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Monday, May 2, 2011

Actions that Ensure Success

Definition of the highest blessingsSo I have heard: One time the Buddha dwelt near Savatthi, in the monastery Anathapindika Jeta Forest. On a beautiful night, came the gods with a brilliant light that illuminated the entire Jeta Forest.He went to the Buddha, giving respect, and stood on one side and said to the Buddha in the following verse:1. Many gods and men, for want of prosperity, have reflected on what the act of promising success. Explain whether the act was the highest that guarantee success? 1 (258) The Buddha:2. Not associating with people who are dumb, but, along...

Be Wise: Bhikkhu Indaguno

Be Wise Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato SammāsambuddhassaHi Udakaṁ nayanti nettikā, usukārā namayanti tejanaṁDāruṁ namayanti tacchakā, hontu Damayanti PanditaWater channels drain water maker, handyman arrow straightening arrows, carpenters bend wood; the wise control themselves. (Dhammapada, VI: 5)In the present life, it is very difficult to find a wise person and the person who can become role models for mankind, because now people tend to seek material wealth rather than spiritual wealth. According KBBI, wise to have meaning: 1) always using her mind, wise, sharp mind, 2) clever and careful...

The Frog's Pray

by Anthony de Mello SJ BEWARE The priest announced that Jesus Christ himself would come inChurch next Sunday. Race came in drovesto see him. Everyone hopes he willpreach, but he just smiled, when introducedand said: "Congratulations." Every person willing to accept him forovernight, especially the priest, but he refused politely. Hesaid, he wanted to stay overnight at the church. It is reasonable,they all thought. He disappeared the next day, before the church door opened.And, it's horror, the priest and people find churchruins. Written everywhere on the walls of...

Sariputta Practice the exercise a monk

Sariputta Majesty said: 1. I've never seen, yet all people ever heard of a teacher with such a sweet speech came down from heaven Tusita to the middle of many people. (955) 2. Humans who have a vision, then emerge - as he really is - for human nature and the gods. And after uncover all the darkness, he reaches happiness. (956) 3. Here in the crowd, I come begging, to ask the Buddha who have no attachment, a teacher without a gimmick that has come into the world. (957) 4-5. Monks who are not interested in the world will find a quiet place...

Corn, Soybeans May Rise as Adverse Weather Threatens World Crop

Corn and soybeans may rise this week as adverse weather in the U.S., China, Europe and Canada threatens world production amid increasing demand for food, livestock feed and fuel made from the crops.Twenty-three of 33 traders and analysts surveyed from Tokyo to Chicago on April 29 said corn will rise, and 20 of 34 respondents forecast a gain for soybeans. Last week on the Chicago Board of Trade, corn futures for July delivery rose 1.6 percent to $7.565 a bushel, and soybean futures for July delivery...

Live fast, die young

In the studio of art collector Benno Calev can be found a selection of splendid drawings and works on plywood by Mirit Cohen from the 1970s. Viewing them is an exciting experience. I promised not to reveal the precise number of works, but there were enough to serve as a reflection of the life of an artist who is gone and nearly forgotten.The plywood panels look all battered and nicked, as if Cohen slashed them up in a burst of violence. In a 1990 poem, Yaakov Besser described how he and Mirit celebrated her 24th birthday at a cafe in Tel Aviv. Afterward they went to her studio apartment, which...

Rejected candidate supporters challenge Agum Gumelar ruling

Supporters of the rejected Indonesian Soccer Association (PSSI) chairman candidates George Toisutta, an army general and businessman Arifin Panigoro, vow they will likely ignore the PSSI Normalization Committee Chief Agum Gumelar’s statement that the rejected candidates could not file an appeal.PSSI voters group spokesman Wisnu Wardhana separately said that the rejection was baseless and legally flawed as the Normalization Committee itself had violated the world soccer governing body (FIFA) Statute...

Google Calls Location Data 'Valuable'

By AMIR EFRATIGoogle Inc.'s collection of location information from millions of mobile devices and personal computers is "extremely valuable" to the company's future business, according to an email written by a Google product manager last year.That email and others, which are part of a public filing in a lawsuit against Google last year, shed new light on the company's thinking about the need to gather location-related data. Such information is essential for a growing number of mobile applications and websites to function properly, the emails indicate. It is also useful for companies...

Sony to restore PSN services, compensate customers

Two weeks since after Sony's PlayStation Network was hacked Kazuo Hirai, chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment, addressed the issue in a press conference in Tokyo tonight.Though they still don't know who orchestrated the intrusion on the PSN servers in San Diego, Calif., they were "very sophisticated," Hirai said. It's still not entirely clear what kind of data the hackers got their hands on, but he reiterated that they don't believe credit card data to have been taken and added that...

Report: California cities have worst air pollution in U.S.

About 154 million Americans — or more than half the U.S. population — live in areas where the air is so polluted that it is often dangerous to breathe, a new report says.By Kirby Lee-US PRESSWIRELos Angeles was included in the list of cities with the worst air. Residents of Honolulu and Santa Fe-Espanola, N.M., on the other hand, are in luck: Those two cities had air that is among the country's cleanest — and they were the only two in the nation that had no days in which smog and soot levels reached...

FDA: Infants Often Get Herbal Teas, Supplements

As many as 9% of infants may be getting dietary botanical supplements and herbal teas during their first year of life, an FDA study suggests.And many are given the substances during their first month of life, according to Yuanting Zhang, PhD, of the FDA in College Park, Md., and colleagues.A clinical implication is that physicians should look out for possible interactions with medications and for potential adverse effects from such supplements, Zhang and colleagues reported online in Pediatrics.The finding comes from analysis of data collected in the Infant Feeding Practices Study II, a...

Obama announces Osama bin Laden killed by U.S.

By Michael A. Memoli and Michael Muskal May 1, 2011, 8:35 p.m. Reporting from Washington and Los Angeles— Osama bin Laden, the world's most wanted terrorist, was killed in Pakistan as the result of a U.S. military operation, President Obama announced to the nation Sunday nigh...

Osama Bin Laden: Dead!

Osama bin Laden is dead. This is not a hoax. The world's most notorious terrorist has been killed by U.S. military forces, according to breaking news reports. The mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the leader of Al Qaeda was reportedly shot in the head in Afghanistan and his body is in U.S. hands. Bin Laden is believed to have been taken down by U.S. assets in a mansion outside Islamabad, Pakistan, along with other members of his family, officials say. Osama bin Laden (1957...