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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tips Ampuh Menghilangkan Jerawat Secara Alami

      Hai, Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Memiliki wajah yang bersih dan bebas jerawat merupakan impian semua orang. Jerawat memang dapat merusak wajah tampan dan cantik kita. Berbagai cara terkadang kita lakukan untuk menghilangkan jerawat yang membandel.. Tak jarang, memakan biaya yang tidak sedikit hanya sekadar untuk menghilangkan jerawat tersebut. Lalu, adakah tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat secara alami...????

      Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Sebenarnya ada berbagai cara atau tips yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menghilangkan jerawat dari muka kita tersebut.  Dengan cara yang sangat alami tanpa mengeluarkan biaya selangit yang bisa membuat pemborosan tentunya. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel tentang tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat secara alami. Sahabat, tips kesehatan, berikut ini tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat secara alami :
  1. Usahakan mengurangi mengkonsumsi makanan yang banyak mengandung lemak seperti kacang-kacangan, coklat dan berbagai makanan lainnya yang banyak mengandung lemak. Banyaknya lemak di tubuh menyebabkan tubuh memproduksi minyak berlebih. Minyak berlebih tersebut akan menyumbat pori-pori pada kulit dan pada akhirnya akan  membentuk gumpalan dan akan mengundang bakteri propionibacterium, yaitu bakteri penyebabjerawat.
  2. Usahakan menambah konsumsi makanan yang banyak mengandung serat seperti buah-buahan serta sayur-sayuran. Ini dikarenakan, makanan berserat akan melarutkan lemak jahat pada tubuh. Sehingga kadar minyak dalam tubuh pun ikut berkurang termasuk kandungan minyak berlebih pada kulit kita.
  3. Usahakan mencukupi kebutuhan cairan dalam tubuh kita. Dalam hal ini yaitu air putih dengan kebutuhan 8 gelas perharinya. Fungsi air putih yaitu untuk membantu proses regenerasi pada kulit dan juga membersihkan kotoran dalam tubuh termasuk jerawat.
Semoga tips kesehatan yang berjudul tips ampuh menghilangkan jerawat secara alami dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis. (Sumber : sahabatsehat).
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

BlackBerry Bold 9000 Oxford English Dictionary Concise 2.14 For Free Download

BlackBerry Bold 9000 Oxford English Dictionary.jad files will provide you meaning of all english words. Download Concise Oxford English Dictionary 2.14 Mobile Software by Neal 507032 to your cell phone or PC for free.
Bold Oxford English Bast Dictionary cell phone or PC for free. For free download BlackBerry Bold 900 dictionary For Mobile.

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BlackBerry 8520 Curve Themes Collections For Free Download

BlackBerry Curve 8520 Themes Collections- Easy On The Eyes.With sleek & colorfull design BlackBerry Curve 8520 is really easy on the eyses as said above, The BlackBerry Curve 8520 smartphone comes with BlackBerry Maps built in, Connect to your home wireless network or a Wi-Fi hotspot to check email, shop online, stream videos on your BlackBerry Curve 8520, With 35-key backlit QWERTY keyboard BlackBerry Curve 8520 feels good in your hands. 


BlackBerry 8520 Curve Themes Collections

Balls Theme
Design Leon 3.5 Theme
Colorful Theme
Plazmic Theme Clockwork
Dark Emotion Music Theme
Fish Theme
BlackBerry Theme
Wood Theme

Inilah 7 Tips Sehat Menambah Berat Badan Anda

      Hai, sahabat. Tips Kesehatan. Memiliki berat badan yang ideal merupakan harapan semua orang termasuk anda. Tapi pada kenyataannya, ada di antara kita yang memiliki dua masalah yang terkait dengan berat badan tersebut seperti terlalu gemuk atau bahkan malah terlalu kurus. Untuk masalah terlalu kurus ini pun juga termasuk masalah serius bagi yang mengalaminya. Lalu, adakah tips sehat menambah berat badan yang bisa menjadi solusi terbaik....???

      Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Menambah berat badan bagi anda yang terlalu kurus dapat dimulai dengan mencukupi kebutuhan kalori dalam jumlah yang lebih dari kebutuhan mereka yang telah memiliki berat badan ideal. Berikut ini beberapa tips yang dapat menjadi solusi terbaik bagi anda untuk menambah berat badan. Sehingga bisa memperoleh berat badan ideal dengan cara yang sehat pula. Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Inilah 7 tips sehat menambah berat badan anda :
  1. Tips pertama yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi berbagai bahan makanan sehat yang mengandung karbohidrat. Berbagai makanan tersebut yaitu buah, sayur-sayuran, nasi merah dan berbagai makanan yang berbahan dari gandum seperti roti dan sereal. Khusus untuk gandum, makanan ini merupakan salah satu jenis makanan yang kaya akan serat dan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh anda. ( 5 Makanan Berserat Tinggi Untuk Tubuh Anda ).
  2. Tips yang kedua dengan mencukupi kebutuhan protein yang diperlukan oleh tubuh kita. Sumber protein sehat tersebut bisa berasal dari ikan, daging ayam serta kacang-kacangan yang dapat mencukupi kebutuhan protein yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda.
  3. Tips berikutnya yaitu dengan mencukupi kebutuhan lemak yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda. Sumber lemak yang sehat seperti asam lemak tak jenuh ganda, omega-3 serta omega-6.  Sumber lemak omega-3 dapat anda peroleh dari ikan dan kacang kenari sedangkan omega-6 dapat anda peroleh dari minyak sayur seperti minyak biji matahari, kelapa, serta jagung.
  4. Tips berikutnya yaitu dengan mencukupi kebutuhan vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda. Sumber vitamin dapat anda peroleh dari aneka macam buah-buahan yang pada kenyataaanya merupakan sumber vitamin yang di perlukan oleh tubuh anda. ( 7 Tanda Tubuh Yang Kekurangan Vitamin ).
  5. Tips berikutnya dengan mencukupi kebutuhan mineral yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda. Sumber mineral tersebut dapat anda peroleh dari buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, kacang-kacangan, daging merah, susu serta keju.
  6. Tips berikutnya yaitu dengan mencukupi kebutuhan cairan yang diperlukan oleh tubuh kita. Sumber cairan tersebut dapat anda peroleh dari  meminum air putih dalam jumlah yang cukup yang diperlukan oleh tubuh anda. Minum delapan gelas air putih perhari dapat mencukupi cairan dalam tubuh anda. ( 7 Manfaat Air Putih Bagi Kesehatan Anda ).
  7. Tips ketujuh yaitu dengan melakukan aktivitas berolahraga. Aktivitas berolahraga ini juga sanga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan anda dan dapat membuat tubuh anda tampak berisi dan sehat pula dan tidak membuat tubuh menggelambir karena lemak yang berlebih di tubuh anda. ( 5 Olahraga Yang Mudah Dan Menyehatkan ).
     Semoga tips kesehatan yang membahas 7 tips sehat menambah berat badan anda bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Akhir kata salam hangat dari penulis. (Sumber : wolipop.detik).
Image courtesy of -Marcus- at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Pepsi Man PC Game Full Version Free Download

Pepsi man Game disclaimer appears on the packaging of the new "running action" game from software developers KID, makers of Saturn H-games such as WELCOME TO PIA CARROT. This is not a joke. The game is one gigantic Pepsi advertisement and the makers make no pretenses otherwise. In this reviewer's experience, there have been plenty of console games centered around licenses where the developers strived to make an enjoyable gaming experience
, and have fallen way short. (Countless movie licensed games come to mind). Having said this, I was quite skeptical about the quality of PEPSIMAN, but was drawn to it nonetheless because of my fascination for quirky Japanese games that will likely never see the light of day on US soil. Upon receiving a copy of this game, this reviewer was excited to give it a go and was pleasantly surprised. PEPSIMAN is very simple, with gameplay reminiscent of 8-bit and 16-bit action games, but it is a very fun game and also funny as well.


Pepsi Man PC Game The Bast Quality of Papsiman Game.I was quite skeptical about the quality of PEPSIMAN, but was drawn to it nonetheless because of my fascination for quirky Japanese games that will likely never see the light of day on US soil. Upon receiving a copy of this game, this reviewer was excited to give it a go and was pleasantly surprised. PEPSIMAN is very simple


1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR   

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Snooker 147 PC Game Full Version Free Download

Snooker 147 Game is one of the best 2D snooker and pool simulations for Windows. The realistic ball motions, sound effects and detail graphics combine to offer the user an unforgettable gameplay experience which will even improve the skills for real games. If you are a fan of pool and snooker games then you will have a divine appreciation for Snooker 147. This application is 2D simulation software that allows you to play practical games of Pool and Snooker.
The Snooker 147 gulammujadad .blogspot.com games provide realistic graphics, movements and sound effects
, thus you will get the essence of a real live game from the simulation. The gameplay is so practical that you can use it to hone your skills for actual life games.


Snooker 147 features the ability to spin the ball and you can play alone, with a friend or with the artificial intelligence which have three difficulty levels. Additionally, the program is equipped with a ball positioned so that you can set up the desired game layout and there is also a unique color blind feature.

Snooker 147 Feature

Snooker 147-Full implementation of ball spin
Snooker 147-One or two players including 3 levels of computer opposition
Snooker 147-Ball positioner to set up any game layout
Snooker 147-Unique colour blind & feature.

System Requirement 

  • System= Pentium 2 - 233 MHz
  • RAM= 64MB
  • Video Memory= 8 MB
  • OS= Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 

  • Instruction

    1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR   DOWNLOAD


    Urdu InPage 2012 Final Full version Free Download

    Urdu InPage  Final Version 2012 is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before. Built on a robust proprietary state-of-the-art multilingual engine,
    InPage Urdu provides for complete flexibility for utilization of all these language, whether they are used separately, side-by-side or fully-integrated in your document.
    Inpage is that software where you convert the language into other language. Like Urdu inpage, in this you can easily write urdu language without any confusion. Basically inpage is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other Language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before. Built on a robust proprietary state of the art multilingual engine, InPage provides for complete flexibility in you

    Urdu InPage 2012 Based on the universally- acclaimed Noorinastaliq font, InPage Urdu offer WYSIWYG display of Urdu in nastaliq script. This enables you to layout your documents accurately, aesthetically and in double quick time.

    Urdu InPage 2012 Running under MS Windows, InPage Urdu makes publishing not only easy but also enjoyable. it is as easy to create a one page design as it is to document a 1000 page book . You may import images of most popular formats into your documents, move them around on the fly, write text and create tables in any orientation and then dress it up with built-in color and other typographic /creative features.

    Urdu InPage 2012 With InPage Urdu, you have finally found the software package that combines the power and flexibility of desktop publishing with the calligraphic beauty of Nastaliq script.

    Urdu InPage 2012 Features Text • Unicode Text Export/Import.

    • Automatic Kerning in Nastaliq text so as to remove extra interword space to give a calligrapher style outlook to the text.
    • Automatic Kashida Insertion for Arabic fonts
    • Spell Check for Urdu language
    • Spell Check for English - UK & US
    • Word Count/Character Count for the selected text chain
    • Indexing and Table of Contents of English and Urdu Text
    • Wrap around of text around Circular objects
    • Paste Special
    • Rotation of text at any angle
    • Sorting of Urdu and English Text
    • Drag and Drop of Text

    Object Features• Linking/Unlinking of Text boxes

    • Automatic lines between textbox columns
    • Round Textbox
    • Styles of Borders
    • Paste Special
    • Rotation of object at any angle
    • Polygon Tool
    • Rotation of Picture boxes and pictures
    • Grouping and Ungrouping of Objects
    • Complete support for OLE as a client
    • Complete support for InPage Urdu as an OLE server

    Picture Features

    • Brightness and Contrast Controls of Pictures
    • Mirror of Pictures
    • Centering of Pictures
    • Pictures Preview before opening them

    Urdu InPage 2012 Printing Features• CMYK Color Separation by exporting the page as CMYK EPS file.

    Urdu InPage 2012 Language Features • Support for Kashmiri, Pushtu and Hazargi Languages.

    Others• Multiple User Defined Keyboards
    • Support for CMYK colors
    • Automatic Backup of document files
    • Generation of more than one backup files
    • Many more border/line patterns
    • Complete support for inserting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) objects.• Many More Fonts.


    1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR   DOWNLOAD

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    Urdu InPage 2011 Personal Full Version For Free Download

    InPage Urdu is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before. Built on a robust proprietary state-of-the-art multilingual engine,
    InPage Urdu provides for complete flexibility for utilization of all these language, whether they are used separately, side-by-side or fully-integrated in your document.
    Inpage is that software where you convert the language into other language. Like Urdu inpage, in this you can easily write urdu language without any confusion. Basically inpage is an extremely powerful publishing software that handles Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English and other Language with level of ease and harmony never achieved before. Built on a robust proprietary state of the art multilingual engine, InPage provides for complete flexibility in you

    Based on the universally- acclaimed Noorinastaliq font, InPage Urdu offer WYSIWYG display of Urdu in nastaliq script. This enables you to layout your documents accurately, aesthetically and in double quick time.

    Running under MS Windows, InPage Urdu makes publishing not only easy but also enjoyable. it is as easy to create a one page design as it is to document a 1000 page book . You may import images of most popular formats into your documents, move them around on the fly, write text and create tables in any orientation and then dress it up with built-in color and other typographic /creative features.

    With InPage Urdu, you have finally found the software package that combines the power and flexibility of desktop publishing with the calligraphic beauty of Nastaliq script.

    Features Text • Unicode Text Export/Import.
    • Automatic Kerning in Nastaliq text so as to remove extra interword space to give a calligrapher style outlook to the text.
    • Automatic Kashida Insertion for Arabic fonts
    • Spell Check for Urdu language
    • Spell Check for English - UK & US
    • Word Count/Character Count for the selected text chain
    • Indexing and Table of Contents of English and Urdu Text
    • Wrap around of text around Circular objects
    • Paste Special
    • Rotation of text at any angle
    • Sorting of Urdu and English Text
    • Drag and Drop of Text

    Object Features• Linking/Unlinking of Text boxes
    • Automatic lines between textbox columns
    • Round Textbox
    • Styles of Borders
    • Paste Special
    • Rotation of object at any angle
    • Polygon Tool
    • Rotation of Picture boxes and pictures
    • Grouping and Ungrouping of Objects
    • Complete support for OLE as a client
    • Complete support for InPage Urdu as an OLE server

    Picture Features
    • Brightness and Contrast Controls of Pictures
    • Mirror of Pictures
    • Centering of Pictures
    • Pictures Preview before opening them

    Printing Features• CMYK Color Separation by exporting the page as CMYK EPS file.

    Language Features • Support for Kashmiri, Pushtu and Hazargi Languages.

    Others• Multiple User Defined Keyboards
    • Support for CMYK colors
    • Automatic Backup of document files
    • Generation of more than one backup files
    • Many more border/line patterns
    • Complete support for inserting OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) objects.• Many More Fonts.

    Tested And Working...

    Scanned (With Avast internet pro) And 100% Clean.

    1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR   DOWNLOAD

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    PASSWORD: gulammujadad.blogspot.com

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Professional Full Version Free Download

    Macromedia Flash Professional  Portable 8 is the industry's most advanced authoring environment for creating interactive websites, digital experiences and mobile content. With Flash Professional 8, creative professionals design and author interactive content rich with video, graphics, and animation for truly unique, engaging websites, presentations or mobile content.
    Macromedia Flash 8 Full Version Portable for Fee Download Has Many New features including: amazing graphic effects amazing Lock,


    A major product release for Macromedia, Flash Professional 8 has many brand new features including: amazing graphic effects, integrated and stand-alone video encoding complete with support for alpha transparency, high-quality text rendering with advanced anti-aliasing control, improved text tools, and a new video plug-in to export Flash Video (FLV) files from professional video products.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version - Twice as Fast
    Boost runtime performance by 2-8x with the enhanced compiler and the new Macromedia Flash Player 7.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- Third Party Extensions
    Create charts and graphs, animate text effects and more with extensions (sold separately)

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- High Fidelity Import
    Integrate rich media content faster with high fidelity import of PDF and Adobe Illustrator 10 files.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- Timeline Effects
    Simplify common timeline and scripting tasks with new Timeline Effects and Behaviors.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- Applications and Data
    Build rich Internet applications with a familiar forms-based development environment and powerful data binding.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- High Quality Video
    Deliver high-quality video with new professional video capabilities.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- Advanced Interactive Content
    Create sophisticated interactive content using slides to organize and sequence your project.

    Macromedia Flash 8 Portable Version- Mobile and Device Development
    Produce and test content for devices and mobile phones with device templates and emulators.


    1.Download and Extract Data with WinRAR   DOWNLOAD

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