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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cara Memasang Iklan ppcindo

Setiap kali mengunjungi website atau blog di internet kita sering menemukan iklan-iklan yang terpasang pada web atau blog tersebut, baik berupa iklan teks ataupun iklan berupa banner. Dengan memasang iklan pada web atau blog tentu si pemilik web atau blog atau biasa disebut Publisher akan mendapatkan senilai uang dari si pemberi iklan.Di sini kita akan membahas tentang cara memasang iklan...

My Past Lives as a Tibetan Monk.

I was a bit skeptical about past lives until I had this very, vivid dream--which also party triggered my investigation and interest in Buddhism. I found myself dressed in some kind of colorful, flowing robe. The colors being a purplish maroon and the other was a yellowish golden color. The robe seemed to be an eggplant color with the golden yellow as trim. I had no clue at that point in my life that those are the colors of Tibetan Buddhist monks; in fact I didn’t know much of anything about Buddhism...