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Monday, August 27, 2012

"Burning Man" Festival begins (Webcam)

BurningMan.com; Wisdom Quarterly (Kehrig video-still, Toronto Nuit Blanche, 2010)    The effigy of a man burning with..."The whole world is burning," the Buddha said. So why not the effigy of a man on a beach in a desert? The Burning Man Music (and Art) Festival begins today.    Driving out? First, read the 2012 Survival Guide. Bringing kids? Try the Kidsville Survival Guide for families. Get valuable tips at the Burning Blog, including the Burner's Guide to Leaving No Trace,...

Seven things the Buddha taught

Dhr. Seven and Ashley Wells, Wisdom QuarterlyReclining Buddha in Pagan, Burma (KateMcKenna/flickr.com)    Buddha and change (Omoo/flickr.com)Before passing into final nirvana, the Buddha gave a final exhortation. He had taught seven essential things:1. As soon as a desire arises, dissatisfaction co-arises. Our entire psycho-physical existence is beset by this unsatisfactoriness. Clinging makes it worse. By their own nature things fall away. Everything of which we are composed falls away....