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Monday, September 15, 2008

Istilah Singkatan dalam Komputer part M-N

macro : suatu instruksi yang menentukan satu set instruksi.
magnetic tape : tape recorder yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data atau informasi.
male connector : suatu connector elektris yang memiliki kontak yang menonjol keluar
Mb : singkatan dari Mega bit
MB : Singkatan dari Mega Byte
memory : suatu alat yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan dan mengambil data
memory cycle : waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk

Faith and Wisdom.

The Buddha compared faith to a blind giant who meets up with a very sharp-eyed cripple, called wisdom. The blind giant, called faith, says to the sharp-eyed cripple, "I am very strong, but I can't see; you are very weak, but you have sharp eyes. Come and ride on my shoulders. Together we will go far." The Buddha never supported blind faith, but a balance between heart and mind, between wisdom and faith. The two together will go far. The saying that blind faith can move mountains unfortunately omits the fact that, being blind, faith doesn't know which mountain needs moving. That's where wisdom is essential, which means that a thorough understanding of the teaching is crucial.

-- Ayya Khema, When the Iron Eagle Flies

~Peace to all beings~