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Monday, October 15, 2012


Seth Auberon and Amber Dorrian and Seven, "Karma Class," Wisdom Quarterly"Take that, #$%@%!" "Sticks and stones, @#$%-&)(@r!, sticks and stones!" (cpa.psu.edu)   Ever notice that, judging by the Ten Courses of Unwholesome Karma (Action), the most dangerous part of a person is his or her tongue?   The mind as the source of intention, and therefore karma, is capable of many misleading deeds. (Intention means what we will to do, not what we wish would happen as a result of doing)....

Paranormal Investigation: The Afterlife (video)

ParanormalTVchannel; Seven, Wisdom Quarterly  A real apparition (answers.com)For five years a medium group and scientists witnessed more psychokinetic phenomena than any other experiment in the history of paranormal investigations. This included conversations with the dead that were recorded, written messages on sealed film, video footage of spirit faces and spirit forms materializing.  There is not only this world but worlds beyond. We have this life and many (more miserable) lives...

Meditation is making me crazy!

Wisdom Quarterly editors interview a new meditator (whiteshutterbox/flickr.com)AngerDespairTranquilityRainbow: struggle for inner peace (David Stuart/Zazzle.ca)   "Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand adversaries in battle, yet one is indeed the nobler victor for conquering oneself. Self-conquest is far better than the conquest of others.   "Not even a deva, mara, or brahma [angel, demon, or god] can turn into defeat...