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Friday, March 30, 2012
[修道]與[修福] / Bhavana dan Memupuk Karunia
Bhavana dan Memupuk Karunia
source : 蓮生法王2011年1月15日台灣雷藏寺大日如來護摩大
Dharmadesana Dharmaraja Liansheng 15 Jan 2011
from : Facebook wall of Nking daden (Vajra Master Lotus Huijun - 慧君)
Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An
蓮生法王細說金母「神水法」(開示精要) / Kutipan Pengulasan Sadhana Air Dewata Jin-mu Oleh Dharmaraja Liansheng
Kutipan Pengulasan Sadhana Air Dewata Jin-mu Oleh Dharmaraja Liansheng
Date : 22 oct 2011 (Seattle)
✽Homage To Dharmaraja Liansheng
✽Homage To The Golden Light of The Most Victorious Kings Sutra
✽Homage To Sarasvati Bhagavati
Translated by Lianhua Jun Shi An
✽ 「神水法」跟密教的修行有很大的關係
Metode Air Dewata Sangat Erat Hubungannya Dengan Bhavana Tantra