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Monday, November 5, 2012

"Stripper Poll" predicts election results

Wisdom Quarterly; US.myspace.com/Power106; FitsNews.com

Strippers who work poles are the best source of predictive poll results (fitsnews.com)

Capitalism (Chad Chowe/online.WSJ.com)
Exit polls, entrance poles, polls of likely voters, polls of voters with cell phones but no land line... Who better to ask whom to vote for than pole dancers?
Pick a candidate, any candidate. You get a choice between the two sides of the same one. There is no third option, unless you're trying to make a statement. And WQ is.
So next time we get our turn again, right?
Who do strippers want if they are let out of the club to vote (which is their legal right with two hours of pay)? They are overwhelmingly for B.S. Obama. But throughout the Bible Belt, strippers working among older white businessmen say they are for Bishop Romney.

MIC told me in advance, but I didn't believe it.
How the the ballot measures breakdown? "What's that?" strippers ask. Would you like to know what's in food you buy? Yes. Then vote yes on 37 in California. Or, you know, read that newspaper thingy they said. It explains things in needlessly misleading language.

"Why would it be misleading?" Because democracy is the worst form of government... except for all the others. We should really give it a try someday. There's no time for this (s)election, but maybe next time.
What do the strippers predict? Obama may not win, but he will be the president (of the corporation) for another four years. Even if the Electoral College or Supreme Court has to hand him the crown Bush-style, he will be king. Strippers have spoken. Bishop Rmoney never really had a chance, even with rampant voter suppression. (This is carried out in various ways but it is most egregious with racial minorities being given "provisional" ballots that count for next to nothing). This is why no authentic Republican was allowed to run. Monsanto, Inc. is likely to prevail in its deception on labeling its genetically modified foodstuffs as per MIC agreement. Libertarian Gary Johnson will ride marijuana to the top in Colorado. California will see through sex trafficking ballot measure that tried to overreach for the police state.
6:00 pm DemocracyNow! national election special
9:00 pm KPFA/KPFK statewide election special
10:00 pm (Spanish election) Informe en español
11:00 pm KPFA/KPFK special: News Team

Why I HATE politics (cartoons)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly (Posted June 7, 2012)
Hannity and Colmes, rabid right-winger vs. lefty Droopy the duped Democrat
I hate politics. Why? I hate them because I'm supposed to. I'm trained to. The powers that be wish it. What's an engaged Buddhist to do? What better way to keep things just the way they are?

No one makes them any more lovable with "corruption," a fancy way of saying corporate money and bribes. The Koch Brothers and the Republicans bought Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's allegiance then kept him in office in spite of what people wanted. He took collective bargaining from public employees because someone told him to. Yawn. Who cares?

(LINK) Koch Brother from another mother Walker survives recall in WI.
Destroying the unions means building up the 1%. Vee vill do vut vee are toldt, and vee vill like it! That's the worst thing, corruption. But the second worst thing is how disappointing and ineffectual Democrats are. Such weakness and powerlessness-when-in-power can't be real. B.S. Obama can't be that bad of a negotiator.
Any party in power is bad, but what "opposition" are we ever given? Does NPR raise a voice to do more than lean left on social matters while taking a hard swing to the right on all things fiscal? The whole country is socially liberal (whether they admit it or not) and fiscally conservative (as we get economically squeezed to the breaking point).

Let's make the bad times holidays so we can have guilt-ridden good times.

FOX News is the right wing, the Red Ties. MSNBC is the "left" wing, the Blue Ties. (Bloods vs. Crips). Because both parties want the same things, they never really work against each other's interests. Whoever wins, the most important thing is that the two-party system stay in place.
The mainstream media kills any third party dreams, any enthusiasm, any attempt to vote. We don't regard voting as a thing we need to do. We consider it a burden. So only activist old women of a particular race get excited about what "needs to be done." 

Rachel Maddow, corporate "commie pinko" voice in a short haircut

How did white Afrikaners keep black South Africans enslaved for so long? The same way the minority party (Republicans) keeps the masses (Democrats and Independents) confused and barking up the wrong trees. PR decides whom we vote for, not us. We do not decide what we do. On the bright side in California, after a gang of policemen slowly and brutally tortured and murdered a homeless/mentally incapacitated man (Kelly Thomas) in public, two gang members are being prosecuted for the "accident." And three Fullerton City Council members were thrown out of office for how they handled it.

Who will save us from GOP-TV FOX? Simpsons, suggests good Maddow.

Tuesday elections also saw the demise of LA City Attorney (prosecutor) Carmen Trutanich's ambitions. Trutanich, an enemy of the Occupy Movement and LA artists, lost his bid to become District Attorney in a stunning upset. He didn't even win a spot in the run off. Will racial profiling continue as police stop, frisk, and beat? Will Obama continue to act like a member of the Bush Administration? Is anyone enough to care?

If it weren't for Seth MacFarlane's humor, what would the country do?

News in paradise, FOX (Network) News, which is SoCal local news lite

Comedy: Elections vs. Reality (video)

Jimmy Dore, David Feldman; Seth, Xochitl, CC, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

War. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Politics, on the other hand. What is that good for? Laughs! We would give up paying attention -- if it weren't so tragically FUNNY.
Everything will be all right. But while the ride is in motion, we sometimes forget ourselves. Then it can get hair-raising. Is Romney that much of an idiot, Obama that much of a liar, the secret movers and shakers (hidden behind the scenes manipulating the game) that "evil"?
Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
A boy was devouring a sack of candy -- bar after bar -- when the old Zen master walked up to him hollering
"You stupid fool, you're going to die eating that much candy!"

"My grandfather lived to be 107," the boy explained and kept gobbling away.
The old master was surprised. "You mean he lived to be 107 by eating candy?"
"No," the boy answered, "by minding his own business."
Q: Why did the cat fall out of the tree?
I don't know, why?
A: Because he was dead.
COMEDY: KPFK podcast FREE on iTunes
Is there compassion and kindness (karuna and metta) in today's cutting comedy? There may not be for those public figures being skewered. But there sure is for the majority of us forced to endure mass media disinformation campaigns and pernicious half-truths and bald-faced untruths of politicians and newsy talking heads.
Thank Comedy Central, Stephen Colbert, Sarah "Great Schlep" Silverman, Jon Stewart, Laura Kightlinger, Lisa Lampanelli, Seth MacFarlane, Southpark creators Matt and Trey, and the good ol' boys with the Red State Update!

Better than Romney, WORSE than Bush (video)

Ashley Wells and Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; (Posted Oct. 26, 2012) (Third-Party Presidential Debate 2012) Moderated by Larry King. Hosted by the Free and Equal Elections Foundation at the Chicago Hilton, it covers the economy, "war" on drugs, civil liberties, medical marijuana, education, foreign and domestic policy.
"Obama wins! Romney never had a chance," the headlines will read. All this "dead heat" nonsense will evaporate like Dole's chances against Mr. Hillary Clinton. B.S. Obama may not survive his unlucky stars, according to psychic-astrologer Sean David Morton, but barring that, Mitt Rmoney never had a chance. It's easy to call him an incompetent "idiot," as Jon Stewart does (below). But we suspect that when he makes his first billion, the Old Boys' Club (global elite) will let him in on the secret of why he never had a chance of "winning."
How can you "win" staged elections without The Producers being in on it? Those who decide the outcome do most of their work during the parties' primaries and selection process in the first place. If We The People had had our way, environmentalist and legacy-rancher Al Gore (whose wife Tipper wanted to censor music with PMRC) would have spared us all the horrors of Dicks Cheney and Bush, but who actually runs this world?

How could our beloved leader, our Commander and Chief, the future emperor of the world be any worse than his predecessor George W. Bush? Revolutionary commentator Bob Avakian, an actual socialist/communist, explains in detail.

Innocent child asks Mr. Cool: "Why do people hate you?"

Sexy Jewish support for the Democrat (video)

Sarah Silverman (sarahsilvermanonline.com); (Posted July 18, 2012)

"I'm listening."
Following The Great Schlep during the last election cycle, comedienne Sarah Silverman gets very racy and even stoops to soliciting to steer Jewish money toward the Democratic candidate. She propositions multi-billionaire, Israel-booster, and gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson:
"If you give that $100 million to Obama instead of Romney, I will -- well, I won't have sex with you because we're not married and I'm a nice girl," Silverman explains seductively in the video before naming a sex act that includes keeping her clothes on. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss Silverman's indecent proposal to Romney-backer Adelson.
But Obama is worse than Bush!
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Green Party 2012 nominee Dr. Jill Stein (Laura-Chase McGehee/AP)
Yes, that's true. Barry Soetoro Obama has put through most of the Bush Dynasty's illegal proposals, much to the surprise of his cousin Dick Cheney.
Even Karl Rove is surprised. But the fact is he is a lot less offensive than G.W. Bush, so that his current abuses do not seem so bad by comparison.
At least Obama is a great orator like former presidents Clinton and Lincoln. So the question is, "Who's worse, Obama or Romney?" We're not sure.
"The devil you know is better than the devil you don't," politicos like to remind us. And rigged American politics (video: Princeton Univ.) are all about picking the "lesser of two evils." Could the Whitehouse made the choice any easier? Willard "Mittens" Romney is a deplorable liar, but at least he's not believable.
B.S. Obama is a deplorable liar, yet so many of us believe him. Who's the greater danger?
Give us the Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, give us the Comeback Kid Kucinich, give us Ron Paul, we'll even settle for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson. Better yet, let's undo the farce that we live in a Republic with "democratic" elections and call it by its true names. Blank, blank, and fill-in-the-blank.

Why We Occupy #4 (occucards.com)
We're with Dougie the Dog on this one: We'd rather scissor Sheldon than engage in the futile federal ritual of voting for either Tweedledee or Tweedledum(b) only to be ignored by the military-industrial complex and its actual decision makers. The MIC does not need an official presidency, or the Kenyan they installed, to do what it wants in the name of the US and its partner police states.

Better Presidential Debates (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly; (NPR, Oct. 6, 2012); (therumble2012.com)   

What if nobody won? (Getty/ChipSomodevilla)
While failed-comedian Bill O'Reilly (FOX News) and faux-newser Jon Stewart (Comedy Central) duked it out, there was another much more serious alternative presidential debate presented by NPR (National Public Radio). It was between third-party candidates Jill Stein (Green) and Gary Johnson (Libertarian).
The NPR third-party candidate debate
Green Jill Stein (jillstein.org)
What's it like to be a third-party candidate running for president? Ralph Nader can tell us: "You're excluded from the debates," he says. "You spend an exhausting amount of time, until Labor Day, trying to get over the ballot access barriers. Your petitioners are harassed in the streets; you're subjected to baseless lawsuits by one party or another."
Nader has run for president three times -- four if you count the time he ran unofficially. In 2000, he managed to win almost 3 percent of the national vote.
Libertarian Gary Johnson
To this day, getting a third-party candidate into a presidential debate is practically impossible.
[The one-party system we have, halved in two, has made sure of that.] The Commission on Presidential Debates says that to be included, you have to poll 15 percent with voters. That's why George Farah, founder of Open Debates, a group that wants the system reformed, thinks the commission is the main problem.

"This commission exists for the principle purpose of protecting and strengthening the two parties," Farah says. "Every four years they allow the major party candidates to negotiate agreements that dictate many of the terms of the debates -- including the exclusion of popular third-party voices."
So given the two major party candidates had 90 minutes and at least 50 million viewers for their debate last Wednesday, [NPR] decided to invite two of the third-party candidates to a debate of our own.

Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party's nominee. Jill Stein is the Green Party's nominee. They joined moderator -- and host of weekends on All Things Considered -- Guy Raz for a debate focusing on domestic issues: the economy, health care, and the role of government. More

Inappropriate Yoga Guy (comedy)

Wisdom Quarterly revisits The Inappropriate Yoga Guy by Tato Salad
() Ogden creates awkward situations in yoga studios throughout the (San Fernando) Valley. But don't worry, he's in the yoga teacher training program. Produced by James McFadden and Tyler McFadden. Directed by Greg Thanos. Starring Avi Rothman and Brittney Kara. Written by Avi Rothman. Special thanks to GardenOfYoga.com!

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