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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Befriending Buddhist Sutras

John T. Bullitt, "Tips on Reading the Pali Discourses" (accesstoinsight.org); Wisdom Quarterly(Linc060/flickr.com)  (Linc060/flickr.com)"Thus should one train: 'We will listen when discourses -- words of the Wayfarer, deep, profound, transcendent, impersonal -- are being recited. We will lend ear, will set our hearts on knowing them, will regard these teachings as worth grasping and mastering.' That is how one should train." (SN 20.7)  The ancient Pali canon contains thousands of sutras...

"GasHole" - the real history of oil (video)

Directors Scott Roberts and Jeremy Wagener; Wisdom Quarterly a documentary film about the history of oil prices and the future of alternative fuel The film "Gas Hole" is a wide and detailed examination of US dependence on foreign supplies of oil. What led America to go from a leading exporter of oil to the world's largest importer? What are the forces that contribute to that change and prevent its solution? The film examines many potential solutions to oil dependence. Starting with technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic roadblocks, to evaluating...

Jangan menganggap aparat kepolisian itu bodoh – bagian SHC dan kantor kepolisian

Oleh : MeekieSebenarnya, semakin saya menulis semakin saya takjub, bagaimana mungkin ada sosok seperti ini, yang menuliskan artikel yang begitu banyak belangnya, bahkan masih mengharapkan orang lain akan bersimpati pada peristiwa omong kosong karangannya sendiri? Bahkan saking banyaknya absurditas pada artikelnya tersebut saya tidak tahu lagi mau mulai dari bagian mana dulu, anehnya artikel demikian masih saja dihebohkan dan didukung oleh sekumpulan netter berinisial kera, absurditas ini benar-benar boleh dimasukkan ke dalam Guinness record.Hari ini kita akan berbincang-bicang mengenai rekaman...

USB Secure 1.6.9 Final Version With Serial Key Registration key free Download

USB Secure 1.6.9 final Version  lets you password protect seaf your Files,USB Secure lets you password protect your USB drives, thumb drives, external drives and memory cards. Protection is PC independent and does not require installation or administrative rights on the other end. You can unprotected your data by entering the password again. Works in all flavors of WindowsFeatures & Benefits USB Secure can password-protect any portable media including USB drives, External drives and...