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Friday, July 27, 2012

Trust Me, I'm Lying (media manipulation)

CoastToCoastAM.com (7-22-12), RyanHoliday.net (trustmeimlying.com); Wisdom Quarterly     Professional liar and business strategist Ryan Holiday was on C2C recently talking about how media manipulators control and distort the news. He declares, "Look, this is exactly what's happening, and I know that it's happening because I've personally done it."    He shared a media manipulation story as a marketer for the film I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. He lacked money and media...

The Best Book about Buddhism (FREE)

Ven. Dr. Walpola Rahula, ELECTRONIC EDITION (BuddhaSociety.com, PBS) Grove Press, Inc., New York, proofread by F. Ruzsa; online version by V. Máthé as a gift of DharmaThe entire core contents are available online. An expanded edition is also available.   What the Buddha TaughtCountless volumes have been written on Buddhism. Wisdom Quarterly has gone through many of them -- finding a few diamonds and a great deal of dross in the process. This work stands the test of time. It manages to...

The Buddha on Jainism and Karma (sutra)

Seven, Wisdom Quarterly translation, "The Conch-Trumpet" discourse, Sankha Sutta (S 42.8)Jainism's Mahavira, the Nigantha NataputtaOnce the Buddha was residing near Nalanda in the Parileyyaka mango grove. The headman Asibandhakaputta, a disciple of the Niganthas [Jains], went to him and respectfully bowed and sat to one side.     Then the Buddha asked: "Headman, how does the Nigantha Nataputta [Mahavira, the founder of Jainism] teach the dharma (path, doctrine) to his disciples?""Venerable...

Warped Tour ending; Summer to continue

Warped Tour; KROQ.cbslocal.com; Wisdom QuarterlyTanning Warped Tour crowd watches The Used’s frontman (Photo: Cody Black)  Don't kiss in a car in the woods (AM)The corporate-sponsored Warped Tour is wrapping up. The annual alternative fest encourages indie rock and sometimes gets it, but not most of the time. Still, it's something to do when it gets so hot that all you want to do is stand in the sun in a parking lot made of black asphalt with kids and their parents while skateboarders naff...

Buddhism and American lay life (video)

Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda (Buddhism in Society and Seclusion) edited by Wisdom Quarterly An all-American guy goes from birth, to the shower, to the rest of his life with a song, Dove commercial, Super Bowl XLI (WR Films|2.0, wrfilmshd.yolasite.com, WRfilmshd).  The Buddha addressing female monasticsSome believe Buddhism is so lofty and sublime a system that it cannot be practiced by ordinary men and women in our workaday world. Does someone have to retire to a forest monastery or...

Cara Menghilangkan Tanda Panah pada Icon Desktop

Cara Menghilangkan Tanda Panah pada Icon Desktop. Ilmu komputer kita hari akan bertambah dengan mengetahui cara menghilangkan tanda pada pada icon desktop. Tanda panah ini sejak lama memang saya sendiri kurang suka melihatnya. Penampilan desktop menjadi kotor, tidak bersih dan kurang enak dipandang. Kalo sobat juga sama dengan saya tidak senang dengan tampilan icon ada anak panahnya dan berniat...