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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Benarkah Tanpa Kerja dapat Uang di Internet ?

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut coba bacalah dengan teliti tips dari Belajar Ilmu Komputer agar dapat digunakan sebagai pijakan untuk mengambil keputusan untuk mencari uang di internet atau tidak, semuanya kembali kepada anda sendiri yang memutuskan, saya hanya mencoba menyampaikan apa yang pernah saya alami selama menelusuri internet untuk mencari rupiah maupun dolar (meskipun sampai...

FOX Host Carlson Afraid that Christianity is In Mortal Danger.

So an Atheist sign in the state capital of Illinois was stolen and now the Atheist group behind the sign wants to replace it with a new one saying, "Thou Shalt Not Steal." Yet Gretchen Carlson apparently doesn't get the point of the replacement sign.It seems apparent to me that those who would be the most upset by the sign would be rabid Christians. Therefore reminding them that they [most likely Christian] broke a commandment of the very religion they are claiming to defend by stealing that sign is on point and brilliant. It's called using your critics words and beliefs against them. It's a great...