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Friday, October 12, 2012

Northwest Buddhist treasures in NYC

Tribune.com.pk (2011); Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly (2012)A vision of paradise (Mohammed Nagri, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 4th Cent.) BELOW: Maha Maya's Dream in Kapilvastu, Sikri, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 2nd-3rd Cent. (sites.asiasociety.org).   The Buddha's mother's dreamLAHORE, Pakistan [formerly Northwest India] - Fifty Gandhara Civilization artifacts from the Lahore Museum collection have received a tremendous response from media and visitors to the New Asia Society Museum in New...

Where was the Buddha really born?

Ranajit Pal, Ph.D. (ranajitpal.com)Bamiyan, Afghanistan, was near Kapilavastu, birthplace of the Buddha (Afghan Treasures)The fantastic recent find of about 10,000 ancient Buddhist fragments at Bamiyan [Afghanistan], part of which is now in the Schoyen Collection, shows that Buddhism was born here.    The names Tiŝŝa, Siddhartha, and Suddho-dana, of the Persepolis Tablets prove conclusively that Gotama [Gautama Buddha] was from Seistan-Baluchistan.    About the iconography...

"Buddha as a Businessman" (video)

UCLA Faculty Research Lectures; Wisdom Quarterly Series: UCLA Faculty Research Lectures [5/2009] [Humanities] [Show ID: 16444]  (UCtelevision) Prof. Gregory Schopen, Chair of the UCLA Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, an authority on ancient Indian Buddhism, has been separating Buddhist-fact from Buddhist-fiction [falling on the side of fiction, according to Dr. Pal] for the past 30 years. In this UCLA Faculty Research Lecture, Prof. Schopen explores the Buddha as an astute businessman, economist, and lawyer.The Buddhas of Bamiyan, AfghanistanPHOTOS: "Grey Earth" of Shakyan...

Buddhism in Iran

Mehrak Golestan (Iranian.com, 2004); Wisdom Quarterly (2012)Buddha statues and relics priceless smuggled out of Pakistan and recovered (sfgate.com)   Lahore Museum, 500 BC (MOW) The first instance of Buddhism entering Iran seems to have been during the life of the historical Buddha, Sakyamuni, roughly 5/6th century BCE. During the course of this paper, I will seek to examine the spread of Buddhism amongst Iranian people, a subject the significance of which is often overlooked by modern...