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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mermaids were real (video)

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. (AngelTherapy.com); Ashley Wells, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly (4AngelTherapy) Virtue, guitarist for Obsidian (with Mark Watson and Tatiana), and friend Angela Hartfield go on a mermaid adventure to the Obsidian song "Find That Place." Concert footage from March 2011 Vancouver show; ocean footage in Kona, Hawaii, Fiji; video footage and editing by Jeff Leicher at Jack's Diving Locker, Kona; concert footage by Michael Allen.  Bhumi-devi Doreen Virtue (angeltherapy.com)If dogs...

Forbidden Archeology: UFOs of India (video)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyMichael Cremo addresses the monthly MUFON LA meeting, Universalist Unitarian Church, Studio City, on the extreme antiquity of humans on Earth and written documentation of UFOs in ancient Sanskrit texts (WQ). Part I: Spacecraft in Ancient Sanskrit TextsAccounts of Spacecraft in Texts of Ancient IndiaTHE VALLEY, California - Last night the Mutual UFO Network of Los Angeles hosted scientist Michael Cremo who read and translated ancient Sanskrit...

5 Tips Mudah Mengatasi Depresi Secara Alami

         Hai sahabat, tips kesehatan. Setiap orang pasti memiliki berbagai masalah dalam hidupnya. Begitu berat dan banyaknya masalah yang di hadapi akan menyebabkan seseorang terkena yang namanya depresi. Depresi juga dapat disebabkan oleh bebera hal seperti perceraian, kematian orang yang di cintai, terkena PHK, terkena penyakit berat serta dampak dari pemakaian obat-obatan dan narkoba. Tips Mudah Mengatasi Depresi Secara alami.       ...

Cara Mengetahui Blog Nofollow Dofollow

Ternyata pengetahuan tentang blog Nofollow dan DoFollow harus saya jelaskan lagi di blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer ini karena masih ada saja yang bertanya tentang pengertian DoFollow dan NoFollow, maklum yang bertanya juga adalah blogger pemula, seperti saya juga. Jadi meskipun pengetahuan saya tentang blog DoFollow dan Blog NoFollow sangat minim namun tidak ada salahnya saya mencoba menjelaskan...

The heart-shaped leaves of wisdom

Kalyani and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly(Gabrielgs/flickr.com)The wisdom tree in Buddhism is the Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), a kind of fig tree with broad heart-shaped leaves.Each Buddha in past aeons -- as recounted by the historical Buddha Gautama -- had a kind of tree under which enlightenment was gained. The Sage of Shakya Clan (Shakyamuni) selected the pipal tree to sit under in his final struggle with obstacles, personified as Mara.In the herbalists' Doctrine of Signatures, a now defunct...

President Obama Visits Wat Pho Monastery in Bangkok, Thailand.

The above image is one of my favorite pictures of late. U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Clinton recently visited Wat Pho monastery and head-monk, Chaokun Suthee Thammanuwat in Thailand, Bangkok (link). The American leaders both observed the Buddhist tradition of removing shoes before ending a temple. In the blue trousers is U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The one wearing socks and dark blue slacks is President Obama. The head-monk is the one wearing orange.I...