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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Footnote Microsoft Office 2007

Catatan kaki adalah daftar keterangan khusus yang ditulis di bagian bawah setiap lembaran atau akhir bab karangan ilmiah. Catatan kaki biasa digunakan untuk memberikan keterangan dan komentar, menjelaskan sumber kutipan atau sebagai pedoman penyusunan daftar bacaan.Sistematika penulisanCatatan kaki harus dipisahkan oleh sebuah garis yang panjangnya empat belas karakter dari margin kiri dan...

Buddhadharma Magazine Mention.

As some of you know, Buddhadharma magazine was working on an article on unaffiliated Buddhist practitioners. I'm not exactly unaffiliated but I do not have a regular sangha for many reasons that I've already mentioned here before. Well, I was approached awhile back to submit a paragraph on the subject. Yesterday the Spring issue arrived and I have been savoring the in-depth article like a bone. I was surprised but excited that they had included my submission. Here is what I said about unaffiliated...