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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mermaids were real (video)

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. (AngelTherapy.com); Ashley Wells, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
() Virtue, guitarist for Obsidian (with Mark Watson and Tatiana), and friend Angela Hartfield go on a mermaid adventure to the Obsidian song "Find That Place." Concert footage from March 2011 Vancouver show; ocean footage in Kona, Hawaii, Fiji; video footage and editing by Jeff Leicher at Jack's Diving Locker, Kona; concert footage by Michael Allen.
Bhumi-devi Doreen Virtue (angeltherapy.com)
If dogs are man's best friend, dolphins are women's. And it's okay. According to geneticists and other scientists examining fossilized structures, dogs and dolphins evolved one to the other. They are both mammals breathing atmospheric air rather than strictly depending on air filtered from water through gills.
AQUATIC APE theorists are onto something! And everything Virtue is saying is strangely echoed in something the Buddha's chief male disciple Maha Moggallana, "foremost in psychic powers," said about mermaids in the middle of the ocean, according to Bhikkhu Bodhi's translation of the Middle Length Discourses (MN 50.25) :

"In the middle of the ocean
There are mansions aeon-lasting,
Sapphire-shining, fiery-gleaming
With a clear translucent lustre,
Where iridescent sea-nymphs dance
In complex, intricate rhythms."
(MN 50.25, Ven. Nanamoli/Bhikkhu Bodhi translation)

There be dragons too (Evs in Nz)
Last night Dr. Virtue dazzled millions by talking about the reality of mermaids on Coast to Coast. They really used to exist on Earth, the surface of which was made to cover 70% of this planet.  The water was brought here. And our bodies are 70% water. Because mer-persons (mer meaning mar, maritime, marine, "ocean"), once as common as dolphins, were killed off, they came to exist only as earthbound-devas, subtle energy light beings, water-delighting fairies. Seamen have been spotting them for millenia.

The archetype is powerful in our collective consciousness. We all recognize them. Many of us are drawn to them. And Dr. Virtue makes it possible with the help of modern technology and a variety of unifin/monofin models.

From Coast to Coast
Spiritual psychologist Doreen Virtue was on Coast to Coast discussing her study of mermaids and mer-people, as well as dolphins and their possible connection to Atlantis and the star Sirius.
The Dogon people of Africa knew this, having been told by visitors from the Dog Star (Sirius, Canis Majoris).
(Canvas of Light/flickr.com)
Based on her research of both ancient texts and artifacts, as well as past life regressions she herself has conducted, Dr. Virtue concludes that mer-people absolutely existed and were separate from manatees, dolphins, and bipedal humans. "These were real beings who used the gills that humans are always born with but that cover over as the embryo grows, and were able to consume the oxygen that was in the water," she said. More
  • DOLPHINS are as intelligent (or more so according to her and the HHGTTG) as humans. Civilians recently blocked a military-industrial complex (MIC) plan to sonically blast the waters in front of a nuclear plant in California, which would have harmed countless water mammals and possibly led to the kind of seismic activity it purported to be studying.
  • ANGELS (devas, messengers, divas, lit. "shining ones") have something to tell us. Eat organic produce. "The reason is the angels are trying to get us off the toxic GMOs," she reveals, "so these guardians are trying to keep us safe, keep us healthy, and not be victims of the depopulation scheme." 
VIDEO: Hey, let's go kill some stupid dolphins! (ABC)
Girls "indecently" attacked by Catholic nun now on trial
Videogames go for mythology denied us by science
Canadian press exposes UFOs hovering around ISS
After "New Atheism," let's rehumanize Humanism

Forbidden Archeology: UFOs of India (video)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Michael Cremo addresses the monthly MUFON LA meeting, Universalist Unitarian Church, Studio City, on the extreme antiquity of humans on Earth and written documentation of UFOs in ancient Sanskrit texts (WQ).

Part I: Spacecraft in Ancient Sanskrit Texts

Accounts of Spacecraft in Texts of Ancient India
THE VALLEY, California - Last night the Mutual UFO Network of Los Angeles hosted scientist Michael Cremo who read and translated ancient Sanskrit texts, such as the Puranas or "Histories," explaining the nature of the universe.
Just as the Buddha asserted, there are three distinct spheres (lokas): kama, rupa, and arupa or sensual, fine-material, and immaterial. MUFON's interest is in UFOs and extraterrestrials rather than cosmology as such.

But Cremo made the link: There are three distinct kinds of UFOs (vimanas) depending on which sphere it is from. There are gross/dense machines, subtle-light vehicles, and "spiritual" craft. We can think of it in modern terms as ordinary Grey/MIC/Nazi saucers, vehicles used for dimensional travel, and mind-only (non-material) craft.

PART II: Spacecraft in Ancient Sanskrit Texts
 PART III: Spacecraft in Ancient Sanskrit Texts

Cremo distinguishes authentic Sanskrit texts of great antiquity from later "channelled" materials like the Vimanika Shastra, which may shed light on the matter but are not writings from yogis in the Himalayas. One amazing aspect is that when Dhurva meditated in the Himalaya, beings came down in a craft to take him to their world in another sphere. Earth is a world in the Sensual Sphere, and those beings were from a fine-material world or higher). 
And this is the amazing thing: As he entered the craft, his body became like theirs. He had already understood by meditation that consciousness was separate, or at least separable, from his earthly body. He was transformed upon entering the craft and recounts in the texts that the craft became transparent and he saw the planets in our solar system passing, and they passed through other higher-dimensional planets on their way to their destination.
Live in Los Angeles
MUFON LA proudly presents Michael Cremo this month. In this rare (perhaps twice a decade) event, one of our favorite scientists reveals stunning findings. His research forms much of the basis of our view about Earth. His science is in line with a firm grasp of Vedantic and Puranic Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies, which he uses to tie together the story behind forbidden artifacts. What do they reveal? Past life and technology on our planet is much older and far more advanced than we can easily conceive. There is no denying that the forbidden truth is much stranger than the mandatory fiction in our college textbooks due to the knowledge-filterers and science suppressors. We "evolve," of course, but we were "created" (genetically manipulated) as well.

5 Tips Mudah Mengatasi Depresi Secara Alami

         Hai sahabat, tips kesehatan. Setiap orang pasti memiliki berbagai masalah dalam hidupnya. Begitu berat dan banyaknya masalah yang di hadapi akan menyebabkan seseorang terkena yang namanya depresi. Depresi juga dapat disebabkan oleh bebera hal seperti perceraian, kematian orang yang di cintai, terkena PHK, terkena penyakit berat serta dampak dari pemakaian obat-obatan dan narkoba. Tips Mudah Mengatasi Depresi Secara alami.

        Sahabat, tips kesehatan. menurut institut Kesehatan Jiwa di Amerika Serikat (NIMH), depresi memiliki tanda umum atau gejala sebagai berikut :

  1. Rasa Sedih, cemas atau hampa yang terus menerus.
  2. Rasa Putus asa dan selalu pesimis.
  3. Rasa tidak berharga, rasa bersalah dan rasa tidak berdaya.
  4. Kehilangan minat atau kesenangan atau hobi atau aktvitas yang sebelumnya di sukai.
  5. Energi lemah, kelelahan, menjadi lamban.
  6. Sulit berkonsentrasi, mengingat dan memutuskan.
  7. Sulit tidur atau insomnia atau tidur berlebihan atau hipersomnia.
  8. Sulit makan atau rakus makan (menjadi kurus atau kegemukan).
  9. Tidak tenang dan gampang tersinggung.
  10. Sering sakit kepala atau masalah pencernaan seperti sulit buang air besar dan lain-lain.
  11. Berpikir ingin mati atau bunuh diri.
  12. Serta terkadang merasa berat di tangan dan kaki
      Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Depresi yang kita alami sebenarnya dapat kita atasi dengan cara yang sederhana dan alami. Untuk itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan menyajikan sebuah tips untuk mengatasi depresi tersebut. Berikut ini tips mudah mengatasi depresi Secara alami :
  1. Usahakan untuk berjalan-jalan di tempat yang asri dan bisa membuat pikiran dan jiwa kita menjadi tenang. Seperti melihat pemandangan di alam yang masih alami seperti pengunungan atau tempat-tempat yang menurut anda bisa menenangkan diri dan mendamaikan hati anda.
  2. Usahakan untuk melakukan kegiatan berolahraga di pagi hari. kegiatan berolahraga ini dapat menghilangkan depresi yang sedang anda alami atau rasakan dan juga bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh anda pula. ( 5 Olahraga Yang Mudah Dan Menyehatkan ).
  3. Apabila anda hobby membaca buku. Usahakan untuk meluangkan hobbi membaca buku tersebut. Sebab membaca buku juga mampu menghilangkan depresi yang anda alami selama ini.
  4. Ketika dilanda yang namanya depresi, tertawa merupakan salah satu obat untuk menghilangkan depresi tersebut. Anda bisa melihat hiburan di tv yang berupa komedi yang bisa membuat anda tertawa lepas. ( Inilah 5 Manfaat Tersenyum Bagi Kesehatan Anda ).
  5. Usaha yang tak kalah penting untuk menghilangkan depresi pada diri yaitu dengan memiliki keberanian yang tinggi untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Sehingga depresi yang anda alami lambat laun akan hilang dengan sendirinya.
Artikel Terkait...

      Semoga tips kesehatan yang membahas tips mudah mengatasi depresi secara alami dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : majalahkesehatan, merdeka).
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Cara Mengetahui Blog Nofollow Dofollow

Ternyata pengetahuan tentang blog Nofollow dan DoFollow harus saya jelaskan lagi di blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer ini karena masih ada saja yang bertanya tentang pengertian DoFollow dan NoFollow, maklum yang bertanya juga adalah blogger pemula, seperti saya juga. Jadi meskipun pengetahuan saya tentang blog DoFollow dan Blog NoFollow sangat minim namun tidak ada salahnya saya mencoba menjelaskan

The heart-shaped leaves of wisdom

Kalyani and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

The wisdom tree in Buddhism is the Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), a kind of fig tree with broad heart-shaped leaves.

Each Buddha in past aeons -- as recounted by the historical Buddha Gautama -- had a kind of tree under which enlightenment was gained. The Sage of Shakya Clan (Shakyamuni) selected the pipal tree to sit under in his final struggle with obstacles, personified as Mara.

In the herbalists' Doctrine of Signatures, a now defunct way of understanding the plant world, foods reveal themselves by similarity to human organs. Carrots look like an eye when sliced, tomatoes red and four-chambered are good for the heart, figs dangling and full of seeds are good for men's health, pomegranates for women's health, and so on.

(Emily Hoang/EHoang/flickriver.com)
What was the Bodhi (enlightenment) tree saying by way of signature? The leaves dangled soft and forgiving in front of Siddhartha who sat rigid and determined under the tree. Then he softened. He did an about face and chose the path of serene-absorption (jhana, samma samadhi), the path of bliss.

He had been afraid of pleasure but then reasoned, What is wrong with joy (piti) dissociated from sensual indulgence; why fear such happiness? In this way he entered "absorption," just as he had spontaneously done as a 7-year-old child. He intuitively sensed that this was the way to enlightenment.

He emerged and set up the four "foundations" of mindfulness: body, feelings, consciousness [which emanates from the actual heart area], and phenomena. The various meditative absorptions had purified his heart/mind, intensifying his ability to penetrate to the truth. He followed the links of Dependent Origination pursuing a question that had motivated him for seven years:

"What is the cause of suffering?" He directly saw that whatever was arose dependent on supporting conditions. Following each link back he arrived at ignorance in past lives. He remembered those uncountable existences. he gained supernormal powers. He glimpsed nirvana.

With this insight he experienced a "change of lineage." He went from ordinary human being -- virtuous but flawed, corrupted by greed, hatred/fear, and delusion. He stepped out of the dream (maya, illusion) into the "awakened" state (bodhi). He took the stages of insight to the very end of all suffering.

The way is in the heart; look for it there (zazzle.com)
He became a samma sam buddha, a fully-enlightened teacher able to formulate and teach the path to humans and devas. How? His wisdom did not neglect the heart, compassion for others, loving-kindness, empathy, unbiased-equanimity. The marriage of wisdom and compassion is the path to awakening.

And what is the most famous Buddhist mantra and sutra? The epitome of the Heart Sutra, which is actually called the Heart of Wisdom Sutra (Prajna Paramita).  The Heart of Buddhist Meditation should have been a clue that Theravada feels the same as Mahayana in this regard. Wisdom and compassion are equally important.

The mantra epitomizing the 10,000 lines of the Heart of Wisdom Sutra runs: "Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, oh what an awakening, it is sealed!" 
Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, bodhi, swaha!

President Obama Visits Wat Pho Monastery in Bangkok, Thailand.

The above image is one of my favorite pictures of late. U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Clinton recently visited Wat Pho monastery and head-monk, Chaokun Suthee Thammanuwat in Thailand, Bangkok (link). The American leaders both observed the Buddhist tradition of removing shoes before ending a temple. In the blue trousers is U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The one wearing socks and dark blue slacks is President Obama. The head-monk is the one wearing orange.

I find this image so striking and full of lessons. The photo is poignant reminder that regardless of our station in life, we are all sentient beings having the same worth and importance. If I didn't mention the names, we'd never know who those feet represent. In this angle, President Obama isn't the most powerful man in the world but simply another sentient walking the path of life.

The picture evokes letting go of our egos and the self-important images we sometimes display. This photo transcends their lofty titles of president, secretary and monk to expose them as being just like the rest of us. They must walk the path of samsara like all of us. They have weaknesses, attachments and set-backs like any other human being, regardless of their importance. How wonderful a lesson it is to view life from alternative perceptions and angles. In this case, literally!!

~i bow to the buddha within all beings~