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Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Three Buddhist Personality Types

Dhr. Seven, Amber Dorrian, Maya, Wisdom Quarterly; Wisdom-Books.comThe Couch, originally used for psychotherapy, Freud's office, England. Note Buddhist statuary.   Buddhist Character Analysis (Aukana)Drawing from ancient Theravada Buddhist teachings, authors Robert Mann and Rose Youd present the three main human character types and their three counterparts.  This Abhidharmic "Buddhist Psychology" is preserved in The Path of Purification (Visuddhi Magga) by Buddhaghosa, All individuals...

Koan: The Rhinoceros-Horn Fan

Wisdom Quarterly; The Book of Equanimity(Tricycle.com)    PREFACE TO THE ASSEMBLYReal rhinoceros fan (Genju/108ZenBooks)Lands and seas [planets and space] are boundless; yet, they are not apart from right here.Things and previous aeons, numerous as the dust, all exist right now.As when one is asked to it face to face, being caught unprepared, one cannot present it.Tell me: Where is the fault?MAIN CASEAttention! One day Enkan summoned his attendant and told him,"Go out and fetch the rhinoceros-horn...

An All-American 4th of July disaster (video)

Wisdom Quarterly, Independence Day Special (Take that, United Kingdom!)    While UFOs were being summoned by Robert Bingham over MacArthur Park in the Miracle Mile district of Los Angeles, the rest of the country was doing its best to send streaming rockets to repel them with bedazzling fire shows. Here are just a few fantastical fireworks' shows by do-it-yourselfers who reject the words "safe and sane" or "leave it to the professionals." In the biggest blunder, farther south, next to...

Cara Membuat Halaman Tukar Link Blogspot

Artikel ini untuk menjawad pertanyaan dari salah seorang pengunjung blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer yang menanyakan cara membuat halaman tukar link di Blogspot. Pertanyaan selengkapnya dari sdr. Poetra "terus untuk cara membuat halaman tukar link/banner di blogspot gmana gan???". Pertanyaan ini saya jawab dengan menulis artikel ini agar selain untuk Poetra, juga dapat bermanfaat bagi pengunjung blog...