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Friday, August 3, 2012

Share, Care, and Be Fair

Ashley Wells, Co-Editor, Wisdom QuarterlyReliquary burial mound (stupa, dagaba, pagoda) in Sri Lanka (Digifancanon/flickr.com)  Nature's own little stupasI recently came across the apparently defunct Conservative Buddhist blog, not realizing that my grouchy grandpa's friends could write.   Kindred spirits, I thought, curious curmudgeons with one eye on the Dharma and another on keeping the status quo -- "conserving" everything just as it is.   We at Wisdom Quarterly are...

Enlightened Daniel Ingram speaks (video)

Daniel Ingram; Britton Lab; Wisdom Quarterly Daniel Ingram speaks at Cheetah House, Part 1 of 3 from Britton Lab   In Part 1, Ingram discusses:the impetus for the practical or hardcore Dharma movementhow the emphasis on open discussion of practice distinguishes the movement from other Dharma movementsthe history of Western Dharma, the interaction of Western Dharma with consumer demand, and how this interaction has led to the current state of Western Dharmahow the Western Dharma movement might be restructured into a pyramidal model with a full acknowledgement of higher states and stages,...

Buddhist Geeks Conference (FREE video)

The Buddhist Geeks Conference 2012August 9–11, 2012FREE video eventDiscover the emerging faces of Buddhism at the Buddhist Geeks Conference 2012 via Sounds True live video streaming.Not Your Normal Buddhist ConferenceThis is an opportunity to explore the frontiers of Buddhism, technology, and global culture. This year’s gathering brings together luminaries in the fields of Buddhism, science, philosophy, education, business, politics, and more. Participants will explore how the Dharma is co-evolving...

Tips Merawat Jaringan Komputer

Jaringan komputer yang sudah terpasang dengan baik jangan sampai dibiarkan begitu saja tanpa perawatan yang memadai sehingga fungsi dari jaringan tersebut tidak berjalan dengan benar, untuk itu dibutuhkan Tips Merawat Jaringan Komputer tersebut agar jaringan tetap berfungsi dengan baik sebagai jalur kompunikasi antar beberapa unit komputer dalam jaringan. Jaringan yang dirawat di sini adalah...

"Angel Wars" (audio interview)

Space visitors (akasha devas) influencing Earth (iHelo58) Guest host John B. Wells muddles through a classic Stephen Quayle interview (7-7-11). Quayle is an unapologetic Christian filtering his understanding through the teachings of St. Issa and ancient Jewish lore. Even if the filter and assumptions around it are wrong, there is much to be said for his core message.A year ago Coast to Coast welcomed author and researcher Steve Quayle, author of Angel Wars, who discussed the secret forces aligned...

Mind Revolution (B. Alan Wallace video)

AlanWallace.org; via Buddhist Geek VincentHorn.comB. Alan Wallace (Roads to Bliss)“…This is something that had been postponed for 300 years from the time of Copernicus. Can you imagine 300 years of the development of science -- of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, etc., etc., 300 years before they actually started the scientific study of the mind?“That should throw you back for a moment if you’ve not quite thought of it in those terms. This is bizarre. The mind is that with which...

Yogis move Off the Mat, Into the World

OffTheMatIntoTheWorld.orgOTM uses the power of yoga to inspire conscious and sustainable activism to ignite grassroots social change, moving yogis off the mat into the world. Join the movement!   Yogis around the world are coming together to activate big change. Join the growing movement of leaders raising funds and awareness for global causes. Join the Global Seva Challenge and come on a life-changing journey to India. GET INVOL...