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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1.Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks

1.Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks Written by: Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu Translated by: Verona Ting Edited by: Dance Smith Proofread by: Jessie Chapter 1: Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks When I walked past a `Dockers` brand exclusive retail shop, a shirt on display caught my attention. The shirt`s colour was similar to that of my lama outfit, and it was made of a superb material with a lustrous sheen. I walked over to ask the salesgirl, `How much is this shirt?` The salesgirl didn`t answer me. She just gave me a quick glance from head to toe and continued doing her own...

223 - 無上殊勝的感應-如來大神通

223 - 無上殊勝的感應-如來大神通要說神通感應、濟世救人的故事,且被記載於史冊,並且流傳最廣的,當屬距今八百年前,南宋時期的「濟公活佛--道濟禪師」,甚至到了2011年的今天,濟公活佛的故事仍不斷地被重拍成電視劇,且都有不錯的收視率。也許有人認為濟公活佛的故事不過是傳說罷了,但在二十一世紀的現代,卻有一位「蓮生活佛」在創造新的傳說。 千百億化身救人於千里之外 《無上殊勝的感應》,是法王作家蓮生活佛盧勝彥的最新作品,書中記述了五十篇不遜於濟公活佛的感應神蹟故事,例如:持誦數百萬遍「蓮花童子心咒」後,病痛竟不藥化解;事故昏迷不醒,為何能奇蹟甦醒?長年失眠的一對夫婦,經加持後從此夜夜好眠;被燙死的小孩重新投胎再來;超度接引意外逝世的老同學往生佛國淨土……。 有名有姓、絕對真實的感應事蹟 《無上殊勝的感應》不是憑空杜撰的天方夜譚,因為書中的故事,除少數幾篇為保護當事人採用假名外,皆寫出了當事人的真實姓名,當中也包括了著名好萊塢影星「史蒂芬席格」(Steven Seagal),每一篇故事都是經得起考驗的真人實事,有興趣的讀者可一一查證。 我的作品之中,並不是只有故事,而是有佛法的真諦在其中,放在讀者面前的,絕對不是天外的,而是在人類中真實的呈現。大家不難發現,它們都有一個主題,這主題均是形而上的,開卷有益。 我始終用我獨特的方式去寫作,這是我想出來的風格,是佛法,也非佛法,...

88. Beyond Promoting My Written Works

88. Beyond Promoting My Written Works Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu Translated by Tywui Edited by Dance Smith Proofread by Jessie Chapter 88: Beyond Promoting My Written Works I have this frequent notion: as long as the correct dharma is still being practiced, the Buddha`s teachings and dharma shall be perpetuated forever. As long as future generations continue to practice this correct dharma and subsequently realize enlightenment, the dharma of the Buddha will naturally reveal itself in this Saha world. The reason why I am continuously writing books - and I have never...

Penyedotan Chi oleh Hantu-Hantu

Oleh Maha Mula Acharya LianshengDiterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu Aku memberi persembahan makanan di Danau Daun:Burung Garuda besar.Roh-roh dari hutan belantara.Raksasa dan Hariti.Angkasa dipenuhi oleh amerta.OM MUDILI SOHA. OM MUDILI SOHA. OM MUDILI SOHA.(Om Mukti Soha. Om Mukti Soha. Om Mukti Soha.) Pada saat itu, daun-daun pohon cemara berubah menjadi roh-roh jahat, dan sebelum Aku memercikkan air amerta, Chi seluruh tubuh-Ku disedot sampai kering.Pada saat itu, Aku merasa seperti bola kempis. Aku merasa sangat terkuras, dan Aku merasa sangat letih, dan nyaris tidak dapat melakukan meditasi jalan...

Augur Resources double strike of broad gold copper hits at Wonogiri and high grade at Jampang

Augur Resources (ASX: AUK) has these days announced a double strike of sturdy drilling results from 2 totally different comes in Central Java. Firstly at the Wonogiri project diamond drilling intersected a 222.1 metre at zero.57 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and zero.15% copper from eighty four metres in another indication of the sturdy bulk tonnage potential at the project. Within the terribly broad intersection were 2 higher grade zones that included; eighty six.0 metres at zero.85g/t gold and zero.20% copper from one hundred ten.5 metres, and 46.1 metres at zero.78g/t gold and zero.17% copper...

2,000 students scan Pancasila, Constitution

SURAKARTA: Around a pair of,000 junior and senior highschool students in Surakarta, Central Java, scan Pancasila and also the preamble to the 1945 Constitution on Sunday. Event organizer Rochmad Suryadi said that the event was aimed to encourage nationalism among students. He said that many recent surveys had shown that almost all Indonesian students had not memorized the state ideology Pancasila or the four-paragraph preamble to the Constitution. “That is why we’re holding the event,” Rohmad said as quoted by tempointeraktif.com on Sunday. Student Heninda Rahmawati said that she may simply...