Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS); biblical research by HilaryBilaryBop
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M'Romney (Moroni) goes Open Cond*m Style |
These biblical sites -- where we get the English words sodomy and gonorrhea -- were not so much "Anything Goes" gay towns like our Hollywood and New York.
We explore the idea that one of the worst crimes in these depraved metropolises was the widespread abuse of "aliens." But they were up to other things, too: using pharmaceuticals (poisons), a practice misleadingly translated as "sorcery" by Bible scholars and more.
To hear the God(s) of the Christian Bible tell it -- rather than the conservatives and Republicans -- the real problem was the mistreatment of aliens.
Did either the Middle Eastern bodhisattva (Jesus/Issa), his God father, or the Bible favor poverty? Of course not. The Vatican and panhandling Protestant ministers may want Christians to think so. But the example the West's most famous prophet gave was to eat and live like birds (Matt 13:1-23), who live abundantly and do not worry (Matt 6:24-34; Luke 12:24-27), instead taking necessities and life as they come.
Ancient aliens?
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What are they up do down there? |
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Obama was a Muslim (myfellowamerican.tv) |
"He's not a Muslim; he's a Globalist." - Alex Jones (InfoWars.com)
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Is there nothing I won't do or say to win? |
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Racist Arpaio has proof birth cert is fake |
“You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 22:21).
“You shall not oppress a resident alien; you know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 23:9).
“You shall also love the alien for you were aliens in the land of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 10:19).
Space gods (like YHWH) claim the land, and who are humans to argue with superior firepower as taught to them by their gods and idols and governments? We are at best tenants, at worst interlopers:
“The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine [God]; with me [God] you are but aliens and tenants” (Leviticus 25:23).
“For we are aliens and transients before you [God], as were all our ancestors [from space]; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope” (1 Chronicles 29:15).
“Hear my prayer, O Lords [plural], and give ear to my cry; do not hold your peace at my tears. For I am your passing guest, an alien, alike all my forebears” (Psalm 39:12).
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God's own army, an arm of the MIC |
People who oppose gay marriage and homosexuality “on religious grounds” often appeal to the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah in support of their beliefs. The truth is the space Gods of the Bible destroyed these towns because they practiced “sorcery” (dispensing pharmaceuticals), bad karma (actions), and sexual acts the space geneticists found “abominable.”
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was because they did not show hospitality to space aliens -- the "angels" (messengers) of God sent to determine whether or not there were 10 righteous individuals in the city on whose behalf God could spare the cities in accordance with an agreement the gods made with Abraham. Angels who appeared as strange humans were met with hospitality by only one man. God's lesson was not anti-gay; it was anti-inhospitality to aliens.

If the money devoted to building security walls ("fences") -- manning check points, bulldozing homes, misappropriating ancient lands and homesteads, stealing water, patrolling, imprisoning, torturing, disappearing, starving, writing anti-immigrant laws, and violating the civil rights of Palestinians and aliens in America, many of who in both cases are indigenous peoples, were instead spent on helping aliens, not only would everyone's lives be improved, our charity would have the added benefit of fixing the immigration problem.
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