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Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to lead a Buddhist life 2: Precepts

Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Amber Dorrian, Wisdom Quarterly (edited from Alankhoo)Buddha in ancient Siam, Sukhothai, Thailand (JonBauer/flickr.com)         (Moonbird/flickr.com) PART I. Buddhism or the Dharma (the authentic message of the historical Buddha, see Kalama Sutra) is profound and wholesome, for it leads to the highest good.   It benefits not only meditators but society. It benefits even those who only, as a result of hearing it, give. The Buddha,...

Space ship flies over Los Angeles (photo)

Pat Macpherson, Wisdom QuarterlyIdentified Flying Objects -- one pig, one piggy back, and two armed war ships (space.com)  Flight plan over LA basin (sbsun.com)In a massive display less of firepower and more of technological ingenuity, the Space Shuttle Endeavour toured the chemtrail-laden skies above Los Angeles in a sort of swan song victory lap before it parks at the California Science Center (for free viewing). Hooray for space, weaponized for our "safety" thanks to the non-privatized arm...

7 Tips Mudah Agar Tidur Lebih Nyenyak

     Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Tidur merupakan aktivitas mendiamkan tubuh dan pikiran kita dalam beberapa waktu. Karena kita ketahui, sebelum kita tidur, banyak sekali aktivitas yang menguras tenaga dan pikiran kita tanpa henti. Tidur juga dapat menenangkan kondisi jiwa dan pikiran yang sedang dilanda stress. Untuk itulah kita harus menjaga kualitas tidur kita agar selalu baik. Ini ditandai dengan lebih nyenyaknya tidur kita setiap hari.     Sahabat, tips kesehatan....