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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting to a good rebirth by being "saved"?

Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly translation, Pacchabhumaka Sutra (SN XLII.6)Thai museum depiction of lower sensual sphere Buddhist heavens (akasha deva kama loka)   Buddha mosaic (Herr_S/flickr.com) Once the Buddha was abiding near Nalanda in the Parileyyaka mango grove. Then Asibandhakaputta the village headman went to him, bowed, sat respectfully to one side, and said:"Venerable sir, the Westlander Brahmins, who carry water pots, wear water plant garlands, cleanse themselves with purifying...

NEVER AGAIN (until the next time)

One-year anniversary of Norway's mass murderWisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS) Norway's right wing monster defiant and on trial in Oslo (AP/Scanpix/NTB pool)Manchurian candidate or The Joker (Seeker401)OSLO - On Sunday Norway paused to commemorate the 77 victims of Anders Behring Breivik's bomb and gun massacre. His mass murder shocked the peaceful Scandinavian nation a year ago.    But the tragedy, according to the prime minister, has brought Norwegians together in defense of democracy...

"Craving" the movie (Trishna)

IFCfilms.com/films/Trishna; Trishna the Movie Slumdog Millionaire's breakout starlet Freida Pinto and Riz Ahmed co-star, with original songs by Amit Trivedi and an original score by Shigeru Umebayashi, in Trishna (Sanskrit tṛṣṇā, "craving," Pali tanha). Shot in India and based on the novel Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, TRISHNA is the story of a girl named Trishna.She lives with her family in a village in Rajasthan, India's largest state. As the eldest daughter, she works in a nearby...