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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1.Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks

1.Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks

Written by: Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by: Verona Ting
Edited by: Dance Smith
Proofread by: Jessie

Chapter 1: Do Not Judge a Person By His Looks

When I walked past a `Dockers` brand exclusive retail shop, a shirt on display caught my attention. The shirt`s colour was similar to that of my lama outfit, and it was made of a superb material with a lustrous sheen.

I walked over to ask the salesgirl, `How much is this shirt?`

The salesgirl didn`t answer me. She just gave me a quick glance from head to toe and continued doing her own work arranging things.

I was undaunted and asked her again, `How much is this shirt?`

She furrowed her eyebrows and rolled her eyes, and then she feebly muttered the figure, which was well within my expectations after I converted it to US dollars: US $1,000.

I felt myself looking very nerdy that day. On top I wore a floral print shirt that had only cost me US $6; below I wore a pair of jeans and slippers. With my bald head and my shirt untucked, I looked like a local nerd. I hadn`t shaved my beard, either.

I also felt my complexion wasn`t good. My face is etched with more wrinkles now, and patches of black pigment have sprung up. Non-nutritious food has made me look skinnier. I look like a delicate, withered old man, with a poor and no-one-to-depend-on look.

I had asked for the price of the shirt looking as I did, so it was no wonder that she ignored me. She thought I was a `street friend`, a homeless wanderer.

However, she shouldn`t look down on me! Her judgement on things that can be seen should be based on what is inside, not on what clothes tell.

I`ve written many books - a number hardly anyone can reach.
I`ve cultivated and entered into the great radiance realm!
I am the founder of True Buddha School and I have more than four million disciples!

Suddenly, I had this thought: I could ask one of my rich disciples to buy the shop and fire the salesgirl! This thought gave me a chuckle.

What I intend to tell everybody is this:

`I have become a very ordinary, withered old man. My appearance is that of a homeless person. All people can see is a cowardly, bald old man with a trembling voice and stuttering speech. The only way to understand him is to feel with your heart.`

223 - 無上殊勝的感應-如來大神通

223 - 無上殊勝的感應-如來大神通




《無上殊勝的感應》不是憑空杜撰的天方夜譚,因為書中的故事,除少數幾篇為保護當事人採用假名外,皆寫出了當事人的真實姓名,當中也包括了著名好萊塢影星「史蒂芬席格」(Steven Seagal),每一篇故事都是經得起考驗的真人實事,有興趣的讀者可一一查證。




88. Beyond Promoting My Written Works

88. Beyond Promoting My Written Works

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Tywui
Edited by Dance Smith
Proofread by Jessie

Chapter 88: Beyond Promoting My Written Works

I have this frequent notion: as long as the correct dharma is still being practiced, the Buddha`s teachings and dharma shall be perpetuated forever. As long as future generations continue to practice this correct dharma and subsequently realize enlightenment, the dharma of the Buddha will naturally reveal itself in this Saha world.

The reason why I am continuously writing books - and I have never stopped writing - is that I have realized enlightenment through practicing the correct dharma, and I want to propagate the holy truth. Based on my experiences in cultivation, I want to disseminate the truth everywhere through pen and paper.

So promoting my works is a necessity: this is the only way in which my teachings can spread. By promoting my works, more people will know the correct dharma; people all over the world will obtain the benefits of the correct dharma. Therefore, when we promote my works, we should maintain them, or even protect them from distortion.

Presently, the works of Living Buddha Lian-sheng are published in Chinese, English, German, Bahasa Indonesian, and Portuguese, etc. Regardless of whether they are in Chinese or any other language, the translation and publication are the earnest efforts of volunteer disciples. These translations and publications should not be taken as the private property of any group or person [other than the original author].

Regardless of whether translations were done in the past or are being done at the present moment, they are the result of everyone`s respect for, and practice of, the correct dharma. In addition, we must respect the person who wrote the correct dharma by observing his intellectual property rights. Therefore, Grand Master is the copyright owner of these works and the resulting translations. This is an important prerequisite for all disciples who earnestly wish to have the right to translate my works.

For the promotion of my works and the promulgation of the Buddhadharma, and to prevent the warping and distortion of the `priceless treasure`, it is only justified and unavoidable to seek to defend the original author`s rights as a means of quality control.

So for the sake of promoting my works and the protecting the true dharma, there is a necessity for `collective management`, which will aid the dissemination of the books. Only this way can we save many sentient beings, and in this way, my works will not be dispersed like sand scattered from a dish.

Now, I suggest and hope that all volunteer disciples will comply with the following:

Please hand all translated works to True Buddha Foundation and let them help to plan and arrange for the publishing of the works. Translators can contact and inform the True Buddha Foundation.

This notice is necessary. Though translation and publication are worldly matters, this concerns the promotion of the correct dharma as well as its growth and development. What`s more, I myself am the author, thus I should be able to control these issues.

Penyedotan Chi oleh Hantu-Hantu

Oleh Maha Mula Acharya Liansheng
Diterjemahkan oleh Zhiwei Zhu

Aku memberi persembahan makanan di Danau Daun:
Burung Garuda besar.
Roh-roh dari hutan belantara.
Raksasa dan Hariti.
Angkasa dipenuhi oleh amerta.
(Om Mukti Soha. Om Mukti Soha. Om Mukti Soha.)

Pada saat itu, daun-daun pohon cemara berubah menjadi roh-roh jahat, dan sebelum Aku memercikkan air amerta, Chi seluruh tubuh-Ku disedot sampai kering.
Pada saat itu, Aku merasa seperti bola kempis. Aku merasa sangat terkuras, dan Aku merasa sangat letih, dan nyaris tidak dapat melakukan meditasi jalan Ku, bahkan mengangkat kaki untuk berjalan terasa sangat berat.
Habislah Aku! Aku merasa beratus ribu hantu telah menyedot Chi Ku saat Aku tidak siap, mereka tidak seharusnya melakukan itu pada-Ku.

Tetapi, Aku adalah seorang sadhaka, dan adalah benar mengorbankan tubuh-Ku demi manfaat makhluk hidup. Kalau penyedotan Chi Ku bermanfaat bagi beratus ribu hantu ini, Aku bisa terima itu.

Aku menderita. Aku tidak nafsu makan. Baju-Ku robek. Aku berbaring dan meringkuk, merasa luarbiasa lelah terkuras.
Aku tidak dapat tidur untuk beberapa malam, dan Aku tidak mencukur kepala dan jenggot. Saat Aku melihat diri-Ku di cermin, Aku terkejut melihat diri-Ku dengan rambut putih dan jenggot putih. Tampak di cermin Aku seperti gelandangan yang hidup di jalanan, orang yang sama sekali tidak punya tenaga dan kekuatan, lebih mirip dengan mayat hidup. Hilanglah sudah hari-hari dimana Aku biasanya tampil kuat dan percaya diri. Malangnya Aku! Aku menyeret mayat hidup-Ku secara harafiah.

Sudahlah! Selama bermanfaat bagi para hantu, lebih baik Aku memberikan hidup-Ku. Aku siap mengorbankan diri-Ku, Aku sudah siap memberikan tubuh-Ku.

Kemudian suatu hari, Budha Cahaya Kebajikan 「善光佛」muncul, dan berkata, 'Aku harus mengajarkan-Mu satu mantra, kalau tidak Anda bisa mati!'

Mantra itu adalah:
`Pútí fā yú xīn. Yú xīn wú suǒ xún. Chéngjiù yú yīqiè. Wú gǔ yì wú jīn.'
(Mengembangkan Bodhicitta dari hati. Tiada yang dapat dicari didalam hati. Mencapai segalanya. Tiada masalalu dan tiada masakini.)

Ketika Aku menerima mantra ini, Aku menjapanya setiap hari, sampai semua dari ratusan ribu hantu pun mengalami kontak batin. Daun-daun cemara yang semula merupakan hantu, telah berubah menjadi penjelmaan para Budha. Para hantu mengalami pencerahan oleh mantra ini.

Haha! Para Budha penjelmaan hadir disini untuk menguji-Ku!
Aku mendapatkan kembali kekuatan dan Chi Ku perlahan-lahan pulih kembali.

Augur Resources double strike of broad gold copper hits at Wonogiri and high grade at Jampang

Augur Resources (ASX: AUK) has these days announced a double strike of sturdy drilling results from 2 totally different comes in Central Java.
Firstly at the Wonogiri project diamond drilling intersected a 222.1 metre at zero.57 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and zero.15% copper from eighty four metres in another indication of the sturdy bulk tonnage potential at the project.
Within the terribly broad intersection were 2 higher grade zones that included; eighty six.0 metres at zero.85g/t gold and zero.20% copper from one hundred ten.5 metres, and 46.1 metres at zero.78g/t gold and zero.17% copper from 259.5 metres.
Importantly for extra discoveries, mineralisation remains open to the north, south, west and at depth - with drilling already underway along strike.
The project lies among the Sunda-Banda arc, that is taken into account prospective for epithermal gold and porphyry copper-gold mineralisation.
Augur has an agreement to earn a fifty one interest of the project from PT Oxindo once the expenditure of US$1.5 million among twelve months from fifteen December 2010, and might earn an eightieth interest with the expenditure of an additional US$2.0 million among twenty four months of fifteen December 2010.
Secondly at the Jampang project Augur has intersected gold mineralisation in twenty seven of the last thirty-nine holes, as well as some high grade hits.
High grade highlights at Jampang include:
- 3.0 metres at eight.26g/t gold, 0.13% copper and forty three.8g/t silver from seventy two metres, as well as one.0 metre at twenty.3 g/t gold, 0.28% copper and ninety.1g/t silver; and
- 3.0 metres at five.65g/t gold, 0.29% copper and half-dozen.6g/t silver from seventy seven.0 metres.
There were additionally some broader highlights at Jampang such as:
- 15.0 metres at three.33g/t gold, 0.22% copper and twenty.7g/t silver from ninety four.0 metres;
- 12.0 metres at three.53g/t gold, 0.42% copper and fourteen.4g/t silver from fifty seven.0 metres; and
- 23.0 metres at one.90g/t gold, 0.13% copper and three.7g/t silver from fifty seven.0 metres.
The intersections were created in shut proximity to the Lipi gold-copper deposit.

2,000 students scan Pancasila, Constitution

SURAKARTA: Around a pair of,000 junior and senior highschool students in Surakarta, Central Java, scan Pancasila and also the preamble to the 1945 Constitution on Sunday.

Event organizer Rochmad Suryadi said that the event was aimed to encourage nationalism among students.

He said that many recent surveys had shown that almost all Indonesian students had not memorized the state ideology Pancasila or the four-paragraph preamble to the Constitution.

“That is why we’re holding the event,” Rohmad said as quoted by tempointeraktif.com on Sunday.

Student Heninda Rahmawati said that she may simply recite the 5 pillars of Pancasila, however she said was less assured in her memorization of the preamble to the Constitution.

Heninda said that it absolutely was not enough to memorize Pancasila and also the Constitution’s preamble. “We have to be compelled to apply these values in our daily lives,” she said.

State ideological education in faculties has recently been within the spotlight as radical and extremist movements have reportedly mistreated the ideas of pluralism and tolerance in Indonesia.