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Monday, December 17, 2012

The death of dear children (sutra)

Wisdom Quarterly translation of Visakha Sutra, Inspired Utterances (Udana 8.8)
The Buddha fearless mudra (Saksit_s/flickr.com)
This have I heard. On one occasion the Buddha was staying near Sāvatthī at the Eastern Monastery, in the palace of Migāra's mother. 

A dear and beloved grandson of Visākhā, Migāra's mother, had died. So Visākhā went to visit the Buddha with hair and clothes wet [marks of mourning].

Grief stricken she went in the middle of the day, bowed, and sat down. The Buddha said to Migāra's mother:

"Visākhā, why have you come here with wet hair and clothes in the middle of the day?"

Going to the Buddha (Nevil Zaveri/flickr)
"My dear and beloved grandson has died," she explained.
"Visākhā, would you like to many children?"
"Yes, venerable sir, I would like to have as many children and grandchildren as there are people in [the city of] Sāvatthī."
"But how many people in Sāvatthī die in the course of a day?"
"Sometimes ten people die in Sāvatthī in the course of a day, sometimes nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... Sometimes just one person dies in Sāvatthī in the course of a day. Sāvatthī is never without people dying."
"Then, Visākhā, what do you think: Would you ever be free of wet clothes and hair?"

"No, venerable sir. Enough of my having so many children!"
"Visākhā, those who have 100 dear ones have 100 sufferings. Those who have 90 dear ones have 90 sufferings. Those who have 80... 70... 60... 50... 40... 30...20 ... ten... nine... eight... seven... six... five... four... three... two... Those who have one dear one have one suffering.

"Those who have no dear ones have no sufferings. They are free from sorrow, free from stain, free from lamentation, I tell you."
Blissful and blameless (health.com)
Realizing the significance, the Buddha exclaimed: "The sorrow, weeping, and many similar kinds of suffering exist in the world, exist dependent on something dear. They do not exist when there is nothing dear.

"Blissful and sorrowless are those for whom nothing in the world is anywhere perceived as dear. Therefore, one who aspires to attain the stainless and sorrowless (nirvana) should not seek to make anything anywhere in the world dear.
Cold world? No, the warmest!
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
The Buddha, like all arhats, reclines into final bliss of nirvana (Saksit_s/flickr)
But how could anyone avoid becoming attached to dear things in the world? In fact, on reflection, nothing is dear except that we make it so.
The proof? Something is called "dear" only because it is dear to someone, not because of anything it intrinsically possesses. IF this were not so, THEN there would be no release from attachment to the dear.  No one would be freed from grasping and clinging or what we refer to as "attachment."

Of course, for most people this is not the problem. The problem the idea that anyone would recommend that we not be attached to things so dear as children, as relatives, as friends.
Most people, most of the time, ARE going to be attached. And rightly so. The Buddha promoted and persuaded multitudes to care for one another, to cultivate loving-kindness (metta, love, friendliness, warmth for others) and compassion (karuna, actively helping relieve the suffering of others).
But he went further. He taught that to be happy, one should also cultivate joyful-appreciation (mudita) and after all three of these are developed, equanimity (upekkha).
This is where people stop understanding. Equanimity is misinterpreted as "indifference." But it really means non-bias. That is, those three beautiful karmic impulses are sent to ALL without distinction. This is how the practice is brought to fulfillment, perfection, fruition. The goal is more than social. But it is social.

"Enlightened" society? Progressive but not enlightened.
The world will not be enlightened, societies will not be, not cities, towns, or villages. Individuals, pairs, small groups of practitioners see the light (nimitta), develop the eight attainments (absorptions), make their way skyward to the deva-worlds, or go beyond ALL suffering to the supreme goal of nirvana.
With us, with our attachments, we FEAR nirvana as cold "nothingness," as annihilation, as "emptiness," as oblivion. And we do not see it, we do not strive for it, we turn away toward the world and pat ourselves on the back for choosing the eternal bodhisattva path. The work of a "savior-martyr" is never done, for there are too many beings to save for it to ever be done. 
That is why the historical Buddha never spoke of anyone abandoning the goal in favor of becoming another Maitreya (Messiah). It is one sure way not to cultivate the path, not to develop the necessary factors to make the best use of a human life, which is to directly know-and-see the truth. Then one could really be useful, could raise a hand in fearless-mudra and allay the suffering of others.

Why things REALLY happen (video)

Former Governor Jesse Ventura on Piers Morgan (CNN, Sept. 17, 2012), MOXNews.com

Late Night Sex Talk: "Loveline" (video)

LovelineShow.com; Wisdom Quarterly

Loveline is on the radio weeknights (Sunday-Thursday, 10:00-11:59 PM PST) live from Los Angeles (KROQ.com). It is co-hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky, DJ Mike Catherwood, and sex therapist Simone Bienne.

It's a call-in question-and-answer show featuring any interesting person who can get through. (Start dialing before the show comes begins). What's the point? The primary goal is helping youth and young adults with relationship, sexuality, and drug addiction issues. 

Dr. Drew has gone from radio to TV fame
As a practicing internist and addiction specialist with training in psychology, Dr. Drew answers with medical authority. Comedian Psycho Mike adds humor and insight as a result of his own past dealings with drug abuse and ongoing recovery. Simone provides a woman's point of view and relationship and sex counseling expertise. Where else were we supposed to turn to find out everything we ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask our friends about?

What about FULL gun control? (audio)

Blase Bonpane, World Focus, Dec. 16, 2012 10:00 am; WBUR.com; Wisdom Quarterly
Jillian Soto trying to get information on her sister, Victoria Soto, a teacher at the Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, CT, Friday, after a gunman murdered children and adults. Her sister was among those killed (Jessica Hill/AP).

Who kills more children than anyone? What will we do now? Shall we follow Diane Feinstein and ban assault rifles so that the only people who have assault rifles are NRA members with enough foresight to have pre-purchased them? Shall we give the guns to soldiers and the paramilitary police then beg them not to shoot at us in the street the way they do "suspects" at protests and in ghettos now? What do we offer instead, more psychological care, more assessments, more surveillance? When the POLICE STATE arrives, will it be forced on us, or will we have been duped into demanding it? "Give me liberty or give me death." But don't hurt the children (of this country), anything but that! It's our Achilles heel. And we surrender unequivocally if you threaten them.
Imagine Romney trying to comfort a nation (UPI)

5 Tips Mudah Menjaga Kesehatan Gigi Anda

     Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Memiliki gigi yang kuat dan sehat merupakan impian semua orang. Disamping itu juga,  gigi berperan penting dalam membantu pencernaan makanan yang mana bertugas pertama kali dalam melembutkan makanan sebelum masuk ke usus kita. Dengan memiliki gigi yang sehat pula, maka senyum pun terasa tidak berat kita lakukan. Lalu, adakah tips mudah menjaga kesehatan gigi yang baik dan benar ....????
        Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Setiap orang tentu tidak mengharapkan mengalami sakit gigi dan juga mengalami yang namanya gigi berlubang dan berbagai masalah gigi lainnya. Karena itulah, kita harus menjaga kesehatan gigi agar tidak mengalami ke dua hal tersebut. Tips Kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang mungkin sangat bermanfaat bagi pembaca berkaitan dengan kesehatan gigi. Berikut ini 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan gigi secara baik dan benar :
  1. Jauhilah berbagai makanan manis karena sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan gigi anda. Makanan manis tersebut akan mengendap di dalam sela-sela gigi anda dan merupakan tempat berkembang biaknya bakteri yang akan merusak gigi anda. Makanlah makanan yang banyak mengandung kalsium seperti alpukat, brokoli dan kacang-kacangan untuk kesehatan gigi anda.
  2. Biasakan untuk menyikat gigi anda dua kali sehari atau sehabis makan. Agar sisa-sisa makanan tidak mengendap di sela-sela gigi. Sehingga gigi anda akan lebih sehat dan bersih setiap hari.
  3. Rawatlah gigi anda sendiri dengan benar dan jika ada masalah yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan gigi anda seperti gusi yang berdarah atau yang lainnya. Segeralah berkonsultasi dengan dokter spesialis gigi. Agar masalah pada gigi anda tersebut dapat segera teratasi secara dini pula.
  4. Rutinlah berkunjung ke dokter spesialis gigi untuk mengetahui dan mengecek kesehatan gigi anda setiap enam bulan sekali.
  5. Mulai sekarang, jauhilah dari kebiasaan merokok. Karena kandungan nikotin dalam rokok ternyata sangat tidak baik untuk kesehatan gigi anda.
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         Demikianlah tips kesehatan yang berjudul 5 tips mudah menjaga kesehatan gigi anda. Semoga tips kesehatan kali ini bermanfaat dan berguna bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : kesehatan.kompasiana, merdeka).
    Image courtesy of ponsulak at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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