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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cara Membuat Form Kontak di Blog

Setelah mengunjungi blognya Kang Rohman dan membaca salah satu topik tentang membuat form kontak dengan memanfaatkan google docs, saya pun langsung mencoba membuat form kontak dengan google docs dan hasilnya sangat bagus maka saya tertarik untuk posting juga artikel cara membuat form kontak di blog.Bagi yang ingin membuat Form Kontak dengan google docs silahkan login ke google docs dengan...

Are (Some) Buddhist Magazines Behind the Times?

Lately there has been a lot of tension between Buddhist magazines and the online Buddhist community. These magazines sadly are missing the point behind the rise of the Buddhoblogosphere. It being a representation of how popular Buddhism is becoming in America but more importantly with how it's becoming popular with others besides the traditional American Buddhist core -- rich, white academics on the two coasts.And it's popular not because we proselytize but because people investigate it and find...