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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The love of trees in Buddhism (video)

Ashley Wells, Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly edit of Wikipedia entry Bodhi treeMassive Japanese Buddha  statue in Bodh Gaya, India (Gallery: thezensite.com)    Gandhara Buddha (buddhaskulptur.de)Wayfaring Indian ascetics and Buddhist devotees meditate beneath sacred fig trees to this day.   They begin by doing parikrama (circumambulation) around the tree as a mark of reverence.   Usually seven walkabouts are done around the lush tree in the morning...

What Controversy? Zen's Four Vows

Barbara O'Brien (Buddhism.About.com), Special Correspondence to Wisdom QuarterlyThe Americans are onto something. If there are Gateless Gates, why not wordless words?   Controversy? I don't see a controversy, although maybe that's because I've been aware for many years that every Zen center and monastery operating with the English language is using a different translation for the Four Vows and the rest of the chanted liturgy as well.    I hadn't realized this was bothering anybody....

Burma officially ends censorship today!

Aung Hla Tun, Reuters, Aug. 20, 2012, TheStar.com.my; Wisdom QuarterlyBurma's Saffron Revolution saw Theravada monks and lay folk protesting the government   1984 is about Burma and UK  YANGON, Burma - Myanmar abolished direct media censorship on Monday, the latest dramatic reform by its quasi-civilian regime, but journalists face other formidable restrictions including a ban on private daily newspapers and a pervasive culture of self-censorship.   Under the new rules,...