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Saturday, August 18, 2012

America growing increasingly Atheist

Patt Morrison (KPCC, SCPR.org) Smile, there may be many hells and heavens yet no "God" due to workings of  karma.   Stephen Batchelor - atheistThe belief in God, or gods, is changing and some new research shows that the practice is on the decline worldwide. According to a new poll by WIN-Gallup International, the percentage of Americans who identify as “religious” dropped 13 points -- from 73 to 60 percent since 2005. The number of Americans who identify as atheists jumped from...

Pussy Riot, poor Phelps, Pot Shops, more

Wisdom QuarterlySupporters perform in a dirt lot across from the Russian Embassy in DC, Aug. 10, 2012, in a solidarity concert for the Russian punk rock group Pussy Riot (Paul J. Richards/AFP/Getty).    KGB killer Vlad Putin killing fish(SCPR) Pussy Riot, an all-female Russian feminist punk band, is “the latest symbol of young Russian discontent.” Anti-Putin youth of Russia now consider themselves on trial. Pussy Riot functions as a collective, with a rotating cast of characters who...