by Anthony de Mello SJ
The priest announced that Jesus Christ himself would come inChurch next Sunday. Race came in drovesto see him. Everyone hopes he willpreach, but he just smiled, when introducedand said: "Congratulations." Every person willing to accept him forovernight, especially the priest, but he refused politely. Hesaid, he wanted to stay overnight at the church. It is reasonable,they all thought.
He disappeared the next day, before the church door opened.And, it's horror, the priest and people find churchruins. Written everywhere on the walls of one wordALERT. No part churches missed, doors andwindows, pillars and pulpit, altar. Even in Scripture inabove standard: ALERT. Strikeout-painted with large letters andsmall, with pencils and pens and paint in various colors.Everywhere the eye could see, people can read. "Caution,"alert. Beware, caution, alert, alert.
Annoying. Make angry. Screwed. Tickle.Scary. They are presumed to be aware of what? That's notsay. Just to say, caution. The first impulse people wantremove each of these ex-fouling, it penghojatan. Theyrestrained to do so, simply because the idea that Jesusalone does deed.
Now the mysterious word began to seep in thinking ALERTpeople, every time they enter the church. They began to alertfor the Scripture, until they can take advantagefrom the book, without so fanatical. They're so vigilant againstsacrament, so they sanctified without falling infutility. The priest began to be aware of the power overpeople, then he can help without a master. And everypeople become aware of the religion, which makes people withoutbecome conscious hypocrite. They are so wary of LawChurch, then became obedient to the law, but compassionateagainst the weak. They began to be aware of the prayer, untilthey stopped relying on ourselves. They evenalert to their understanding of God, thenthey recognize him also beyond the limits of narrownessChurch itself.
Now they even write the word haram is at the doorentered the church and if you pass in the night. Yousee it glittering in the church in light of fluorescent lampscolorful.
In a village in India, there lived a very weaverpious. Throughout the day he uttered the name of God, andpeople secretly believe him. Each time the resultsweaving had enough, he went to the market for