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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meditation: Will Anything Happen? (cartoon)

June 2010, Wisdom Quarterly Trent sings "Will Anything Happen?" by Blondie. Daria Morgendorffer sits cross-legged.    I always said you could make it. I know what I said, and I meant it. I always liked the way you wandered like a star. I always knew that someday you'd go far. And if you do, will anything happen?Will it come true, will anything happen? Will light see you again? Light said it'd be through here again. Please don't forget I'm here waiting. Light always said that it would never...

What is "right concentration"?

Kalyani, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly Wikipedia edit jhana section, Dhyāna in BuddhismThe Buddha used the absorptions before, during, and after enlightenment (Hooper Project).   The Buddha explains right concentration (samma samādhi), a Factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, as the first four meditative absorptions (jhānas).   According to the commentaries, there is a stage of meditation the meditator reaches before entering absorption. This stage is called access or neighborhood concentration...

Show Me Your Papers, Ese (comics)

Ashley Wells, Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)How our dictators justify killing. "This Modern World" by Tom Tomorrow (East Bay Express)   In "Show Me Your Papers, Comrade" we pointed out how the US was more and more becoming a police state.  A police state is all about authoritarian control -- where we go, what we do, whom we associate with, what is said, and ultimately what we think.   The worst offense in Nineteen Eighty-Four's dystopia...