ditanyakan kepada Vajracarya dengan demikian sesuai dengan kaidah Dharma. Vihara Di Indonesia Yang Terdapat Acarya Pembimbing :

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Hong
Vihara Vajra Bumi Arama
Alamat : Jl. Manyar Jaya III / 18 - 20, Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Telepon : 031 - 5676 933 / 595 27 15 / 592 07 15 / 371 94 62

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Yuan
Vihara Vajra Bumi Sriwijaya
Alamat : Jl. Masjid Lama no. 46 (Jl. Sayangan, Lrg. R. Kuningan no. 622),Palembang - Sumatera Selatan
Telepon : 0711 - 350 798 / 817 213

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Zu
Vihara Satya Buddha Purnama
Alamat : Jl. Lombok no. 1, Medan - Sumatera Utara
Telepon : 061 - 457 47 39 / 457 02 24

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Run
Yayasan Buddha Vajra Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Tubagus Angke blok A 7 C no. 4, Taman Duta Mas -
Jakarta Barat
Telepon : 021 - 564 97 71

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Fei
Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara
Alamat : Jl. Vila Permata, Kelurahan Desa Binong,
Kecamatan Curug - Jawa Barat
(di pusat areal perumahan Lippo Karawaci Tangerang)
Telepon : 021 - 591 90 80 / 591 96 80 / 591 96 79

Is media giving U.S. women’s soccer team a free pass for its World Cup Fail?

Consider this: LeBron James is taking part in for the U.S. men’s national basketball team. He goes 0-for-8 from the sphere and 1-for-3 from the road down the stretch, and the U.S. loses to Germany, 94-91 (Nowitzki celebrates again!), within the championship game. are you able to imagine the dump truck-load of grief he and his teammates would receive within the media? For one factor, he wouldn’t be allowed back to this country, except disguised as a girl (imagine the confusion within the TSA pat-down line). The smoke and warmth from all the LeBron jerseys being burned would soften the polar ice cap, leading to catastrophic flooding. It may quite literally be the top of the globe as we all know it.

But when it involves Abby Wambach or Hope Solo or the other of the U.S. women’s soccer team who blew it against Japan on Sunday, the media has been rather more forgiving. Why?

It’s true that the U.S. did beat Brazil, in what the media dubbed the “Miracle on Grass”: though i believe that additional aptly applies to the current story regarding Charlie Sheen obtaining a brand new sitcom. The U.S. played well during this World Cup, up till the ultimate game.

Then they blew it. once missing varied scoring opportunities, and losing 2 one-goal leads in regulation vs. Japan, the U.S. converted only 1 penalty kick to lose the shootout, 3-1. The prevailing sentiment within the media? ‘That’s OK, you probably did well, and therefore the Olympics are turning out.’

In alternative words: You played virtually … for a lady.

They were saying and scripting this in all corners of the media nowadays. In fact, the sole very harsh criticism of the U.S. team that I’ve seen thus far has return from ESPN’s Tommy Smyth, who said, entertainingly, that the U.S. girls “Couldn’t hit the broad aspect of a barn with a cannon.”

And he’s right, they couldn’t. Smyth additionally criticized the U.S. coaching (and rightly so), saying that with a late 2-1 lead, they ought to are plenty less aggressive:

“You place your foot on the ball, you progress it around amongst yourselves, and I’m unsure what the yankee coach was doing.”

This sounds abundant harsher when said in an Irish accent.

OK, the big apple Post’s headline: Kicked within the Grass, was pretty important. however it didn’t even rate a full cover: Most of the page was taken up by the Yankees’ seek for another pitcher.

Here’s the thing: This World Cup was imagined to be ensuing huge step for women’s soccer within the U.S. it absolutely was imagined to produce of these new fans, and facilitate place the game on a lower shelf at the sports supermarket, in conjunction with basketball, hockey and people Mint Oreos you usually get.

You know how i do know that didn’t happen? as a result of they lost a championship they ought to have won, and no-one very cared. “Oh that’s OK, they played hard” may be a nice observation if your team of alternative is that the Purple Ladybugs, who simply lost the under-10 AYSO women championship. however if you get that sort of sentiment when your team is representing the whole nation, which means your sport continues to be ordinary.

More folks were worried regarding obtaining Harry Potter tickets on Sunday than they were worried regarding the ladies losing. Women’s soccer can never be taken seriously till we have a tendency to see unwarranted displays of anger when our team fails. which goes particularly for the media, that overreacts to everything.

Where are the YouTube videos of some fan going nuts and destroying his TV over this loss? Where are the disconsolate Hope Solo fans rolling on the ground in agony? In Vancouver they’ve rioted for abundant less.

Then there was this headline nowadays within the Onion: SPORTSWIRE: Women’s World Cup Sets Record for many Creepy Tweets throughout One Event.

So few very care, and if they are doing it’s just for prurient reasons.

Women’s sports can never achieve full equality till a number of their groups are unfairly criticized on SportsCenter, or mocked by The Onion for reasons besides sex. And because the Women’s World Cup has shown us, we’re not there nonetheless. Not even shut.

金剛亥母拙火定 - Samadhi Kundalini dari Vajravarahi

Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An

2011, 7月16日 金剛亥母護摩法會及六祖壇經 - 台灣雷藏寺



Pada tanggal 16 Juli 2011, Mahaguru akan memimpin Api Homa Vajravarahi di Vihara vajragarbha Taiwan 

<Intisari Dharmadesana Buddharaja Liansheng , 6 Jan 2009>

  (Bhiksuni Shi Lian-dian (釋蓮店法師) (sebelum upasampada bernama : Saudari Sedharma Lianhua Qiuyue(秋月師姐) memohon petunjuk Mahaguru mengenai Samadhi Pembangkitan Kundalini Vajravarahi )

  Sembah sujud kepada Bhiksu Liaoming, Acarya Sakyazhengkong (Dezhung Rinpoche) , Karmapa ke 16, Acarya Tubten Dhargye, dan sembah sujud pada Triratna mandala. 

  Pimpinan Cetya Faming, para Acarya, bhiksu-bhiksuni, Pandita Dharmadhuta, Pandita Lokapalasraya, ketua vihara dan para umat sekalian, selamat siang semuanya . (suara tepuk tangan hadirin) 

  Mengenai Samadhi Pembangkitan Kundalini Vajravarahi (金剛亥母拙火定 - Jīngāng hài mǔ zhuō huǒ dìng) , barusan kita mengadakan abhiseka Pernafasan Botol dan Kundalini di Cetya Tapeng (大鵬堂), ini sudah dibabarkan kepada semuanya pada saat melakukan abhiseka Pernafasan Botol dan Kundalini , bahwa empat jari di bawah pusar ada sebuah segitiga. Segitiga sendiri melambangkan api. Bagaimana dengan bentuk lingkaran ? Bentuk lingkaran di dalam kelima unsur melambangkan emas (logam) . Bagaimana dengan unsur kayu ? persegi panjang merupakan unsur kayu ; Bujur sangkar adalah tanah ; Bagaimana dengan air ? yaitu segi banyak. Api adalah segitiga, jadi kita visualisasikan satu segitiga di empat jari di bawah pusar, kemudian ditengahnya terdapat separuh dari bijaksara "A", setengah bagian dari bijaksara "A" dituliskan demikian 「ㄎ」,bentuknya mirip dengan api yang bangkit, inilah sebagian dari aksara "A".

  Jadi setitik api di tengah segitiga, asalkan Anda merasakannya, maka dengan menggunakan visualisasi, api tersebut merah, hangat , transparan, jadi api ini langsung bertransformasi menjadi Vajravarahi, makin lama makin membesar, sampai seukuran dengan tubuh Anda, maka Anda berubah menjadi Vajravarahi ; Pada saat itu Anda menjapa mantra Vajravarahi untuk mengokohkan diri sendiri, memasuki samadhi, yaitu Samadhi Kundalini Vajravarahi. 

Kita harus mengundang Vajravarahi, yaitu Dorje Phagmo. Wujud Vajravarahi adalah membawa khatvanga ada tiga kepala yang melambangkan lobha-dosa dan moha, yaitu kepala yang ditusuk . Anda harus memvisualisasikan wujud Vajravarahi, dimana satu kaki berdiri, satu kaki diangkat, berwarna merah, seperti api. Jadi Anda memvisualisasikan api kundalini berubah menjadi Vajravarahi, kemudian setelah Anda memvisualisasikannya dengan detail, maka dari Vajravarahi sendiri dengan pernafasan Anda, membuat Vajravarahi semakin besar, setelah bernafas sepuluh kali, sampai di svadhisthana cakra ; Kemudian setelah bernafas sepuluh kali , dari svadhisthana cakra sampai ke manipura-cakra ; Kemudian setelah di manipura cakra bernafas sepuluh kali , sampai ke anahata-cakra ; Setelah melakukan sepuluh kali nafas, sampai ke visuddhi-cakra ; Setelah sepuluh kali nafas, sampai ke ajna-cakra ; kemudian terjadi "sentuhan", karena api tersebut "menyentuh" bodhi putih di ajna-cakra, yaitu cairan bodhicitta candra , membuatnya menetes kebawah, kemudian dikembalikan, dikembalikan lagi sampai ke anahata-cakra. Sehingga cairan Bodhicitta candra ini melebur dengan api kundalini, maka anahata-cakra akan terbuka, inilah keutamaan dari Samadhi Kundalini Vajravarahi.

Terlebih dahulu menggunakan cara visualisasi, kemudian mentransformasikan diri sendiri menjadi Vajravarahi, inilah Samadhi Kundalini Vajravarahi. Pada dasarnya demikian, memvisualisasikan api menjadi Dorje Phagmo.

Bagaimana dengan air ? itulah cairan Bodhicitta candra, juga merupakan separuh dari bijaksara "A", ini adalah bijaksara "HAN" , bijaksara "HAN" turun melebur bersama dengan separuh bijaksara "A", sehingga di anahata-cakra mereka menyatu menjadi bijaksara "A".

Ini bisa membuka lima cakra, misalnya hendak membuka manipura-cakra , ingin membuka svadhisthana -cakra, ingin membuka anahata-cakra, ingin membuka ajna-cakra atau membuka visuddhi-cakra. Dalam kelima cakra tersebut ada Pancadhyani Buddha, Pancadhyani Buddha ini juga merupakan Panca-vajra, jadi Pancadhyani-Buddha bertransformasi menjadi Panca-vajra. Ini merupakan sadhana yang lain lagi. 

Terlebih dahulu Anda harus berdoa kepada Vajravarahi memohon Beliau membantu Anda, ada sebuah gatha, ada tertulis di buku, yaitu memohon Vajravarahi membantu supaya Api Kundalini Anda segera bangkit, demikianlah pengenalan mengenai Vajravarahi , membuat kundalini Anda segera bangkit, metode ini disebut Samadhi Kundalini Vajravarahi. (suara tepuk tangan hadirin) 

  Jadi, visualisasi sangat penting, pernafasan juga penting, karena pernafasan itu sendiri merupakan angin, dimana air dan api sudah ada di dalam, sedangkan sekujur tubuh Anda adalah tanah, jadi tanah-air-api dan angin semua dimanfaatkan. Dalam tubuh manusia pada dasarnya sudah ada tanah-air-api dan angin, pernafasan angin adalah metode untuk menumbuhkan api. Ini semua merupakan sebuah visualisasi wujud, yang utama adalah Anda harus memvisualisasikan nadi susumna, ida dan pinggala, ketiga nadi ini harus divisualisasikan. Terima kasih semuanya !

(suara tepuk tangan hadirin)

Perhatian : Dharmadesana ini merupakan abhiseka tantra dalam, membutuhkan abhiseka dalam penekunannya. Segala pertanyaan mengenai sadhana ini harus ditanyakan dan dibimbing oleh seorang Vajracarya barulah sesuai dengan ketentuan Dharma.

Vihara Di Indonesia Yang Terdapat Acarya Pembimbin...g :

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Run
Yayasan Buddha Vajra Indonesia
Alamat : Jl. Tubagus Angke blok A 7 C no. 4, Taman Duta Mas -
Jakarta Barat
Telepon : 021 - 564 97 71

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Zu
Vihara Satya Buddha Purnama
Alamat : Jl. Lombok no. 1, Medan - Sumatera Utara
Telepon : 061 - 457 47 39 / 457 02 24

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Yuan
Vihara Vajra Bumi Sriwijaya
Alamat : Jl. Masjid Lama no. 46 (Jl. Sayangan, Lrg. R. Kuningan no. 622),
Palembang - Sumatera Selatan
Telepon : 0711 - 350 798 / 817 213

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Fei
Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara
Alamat : Jl. Vila Permata, Kelurahan Desa Binong,
Kecamatan Curug - Jawa Barat
(di pusat areal perumahan Lippo Karawaci Tangerang)
Telepon : 021 - 591 90 80 / 591 96 80 / 591 96 79

★ Vajra Acarya Lian Hong
Vihara Vajra Bumi Arama
Alamat : Jl. Manyar Jaya III / 18 - 20, Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Telepon : 031 - 5676 933 / 595 27 15 / 592 07 15 / 371 94 62

憨山大師費閒歌 - Hān shān dàshī fèi xián gē

 Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An


Mahaguru Hanshan (Hān-shān dàshī) lahir pada 5 Nov 1546 dan Parinirvana pada 15 Jan 1623. Merupakan salah satu dari Empat Sangha Agung di masa Dinasti Ming, Beliau berasal dari kota Quanjiao di propinsi Anhui Cina. 

Lagu Mengenai Kesia-siaan (oleh : Mahaguru Hanshan)

Berceramah mengenai kebenaran memang mudah, namun sukar menjalankan kebenaran. Jika masih mempunyai pikiran kacau, maka selamanya akan sia-sia. Jika debu duniawi masih merintangi, walau bermieditasi di kedalaman gunung juga percuma.

Menerima upasampada memang mudah, namun sukar mentaati sila ; Jika tidak memiliki keyakinan dan tekad, maka selamanya akan sia-sia ; Tidak mentaati sila kesucian maka semua usaha akan sia-sia, meskipun rambut telah digunduli juga percuma saja.

Bersadhana itu mudah , namun berjumpa dengan Guru itu sukar ;
Jika tidak berjumpa dengan Guru yang Tercerahkan, maka selamanya akan sia-sia ; Hanya mengandalkan kepintaran diri sendiri, semua hanya akan sia-sia belaka ; Demikian juga melakukan pembinaan diri dengan membabi buta juga percuma. 

Sangat mudah untuk terpolusi oleh keduniawian, namun sukar untuk bebas dari keduniawian ; Jika tidak mematahkan debu keduniawian, maka selamanya akan sia-sia ; Walau memaksakan afintias juga tetap kosong belaka ; Bila idak dapat merealisasikan Kebuddhaan juga percuma.

Hanya mendengar ajaran itu mudah, namun mempunyai hati yang tulus itu sukar ;
Jika mempermainkan Guru, maka selamanya juga akan sia-sia ; Bersikap pongah berarti menyia-nyiakan tenaga ; Meskipun kepintarannya tersohor di seluruh dunia juga percuma. 

Mempelajari Dharma itu mudah, namun tercerahkan itu sukar ;
Jika tidak membina diri dengan sungguh-sungguh , selamanya juga akan sia-sia ;
Jika hanya bisa percaya namun tidak sanggup menjalani, berarti telah menyia-nyiakan tenaga ; Hanya memperdebatkan ajaran tetap saja percuma.

Memutuskan retret itu mudah, namun mentaatinya itu sukar ;
Jika tidak menerapkan pembinaan diri, selamanya juga akan sia-sia belaka ;
Walau tubuh ada dalam retret, namun batin ada di luar ;
Meskipun ribuan tahun tidak keluar dari retret tetap saja percuma.

Melafalkan Nama Buddha itu mudah, namun memiliki keyakinan itu sukar ;
Jika antara bibir dan hati tidak menyatu , selamanya juga akan sia-sia belaka ;
Bibir mendaraskan Amitabha tapi batinnya kacau ;
Walaupun melafal sampai tenggorokan hancur juga percuma.

Menyembah Buddha itu mudah, tapi mengembangkan hati saling hormat-menghormati itu sukar ; 
Jika menyembah namun batin tidak mempunyai kerendahan diri, maka selamanya juga akan sia-sia belaka ;
Sekalipun menyembah dengan lima titik menyentuh tanah, itu hanya menyia-nyiakan tenaga ; 
Meskipun menyembah sampai tulang tulangnya remuk juga percuma saja.

Melantunkan sutra itu mudah, namun memahami sutra itu sukar ;
Jika bibir melafal namun tidak memahami maknanya, selamanya juga akan sia-sia ;
Namun jika memahami maknanya tapi tidak menerapkannya, maka itu hanya menyia-nyiakan tenaga belaka ;
Meskipun setiap hari melafal puluhan ribu bab juga percuma.

Nelson Mandela celebrates 93rd birthday

SOUTH Africans and folks round the world are celebrating Nelson Mandela's 93rd birthday with songs and voluntary work.

Mandela, who is frail, spent the day together with his family in his home village of Qunu in South Africa's rural jap Cape.

Millions of South African college youngsters simultaneously sang a special birthday song to Mandela.

The song, Happy Birthday Tata Madiba, was specially composed for Mandela's 93rd birthday and was sung in class assemblies across the country.

It was hoped the target of twelve.4 million schoolchildren singing the song would set a brand new world record for the amount of individuals singing to a private at an equivalent time. The song was sung at township colleges and rural colleges, public colleges and personal colleges across the country.

For the third year the Mandela foundation has urged folks to try to to sixty seven minutes of voluntary work nowadays - to represent the sixty seven years that Mandela dedicated to South Africa's political struggle against apartheid.

"The best method we are able to thank Nelson Mandela for his work is by taking action for others and provoking modification," said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who endorsed the decision.

South African corporations, charities and celebrities have all announced plans for voluntary work they're going to do nowadays.

Mandela has appeared increasingly frail since he retired from public life in 2004. He has been receiving round-the-clock medical care at home following his unharness from hospital in January, where he was treated for an acute respiratory infection, says the BBC's Nomsa Maseko in Johannesburg.

Known to South Africans by his clan name Madiba, Mr Mandela has not appeared at a public engagement since the closing ceremony of the soccer World Cup in July 2010.

US President Barack Obama said Mandela's life and legacy exemplified "wisdom, strength and grace".

Mandela retired as South Africa's president in 1999 when serving one term, returning to Thabo Mbeki.

Phone-hacking whistle-blower dead of unexplained causes

One of the primary folks to blow the whistle on phone hacking by News Corp.'s now-defunct News of the planet tabloid was found dead Monday. Police said the death was being treated as unexplained however wasn't thought of suspicious, in line with Britain's Press Association.

Sean Hoare's body was discovered at his home in Watford, England, regarding twenty five miles northwest of London, when police were known as to the house, the Guardian newspaper said.
Hoare was quoted by The big apple Times last year saying that phone hacking was widely used and even inspired at News of the planet underneath its editor, Andy Coulson.
Hoare worked as an entertainment reporter at News of the planet with Coulson, who resigned as uk Prime Minister David Cameron's press secretary earlier this year due to the scandal.
STORY: News Corp. 'train wreck': How unhealthy is it?
Coulson has said he did not apprehend the hacking was happening.
David Sonn, a lawyer for Hoare, said his death is "a terrible tragedy."

A Word of Truth

Without truthfulness there can be no society. Without truthfulness human communication breaks down and distrust, hostility and force take over. Truthfulness is, therefore, of fundamental importance to a harmonious and peaceful society and of fundamental importance to the harmonious and peaceful individuals who constitute that society. To be truthful we need to be faithful to both the spirit and the letter of our experience and events. We can perhaps best define truthfulness by looking at untruthful or false speech. Broadly speaking false speech falls into the two categories of commission and omission. The most obviously active false speech is simply telling lies. Although, of course, there are degrees of lying. Any variation from factual accuracy could be construed as lying, although usually we think of a lie as simply being the direct opposite of what is true. The so called ‘white lie’ is considered to be the least harmful and indeed not a lie at all. Perhaps an example is the fiction of Santa Claus which parents maintain for their children’s pleasure. Because the intention is kindly and in fact a great deal of pleasure is derived, this could hardly be seen as unskilful. But there are other occasions when the motives are less pure and the ‘white lie’ emerges, say, from fear, when it seems more likely to be unskilful. It is really best to avoid any lying in normal day-to-day discourse and to try, as far as possible, to be factually accurate. Exaggeration and understatement can both be forms of false speech. We can exaggerate in order to make ourselves seem more interesting and to make our fairly ordinary lives seem very exciting. We exaggerate because we want to be loved but don’t think of ourselves as interesting and attractive enough to be loved. Not only is the exaggeration unskilful but the lack of self-esteem is too. Understatement can have the same root cause. English people are especially prone to this. It can be a sort of exaggerated politeness, niceness leading to falseness. So you will hear people say things like, “no, no, I wasn’t upset” when clearly they were and still are, or “oh no, it’s no inconvenience” when again it very clearly is and so on. In wanting to please, to be nice, to be polite, people can sometimes end up being quite false. You see this sometimes in people’s faces; endlessly smiling in a sort of desperation to be liked and from fear of being disapproved of. So there is false speech of commission such as lies, exaggeration and understatement. There is also a false speech of omission. This is when what we say is strictly true but because of what we leave out it is not the whole truth. In fact, it may even convey a completely wrong impression. And that can be the intention. For instance, if we don’t like someone, we may describe them in such a one-sided way as to give the impression that they are monstrous, because we are either blind to their good qualities or we don’t want to believe they have any redeeming features. Or in describing particular events we may want to show ourselves in a good light, so we leave out what is unfavourable or embarrassing to us. The truth suffers, communication suffers and inevitably that means that we suffer and others suffer. Behind false speech lies egotism in one form or another. Whether we simply want to get our own way or we want to control people and events or we are frightened or we are out for revenge, it all comes back to me, me, me – the ‘I’ at the centre of the Universe. So one important step on the way to more truthfulness is an honest self-appraisal, to see how much we are motivated by fears, or by a desire to control people and events, which may be just another species of fear or how much are we motivated by revenge, or how much is it just a question of childishly wanting to get our own way. So truthfulness or honesty can begin with ourselves and be built up from there. If we are honest with ourselves then we will more and more be living in an honest world, a world or truthfulness. And our honesty with ourselves is not just confined to our faults or weaknesses or murky motivations. An honest self-appraisal also takes into account quite fully our better qualities and our aspirations and efforts to grow. One sided views, whether of other people or of oneself are rarely honest appraisals. So by being honest we create a world of honesty and also by being untruthful we create a world of dishonesty, which is an unpleasant and tiring place to live. Dishonesty, once embarked upon, has to be kept up and becomes more and more complex. So much so that people sometimes end up believing what started out as a straightforward lie. In the case of Donald Crowhurst, whom Vessantara writes about in Tales of Freedom, he started out with what he saw as a white lie – a lie of convenience. He was sailing around the world as part of a race and he began to give false records of his whereabouts and eventually found himself in the situation of being in the lead because others had dropped out. But the tension of the lies and the isolation he had put himself in to keep up the pretence, eventually drove him mad. He just wanted to give himself a little advantage but one thing led to another and eventually he found himself in a world that he had created which was completely false and actually impossible to live with. Donald Crowhurst’s experience is just an extreme and dramatic version of what can happen if we are prone to lying or exaggeration or understatement. It happens to politicians and other public figures from time to time. For those of us not in the public eye, it’s likely to lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. If we are dishonest with ourselves and others it becomes very difficult to trust others and, therefore, to confide in anyone. If we cannot trust and cannot confide we cannot have friendships and love in our lives. A life without friendship and love is barren. So a second step on the way to more and more truthfulness is to confide. To have someone in our lives that we can be honest with and confide in. We start by being honest with ourselves and then with at least one other person. If we want to confide in someone then they have to be able to confide in us. That means that we have to be able to keep a confidence. So part of living in a world of truth and honesty is knowing when not to speak and what not to say. For a healthy emotional and psychological life we need to be able to confide in someone, we need to trust someone. For a healthy spiritual life we need to be able to confess as well as confide. Confidences can be of an ethically neutral nature, but confession is about purifying ourselves of unskilfulness. By experiencing remorse and confessing our faults we can let go of something weighing on our minds and feel the freedom of a clear conscience. Confession as well as involving regret, should also involve making amends where possible, whether by way of apology or recompense or whatever is appropriate. So a third step on the way to more and more truthfulness is confession. To avoid an over-emphasis on faults this needs to be in the context of rejoicing in our spiritual aspiration. We need to recognise that a confession of faults is only possible because we aspire to greater purity, wisdom and compassion. So a recognition of our faith in a spiritual ideal is another step on the way to greater honesty. Truth is essential to friendship as well as to the wider human society. And friendship and emotional warmth is essential to our psychological well-being. Friendship can go further than that and be the means by which a spiritual ideal becomes a more real influence in our lives. The friendship of someone who can guide us spiritually need not necessarily be close and intimate in an emotional sense, but it does demand trust, honesty and confession. Truthfulness, therefore, is essential to human life on all levels, from the functioning of society to the highest spiritual realms. The other side of the coin of truthfulness is believing others when they speak the truth. Unless we have good reason to doubt someone’s veracity, we ought to believe them. A good reason has to be something objective, some evidence of falsehood or a tendency to falsehood. If we rely on our subjective feelings and hunches, we are quite likely to make mistakes and be either unnecessarily suspicious or overly credulous. Within a spiritual community it is essential to give the benefit of the doubt to our fellow spiritual aspirants. Without that, trust breaks down and the spiritual community disappears. A spiritual community is a community of trust by definition. When trust is absent then the heart and life of the spiritual community withers and dies and all that’s left are institutions and empty words. Truthful speech is essential to human life because it is a reflection of reality. To live out of harmony with reality is to cause suffering for oneself and others. In reality all human beings and indeed all life is interconnected and interdependent. Falsehood denies this because it is selfish by nature. But reality always triumphs in the end, it cannot be otherwise. That is what is known as the doctrine of conditioned co-production, or the law of conditionality, which in terms of ethics is the law of karma. Put simply, the law of karma is that actions have consequences; skilful actions have beneficial consequences and unskilful actions have bad consequences. So false speech can only bring bad consequences. The fundamental falsehood is selfishness and the brightest truth is compassion. According to the Lalitavistara Sutra, just before the Buddha gained Enlightenment he was assailed by Mara, the personification of evil. Mara confronted him in three ways – first with violence which symbolises the forces of hatred, then with seduction, symbolising craving and finally by trying to undermine his confidence, which of course is doubt. The Buddha just observed all this going on and was unmoved by it. The forces of selfishness no longer had any hold on him and he could look at them quite squarely and honestly. He touched the earth with his right hand and received confirmation of his spiritual achievement from the Earth Goddess. This represents objectivity, an honest self-appraisal. Then being free from craving, hatred and doubt, in other words from selfishness, he was able to look beyond himself. The leader of the gods, Brahma, appeared to him and asked him to teach the Dharma and he assented. Compassion flowered in his heart as it must inevitably when the realisation of the unity of life is firmly established. The naga prince, Mucalinda, appeared and gave protection to the Buddha. The energy of the Truth is a powerful protection and an energy that sends waves of influence throughout the world and down the ages, unlimited by space or time. Truthfulness is much more than not telling lies.

Today, Train Tickets of H-3 and H-5 Sold Out

Desirability of Jakarta residents to celebrate Ied ul Fitr in their villages are appear high enough. It is seen from train tickets of government and business were sold out at Gambir Station on Monday (7/18) that is opened at seven am. In fact, tickets departure for 5-3 days before Ied to Central Java and East Java, from August twenty five to twenty seven had been sold out.

Mateta Rizalulhaq, Head Public Relation of Daops I PT Indonesia Train (KAI) explained that as several as thirteen thousand tickets sales nowadays are just for categories of government and business. Meanwhile, price tag sales for economy category has not on the market however.

He said that the tickets that are sold out consists of Eid Pasundan Train with destination to Kiaracondong-Surabaya, Tawang Jaya Train (Semarang Poncol-Senen Market), Senja/Fajar Utama Train (Yogyakarta-Senen Market), Sawung Galih Train (Kutoarjo-Senen Market), Argo Lawu Train (Solo-Gambir), Gajayana Train (Malang-Gambir), Kutojaya Train (Senen Market-Kutoarjo), Komunitas Utara Train (Tanah Abang-Surabaya Pasar Turi), Matarmaja Train (Senen Market-Malang), Kertajaya Train (Tanjung Priok-Surabaya Pasar Turi), Mantab Train (Tanah Abang-Madiun), categorical Cirebon Train (Cirebon-Gambir), and Argo Bromo Anggrek Train (Gambir-Surabaya Pasar Turi).

He continued that poeple had queued before the counters opened. “In addition based mostly on the data from officers, among of them are spending an evening at station,” he added.

He additionally expressed that besides the price tag might get in on-line system, booking and shopping for might additionally get at post offices, minimarts also as through ATM that cooperation with the PT KAI. The PT KAI planned can add two railway train to enhance the service.

According to him, one railway wagon might accommodate till fifty passengers. Usually,one railway train carries with it six wagons till seven wagons which implies having the ability to accommodate three hundred to 350 passengers. “If there are several passengers and its facilities, that the PT KAI can boost eight wagons, thus it will accommodate four hundred passengers,” he stated.

In Ied transport without delay, the PT KAI is providing 198 regular trains, and twenty six further railway trains. it's predicted the volumes of Ied transport and train for homecoming this year reached two.5 million to two.9 passengers. "Each further train consists of 2 railways train,” he stated.

However, currently the price tag selling is merely for normal train. whereas for twenty five further trains provided, the price tag are sold approaching the fasting month.

Meanwhile, Head Deputy of Jatinegara Station, Weddy Hartono expressed that since the price tag counter was opened in Jatinegara station, the passengers directly invade it. His officers open 5 price tag service counters that are opened since seven am to nine am. whereas at nine am to six pm is merely for one counter.

The increasing homecomers caused price tag of Gumarang train (Jakarta-Surabaya) from business category or government category has sold out for departure on August twenty three. On August twenty four, Gajayana train (Jakarta-Malang) tickets also are sold out.

He mentioned that departure for August twenty five, a complete of train passengers that depart through Jatinegara station the maximum amount as one,011, at August twenty six will increase to one,403 passengers. There are twenty eight trains of business and government category during this station that are departed or passed.

Moreover, he expressed that approaching homecoming season, Jatinegara Station sides can add its security officers from thirty to thirty five officers. Furthermore, Police officer special for train are added from half dozen to seven individuals. ranging from ten days before (H-10) Ied Ul Fitr, Ied post are operated that involves concerning many joint officers carries with it TNI/ resort police, scout, Youth Red Cross (PMR), Health officer and cleaning service officer.

Firnandus (35), one in all the homecomers admitted that he get the price tag earlier thus he can get a seat. He at the side of his family bought Purwojaya government train price tag heading to Cilacap. each Ied ul Fitr he perpetually goes to his hometown in Purwokerto, Central Java.

“Buy now, no ought to queue and can get a seat. the value is increasing though. On regular days price Rp a hundred thousand however currently it prices Rp a hundred twenty five thousand. But, it doesn't matter on behalf of me as long as i buy a seat throughout the trip,” said resident who lives in Matraman, East Jakarta.


One day two Zen priests walking in the woods. Suddenly the older Zen priest to take a piss.
With no load the old priest was urinating next to a statue of Buddha.
Of course, the young priest who was angry.
Without turning a inch too old priest had said:
"Show me, a place where there is no Buddha"
Of course the standard answer is that all the Buddhas.
With lightly old priest asks back:
"Then I piss where then?"
Considers the attributes of religion as something sacred is certainly good. However, excessive inherent in the concept of holiness, then producing defilements, certainly worthy of contemplation.
Mainly because the purity was not created to generate anger / hostility. The more so if the concept of the sanctity of generating murder. Chastity is terrible.
Purity of there because there are impurities, without soiling the sanctity disappears.
The totality of the two that's liberating.