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Monday, November 5, 2012

"Stripper Poll" predicts election results

Wisdom Quarterly; US.myspace.com/Power106; FitsNews.com Strippers who work poles are the best source of predictive poll results (fitsnews.com)    Capitalism (Chad Chowe/online.WSJ.com)Exit polls, entrance poles, polls of likely voters, polls of voters with cell phones but no land line... Who better to ask whom to vote for than pole dancers?  Pick a candidate, any candidate. You get a choice between the two sides of the same one. There is no third option, unless you're trying...

Why I HATE politics (cartoons)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly (Posted June 7, 2012) Hannity and Colmes, rabid right-winger vs. lefty Droopy the duped Democrat  I hate politics. Why? I hate them because I'm supposed to. I'm trained to. The powers that be wish it. What's an engaged Buddhist to do? What better way to keep things just the way they are?No one makes them any more lovable with "corruption," a fancy way of saying corporate money and bribes. The Koch Brothers and the Republicans bought...

Comedy: Elections vs. Reality (video)

Jimmy Dore, David Feldman; Seth, Xochitl, CC, Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyWar. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Politics, on the other hand. What is that good for? Laughs! We would give up paying attention -- if it weren't so tragically FUNNY.  Everything will be all right. But while the ride is in motion, we sometimes forget ourselves. Then it can get hair-raising. Is Romney that much of an idiot, Obama that much of a liar, the secret movers and shakers (hidden behind the scenes...

Better than Romney, WORSE than Bush (video)

Ashley Wells and Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; OraTVnetwork (Posted Oct. 26, 2012) (Third-Party Presidential Debate 2012) Moderated by Larry King. Hosted by the Free and Equal Elections Foundation at the Chicago Hilton, it covers the economy, "war" on drugs, civil liberties, medical marijuana, education, foreign and domestic policy.Revealing broken system: Presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein (Green) arrested for trying to debate Obama/Romney"Obama wins! Romney never had a chance," the headlines...

Sexy Jewish support for the Democrat (video)

Sarah Silverman (sarahsilvermanonline.com); The Young Turks (Posted July 18, 2012)  "I'm listening."Following The Great Schlep during the last election cycle, comedienne Sarah Silverman gets very racy and even stoops to soliciting to steer Jewish money toward the Democratic candidate. She propositions multi-billionaire, Israel-booster, and gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson:     "If you give that $100 million to Obama instead of Romney, I will -- well, I won't have sex...

Better Presidential Debates (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly; (NPR, Oct. 6, 2012); DrShrapn3l (therumble2012.com)       What if nobody won? (Getty/ChipSomodevilla)While failed-comedian Bill O'Reilly (FOX News) and faux-newser Jon Stewart (Comedy Central) duked it out, there was another much more serious alternative presidential debate presented by NPR (National Public Radio). It was between third-party candidates Jill Stein (Green) and Gary Johnson (Libertarian).  The NPR third-party candidate debate Green Jill Stein...

Inappropriate Yoga Guy (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly revisits The Inappropriate Yoga Guy by Tato Salad (GoPotatoTV) Ogden creates awkward situations in yoga studios throughout the (San Fernando) Valley. But don't worry, he's in the yoga teacher training program. Produced by James McFadden and Tyler McFadden. Directed by Greg Thanos. Starring Avi Rothman and Brittney Kara. Written by Avi Rothman. Special thanks to GardenOfYoga.c...

Menghilangkan Virus MxAntiSpy

Laptop teman terserang MxAntiSpy, indikasinya, setiap kali saya sambungkan sebuah flash disk ke port USB, muncul pesan yang mengatakan bahwa drive tersebut tidak ada, padahal drive usb dapat terbaca dengan baik, bahkan semua proses pengolahan data seperti copy, delete dan rename file pada drive flash disk berjalan seperti biasa, namun pesan Drive tidak ditemukan tetap saja muncul dan tidak bisa...