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Thursday, November 22, 2012

6 Tips Agar Tidak Cepat Pikun atau Sering Lupa

       Hai sahabat, tips kesehatan. Memiliki daya ingat yang kuat merupakan impian semua orang. Tapi di lain sisi, ada sebagian dari kita yang sering lupa dalam mengingat sesuatu hal yang penting dalam hidup kita. Faktor usia merupakan salah satu penyebab dari seringnya kita lupa pada beberapa hal. Banyak orang yang menyebutnya gejala kepikunan. Apakah ada pernah mengalami lupa atau bahkan sering lupa dalam beberapa hal....???. 6 Tips Agar Tidak Cepat Pikun atau Sering Lupa.

      Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Daya ingat otak setiap manusia semakin hari semakin menurun seiring faktor usia yang terus bertambah. Kita dapat melihat faktanya, orang yang sudah tua sering berkata tentang hal yang sama berkali-kali tanpa sadar, dia sudah mengatakan hal tersebut baru saja. Kita juga melihat orang yang sudah tua selalu lupa menaruh barang yang ia taruh sendiri. Tapi sebenarnya bukan orang tua saja yang terkena gejala lupa atau pikun tersebut. Banyak di antara kita yang memiliki usia yang relatif muda juga sering lupa atau pikun. Oleh karena itulah, tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel tentang 7 tips agar tidak cepat pikun atau sering lupa. Berikut ini 7 tips agar tidak cepat pikun atau sering lupa :

  1. Tips yang pertama yaitu lakukan senam otak. Senam otak dapat kita lakukan dengan cara melatih otak kita untuk mengingat sesuatu. Seperti menyebutkan 10 teman sekolah anda yang sangat dekat dengan anda, menyebutkan 10 judul lagu yang anda gemari saat ini atau hal-hal lainnya yang bisa anda tentukan sendiri. Intinya berusaha mengingat ingat sesuatu yang sudah anda ketahui sebelumnya. ( 7 Tips Mudah Mempertajam Daya Ingat Otak Anda ).
  2. Tips yang kedua yaitu dengan mengkonsumsi aneka jenis makanan yang bermanfaat untuk menutrisi otak anda. Makanan tersebut seperti buah blueberry, buah bit, bawang merah, brokoli dan pisang. Makanan-makanan tersebut sangat baik untuk menurtisi otak anda agar tidak cepat pikun atau sering lupa. ( 7 Makanan Yang Dapat Mencerdaskan Otak Anda  ).
  3. Tips yang ketiga yaitu minumlah air putih 6 -8 gelas air putih sehari. Karena air putih dapat membantu seluruh fungsi organ tubuh bekerja lebih optimal. Dalam hal ini fungsi otak kita juga akan berfungsi lebih baik jika kita minum air putih 6 -8 gelas sehari. ( 5 Bahaya Kurang Minum Air Putih Bagi Kesehatan ).
  4. Tips yang keempat yaitu istirahatkan otak anda. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan tidur yang cukup. Tidur berfungsi untuk mengistirahatkan dan meregenerasi otak. Sehingga ketika bangun, otak kita menjadi fresh dan segar kembali. ( Inilah 7 Tips Agar Tidur Lebih Berkualitas ).
  5. Tips yang kelima yaitu dengan merilekskan otak anda ketika anda telah berpikir dengan keras dan mengalami pusing. Melakukan aktifitas yang anda sukai ketika sedang dilanda stress merupakan cara untuk merilekskan otak anda.
  6. Tips yang keenam yaitu dengan melakukan permainan asah otak. Permainan asah otak yang dimaksud yaitu mengisi teka-teki silang yang bisa anda dapatkan di toko buku atau surat kabar atau koran.
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       Demikianlah tips kesehatan yang berjudul 6 tips agar tidak cepat pikun atau sering lupa. Semoga tips kesehatan kali ini dapat bermanfaat untuk pembaca. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : alwaystrendy).
Image courtesy of Victor Habbick at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

What is compassion, what is wisdom?

Ven. Dhammika (Buddhanet.net); edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha's eyes of wisdom, Maitreya, Thiksey Monastery, Ladakh, India (dailymail.co.uk)

Wisdom and Compassion
I often hear Buddhists talk about wisdom and compassion. What do these two terms mean?
Some religions believe that compassion or love (the two are very similar) is the most important spiritual quality, but they fail to develop any wisdom.

The result may be ending up a good-hearted fool, a very kind person with little or no understanding.

Other systems of thought, like science, believe that wisdom can best be developed when all emotions, including compassion, are kept out of the way. The outcome of this is that science has tended to become preoccupied with cold results and has forgotten that science should serve not destroy us or make corporations rich. It is out of greed for money, not hate, that scientists lend their skills to developing nuclear waste, bombs, germ warfare, plastic xenoestrogens, and the like.
Religion sees reason and wisdom as the enemy of emotions like love and faith. Science sees emotions like love and faith as enemies of reason and objectivity. Science progresses, religion declines.

Buddhism, on the other hand, teaches that to be a balanced and complete individual, we must develop both wisdom and compassion. This is the highest wisdom; this is the greatest compassion. It is not dogmatic. Buddhism bases this on actual experience. Buddhism has nothing to fear from science.
According to Buddhism, what is wisdom?
Sensual-pleasure is low, jhana is high (H-K-D)
The highest wisdom is seeing that in reality all phenomena are incomplete, impermanent, and not self. This understanding totally frees our hearts and leads to the great security and happiness called nirvana. However, the Buddha doesn't speak too much about this level of wisdom. It is not wisdom if we simply "believe" what we are told. Real wisdom is something to directly see and understand.

At an ordinary level, then, wisdom is to keep an open mind rather than being closed-minded, listening to other points of view rather than being bigoted, carefully examining facts that contradict our beliefs rather than burying our heads in the sand, being objective rather than prejudiced, taking time to form opinions and beliefs rather than accepting the first or most emotional thing that is offered to us, and it means remaining flexible and strong rather than stiff and brittle about what we believe.

We are wise to be ready to change our beliefs when facts that contradict them are presented to us. The Buddha's advice to the Kalama people was not to believe nothing. It was to investigate and see for oneself so that what one believes agrees with one's own experience.

A person who does this is certainly wise and is certain to eventually arrive at higher (liberating) understanding. The path of just believing what we are told would be silly and easy. The Buddha's PATH is a practice that requires courage, patience, flexibility, intelligence, and compassion.
So we arrive at compassion. According to Buddhism, what is compassion?
Imperfect translation has heart in the right place (zazzle.com)
Just as wisdom covers the intellectual or comprehending side of our nature, compassion covers the empathic (emotional) or feeling side of our nature.

Like wisdom, compassion is a deeply human quality. Compassion is made up of two words, "co" meaning together and "passion" meaning strong feeling.

And this is what compassion is. When we see someone in distress, we feel their pain as if it were our own -- so naturally we strive to eliminate or reduce their pain. This is compassion (karuna), the active side of love (metta,  loving-kindness, friendliness).

All the best in human beings, all the Buddha-like qualities like sharing, readiness to give comfort, sympathy, unselfishness, concern, and caring -- these are all manifestations of compassion.

Notice that in the compassionate person, care and love toward others originates in care and love for oneself. They are not mutually opposed. It is best to care for other while caring for oneself. They are mutually supportive activities.

(Playing the role of martyr makes two people miserable, ourselves and other. We give rise to pride or resentment. Then if someone helps us, we feel guilt. This is no way to practice compassion).

We can really understand others when we really understand ourselves. We can give to others when we give to ourselves. Selflessness does not mean self-abnegation; it means seeing that things are really impersonal so we can give them up, give up clinging, give up greed, give up selfishness. This is wisdom as it feeds compassion.

We will know what's best for others when we know what's best for ourselves. We can feel for others when we feel for ourselves. So in Buddhism, one's own spiritual development blossoms naturally into concern for the welfare of others.

The Buddha's life illustrates this very well. It was not one of sitting in the Himalayas, as he had done in past lives cultivating absorption (jhana) and developing good qualities, simply withdrawn enjoying the bliss of meditation.

He spent six years struggling for his own welfare, striving to be of benefit to the whole of the human world and the devas.

So you are saying that we are best able to help others after we have helped ourselves. Isn't that a bit selfish?
We usually see altruism, concern for others before oneself, as being the opposite of selfishness, concern for oneself before others. Buddhism does not see it as either one or the other but rather as a blending of the two. 

Genuine self-concern gradually matures into concern for others as one sees that others are really in the same boat, suffering in many of the same ways, not so different from oneself. 

This is genuine compassion, and it is the most beautiful jewel among the many treasures of the Buddha's teachings.

Getting fat for Kill Turkey Day

Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times (Nov. 20, 2012); CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
Face it, or don't eat it. Or there's kind Tofurky. By eating it one is complicit it its torture and gruesome murder. Americans will buy 581 million pounds of turkey flesh for Thanksgiving this year but will trash more than a third of it (keepitsimplesurvival).
American tradition means eating dinner at lunch set up to look like a big family supper near Plymouth Rock, which means inviting the neighborhood Native American family to sit at one end. In the center is a big dead bird. This is sad enough, but it gets sadder:

A third of all Thanksgiving turkey meat won't be eaten.

SAD: Standard American Diet
Americans will buy 581 million pounds of the fowl, but 204 million pounds will end up in the trash can, the Natural Resources Defense Council reports.

Some 204 million pounds of meat will end up in the garbage after the holiday feast, according to an NRDC blog post.

The waste is especially appalling given that the resources required -- including feed, water and transportation -- to produce each pound of turkey are equivalent to fuel enough to drive a car 11 miles and take a 130-minute shower.

Natives never wasted any part of an animal.
Overall, that equates to greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 800,000 car trips from New York to San Francisco and enough water to supply New York City for more than 100 days.

Over the full year, Americans chuck out $165 billion in uneaten food, according to the NRDC.

And turkey prices are not getting any cheaper. They are up 7% from a year ago, pushed by the severe summer drought... More

(EcoVeganGal) Glimpse of the 2009 Vegan Thanksgiving Potluck in LA.

Spiderman 1 PC Game Full Version

Game Spiderman
Spider-Man will let you play hero for a day, but be ready to fight with the game's weaknesses as well as its villains.This Away New Game In This Riles 2011 Spider-man Full Version The Bust Game Performance O war Blinking The spider-Man In this Game Full Movie Shot Lynch In Game To be Game completely Bust Quality He story, told through cutscenes, voice-over
It's a shame that more time and effort couldn't have been put into making this Spider-Man port better suited to the PC and the PC gaming audience, as well as improving some problems that hurt the original game. The awkward controls and camera in particular often take the wind out of the game's sails. At its best, Spider-Man immerses you in the colorful, enjoyably implausible Marvel Comics universe, and swinging between skyscrapers and firing off webs offer up plenty of adventurous, if shallow, thrills. If you've ever wanted to play hero for a day, Spider-Man will let you, but be ready to fight with the game's weaknesses as well as its

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