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Friday, September 21, 2012

Exploring Impermanence (Shinzen Young)

AgainstTheStream.org; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly  Former Buddhist monk and (possibly) enlightened teacher Shinzen Young is set to lead a workshop on impermanence (anicca), a pivotal meditation subject with the power to release us from our bonds in an instant -- given sufficient concentration (jhana): Absorption first, insight later.   There are two sides to impermanence -- the sobering reality and the blissful energy. The sobering reality is that everything passes....

Are we wasting 40% of our food? (audio)

Denise Chow (ScienceFriday.com)Food waste in America, what can be done about it, Umbra? (grist.org)     Each year at a cost of $165 billion, Americans waste 33 million tons of food. Dana Gunders, a project scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council, and author Jonathan Bloom [wastedfood.com; American Wasteland: How America Throws Away Nearly Half of Its Food (and What We Can Do About It)] discuss the economic and environmental impacts of food waste, and what can be done...

International Peace Day today (video)

BeThePeace.com; Wisdom Quarterly   There will be live events in hundreds of cities around the world, starting at 6:00pm in local timezones, creating a profound wave of peace that moves across our planet.   There will also be three specific moments during the day when everyone around the world will connect at the same time: 12:00 am, 12:00 pm (noon), and 12:00 (midnight) EDT, creating three deep planetary Pulses of Peace.    BeThePeace welcomes humans from every culture,...

Solusi Komputer Tidak Langsung Masuk Windows

Kali ini blog Belajar Ilmu komputer mendapatkan sebuah pesan singkat (sms) dari pengunjung yang menanyakan tentang komputernya yang saat dihidupkan tidak langsung masuk ke windows melainkan masuk dulu ke setting Basic Input dan Ouput System (BIOS). Untuk mengatasi masalah ini tidak sulit, karena komputer anda secara keseluruhan tidak rusak yang rusak adalah daya battery untuk BIOS sudah tidak...

More trees means more abundance

Tim De Chant (persquaremile.com); Wisdom Quarterly Why do we love trees?   The love of trees (NoahOz/flickr.com)Urban trees -- or the lack thereof -- can reveal income inequality. After writing that article, De Chant got curious: Could we actually see income inequality from space? Yes, and it turned out to be much easier to see than expected. Simple satellite images from Google Earth show adjacent neighborhoods from a selection of cities around the world. In case it isn’t obvious at first...