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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fungsi Meta Tag

Para blogger pemula yang ingin blognya terkenal dan mudah ditemukan oleh mesin pencari berikut ini sedikit tips mengenai Meta Tag. Siapa sih yang tidak mau blognya di kunjungi orang lain para pengguna internet, saya yakin seorang blogger tentu mengharapkan agar blognya bisa di kunjungi dan di baca oleh banyak orang. Untuk itu seorang blogger tentu berusaha sedemikian rupa sehingga blognya bisa...

A is for Acupuncture

So there I was lying partially naked on the table with needles sticking out of my back, neck and legs yet It was the most relaxed that I've felt in a long time. I'm talking about acupuncture and this morning I experienced it for the first time.According to traditional Chinese medicine the body has meridians (or channels) through which Qi (vital energy) flow. The channels and points are attributed to specific body parts and bodily functions/systems, which can supposedly relieve pain and relax muscles...