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Monday, December 17, 2012

The death of dear children (sutra)

Wisdom Quarterly translation of Visakha Sutra, Inspired Utterances (Udana 8.8) The Buddha fearless mudra (Saksit_s/flickr.com) This have I heard. On one occasion the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī at the Eastern Monastery, in the palace of Migāra's mother. A dear and beloved grandson of Visākhā, Migāra's mother, had died. So Visākhā went to visit the Buddha with hair and clothes wet [marks of mourning].Grief stricken she went in the middle of the day, bowed, and sat down. The Buddha said...

Why things REALLY happen (video)

Former Governor Jesse Ventura on Piers Morgan (CNN, Sept. 17, 2012), MOXNews.com (LI...

Late Night Sex Talk: "Loveline" (video)

LovelineShow.com; Wisdom Quarterly    (LoveLineShow.com)Loveline is on the radio weeknights (Sunday-Thursday, 10:00-11:59 PM PST) live from Los Angeles (KROQ.com). It is co-hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky, DJ Mike Catherwood, and sex therapist Simone Bienne.It's a call-in question-and-answer show featuring any interesting person who can get through. (Start dialing before the show comes begins). What's the point? The primary goal is helping youth and young adults with relationship, sexuality,...

What about FULL gun control? (audio)

Blase Bonpane, World Focus, Dec. 16, 2012 10:00 am; WBUR.com; Wisdom QuarterlyJillian Soto trying to get information on her sister, Victoria Soto, a teacher at the Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, CT, Friday, after a gunman murdered children and adults. Her sister was among those killed (Jessica Hill/AP).LISTEN NOW: PLAY (download) Who kills more children than anyone? What will we do now? Shall we follow Diane Feinstein and ban assault rifles so that the only people who have assault rifles...

5 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi Anda

     Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Memiliki gigi yang kuat dan sehat merupakan impian semua orang. Disamping itu juga,  gigi berperan penting dalam membantu pencernaan makanan yang mana bertugas pertama kali dalam melembutkan makanan sebelum masuk ke usus kita. Dengan memiliki gigi yang sehat pula, maka senyum pun terasa tidak berat kita lakukan. Lalu, adakah tips mudah menjaga kesehatan gigi yang baik dan benar ....????        Sahabat, tips kesehatan....

Mengatasi Error 404 Not Found

Rangkin blog akan sulit meningkat apabila blog yang dikelolah sedang tidak sehat. Kesehatan sebuah blog dilihat dari banyak indikator, diantaranya adalah link yang rusak atau url link yang sudah dihapus sehingga search engine tidak menemukan url dimaksud.Kenapa error 404 not found itu bisa muncul pada Google Webmaster? error 404 itu tercatat dalam Google Webmaster karena:Search engine ti...