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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Truth About Kashmir (audio)

AR (alternativeradio.org)The 14th Dalai Lama visits troubled Kashmir, the gateway to Buddhist India (Ladakh)Alternative Radio (Pacifica), Monday, July 16, 2012 8:00 amPLAY NOW (download)Kashmir: Buried Evidence Among the many issues plaguing South Asia, none is as violent or deeply contested as Kashmir.   The problem mirrors China's Tibet and America's Palestine -- an intransigent land issue of genocidal proportions.    The major unresolved issue of the disastrous British partition...

Creating Female Leaders in Nepal (video)

Claire Naylor and Claire Charamnac, Women-Lead.org (Good Maker)In 2010, we co-founded Women LEAD, a leadership development organization for young women in Nepal. We were 20 and strongly believed that the lack of female leaders around the world is one of the worst inequalities of the 21st century.    We empower young women to take leadership positions alongside men in Nepal by providing them with the skills to pursue their vision for change. Women in Nepal face overwhelming...

The Child-Molesting Elite (audio)

Nick Bryant (FranklinScandal.com); VeritasShow.com Part 1 of 7Go Harrison July 16, 2012 3:00 pm PLAY (download)The Child-Raping Elite (Great Minds of Today)Surviving all forms of Child Abuse (SIA) Johnny Gosch (goodyoutube.com)(Veritas Show) Researcher Nick Bryant drops a bombshell on Washington, D.C., the ostensible seat of American power. (It actually resides elsewhere with the real movers and shakers of the military-industrial complex). The power elite are deeply involved in child molestation.  ...