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Monday, August 6, 2012

Another MC attacks Sikh temple in US

UPDATED 8/8; Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)Guru Nanak and nine other famous Sikh teachers. (Dev and ji are simply Indian honorifics).    OAK CREEK, Wisconsin - Well that didn't take long. Two weeks ago horrified Americans were shouting "Never again," and we were adding, "until the next time." Another Manchurian Candidate (MC) has been loosed upon civil society to create random mayhem and sow the seeds of fear.NEVER AGAIN (until the next time)7 shot...

Images of Compassion (NVC)

Wisdom Quarterly; InternationalPeaceAndConflict.orgJoint Vesak celebration 2011, Los Angeles (A. Wells/Wisdom Quarterly)   The "Compassion Course" is based on over 24 years of experience as a writer and trainer -- with the last 11 spent studying, living, and teaching nonviolent communication (NVC).   Imagine this work open and available to everyone. There are no time or money constraints.  This year, 2012, marks the second time the course is offered. The 2011 Compassion...

Mengapa Komputer Mati Sendiri

Mengapa komputer mati sendiri? caritahu penyebabnya agar bisa mengambil tindakan perbaikan dengan tepat. Komputer mati sendiri maupu laptop atau netbook mati sendiri penyebabnya adalah hampir sama. Semua perangkat komputer kalau tidak digunakan sesuai dengan prosedur maka kemungkinan komputer mati sendiri bisa saja terjadi kapan saja.Apa Penyebab Komputer Mati SendiriPenyebab komputer mati...