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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bible: "Aliens" in Sodom and Gomorrah

Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS); biblical research by HilaryBilaryBop     M'Romney (Moroni) goes Open Cond*m StyleEver wonder what they were doing in the wicked Dead Sea twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah before the space ships attacked?   These biblical sites -- where we get the English words sodomy and gonorrhea -- were not so much "Anything Goes" gay towns like our Hollywood and New York.   We explore the idea that one of the worst crimes in these depraved metropolises...

Russia rejects genetically modified US corn

Sean Poulter (DailyMail.co.uk, Sept. 26, 2012)Cancer risk? Two genetically engineered Monsanto corncobs, right, and two normal ones from Germany, left. Biotech companies have "proved" the safety of GM crops by conducting only 90-day trials on rats.    Russia has suspended the import and use of American GM corn following a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage.   Separately, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ordered its own review into...

What about our water? (documentary)

ParticipantMedia.com; Movieclips Trailers "Last Call at the Oasis" (official trailer) - the water documentary movie (2012)Funny man Jack Black  investigates. Firmly establishing the urgency of the global water crisis as the central issue facing our world this century, a fascinating documentary illuminates the vital role water plays in our lives. It also exposes the defects in the current system and shows communities already struggling with its ill-effects. Featuring activist Erin Brockovich, respected water experts including Peter Gleick, Jay Famiglietti, and Robert Glennon, as well as social...