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Friday, March 5, 2010

Panduan Mengubah Icon Blogger Favicon

Logo blogger yang sudah tidak asing lagi di mata para pengguna internet karena begitu khas dengan lambang huruf B dan juga begitu banyak pengguna internet yang membuat blog gratisnya menggunakan blogspot sehingga logo blogger/blogspot selalu terlihat sepeti :Artikel ini saya posting atas permintaan sobat kita yang bernama Salim yang menanyakan tentang cara mengubah icon bloggger (favi...

Science, the Brain and Meditation.

One of the subjects that interest me most is the intersection of science and Buddhism as I highly value both. So, it is always enlightening and exciting to see where they meet and compliment each other. I have posted several articles showing the effects of mediation on the brain but this one triggered a fresh perspective to the subject--That being the interactions between the left and right hemispheres of the brain:Enlightenment has been described in many ways, but what is common to most descriptions...