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Thursday, November 22, 2012

6 Tips Agar Tidak Cepat Pikun atau Sering Lupa

       Hai sahabat, tips kesehatan. Memiliki daya ingat yang kuat merupakan impian semua orang. Tapi di lain sisi, ada sebagian dari kita yang sering lupa dalam mengingat sesuatu hal yang penting dalam hidup kita. Faktor usia merupakan salah satu penyebab dari seringnya kita lupa pada beberapa hal. Banyak orang yang menyebutnya gejala kepikunan. Apakah ada pernah mengalami lupa atau bahkan sering lupa dalam beberapa hal....???. 6 Tips Agar Tidak Cepat Pikun atau Sering...

What is compassion, what is wisdom?

Ven. Dhammika (Buddhanet.net); edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyThe Buddha's eyes of wisdom, Maitreya, Thiksey Monastery, Ladakh, India (dailymail.co.uk) I often hear Buddhists talk about wisdom and compassion. What do these two terms mean?Some religions believe that compassion or love (the two are very similar) is the most important spiritual quality, but they fail to develop any wisdom.The result may be ending up a good-hearted...

Getting fat for Kill Turkey Day

Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times (Nov. 20, 2012); CC Liu, Wisdom QuarterlyFace it, or don't eat it. Or there's kind Tofurky. By eating it one is complicit it its torture and gruesome murder. Americans will buy 581 million pounds of turkey flesh for Thanksgiving this year but will trash more than a third of it (keepitsimplesurvival).  American tradition means eating dinner at lunch set up to look like a big family supper near Plymouth Rock, which means inviting the neighborhood Native American...

Spiderman 1 PC Game Full Version

Spider-Man will let you play hero for a day, but be ready to fight with the game's weaknesses as well as its villains.This Away New Game In This Riles 2011 Spider-man Full Version The Bust Game Performance O war Blinking The spider-Man In this Game Full Movie Shot Lynch In Game To be Game completely Bust Quality He story, told through cutscenes, voice-oversIt's a shame that more time and effort couldn't have been put into making this Spider-Man port better suited to the PC and the PC gaming audience,...