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Friday, November 23, 2012

Where is the center of the world? Mt. Sumeru

Cho (Chotography on Facebook); Seven Dharmachari, Wisdom QuarterlyBuddhist cosmology: Mt. Sumerus run through the center of "world-systems" or galaxies like our own and are surrounded by "continents" or planetary clusters (Wisdom Quarterly).  QUESTION: Where is Mount Sumeru? (Great Meru) ANSWER: Sumeru is the name of the galactic center in Buddhist cosmology. So it is in the center of the Milky Way as seen from outside of it, a sight attainable through meditative development.  ...

Avoid doubt. Here's how (video)

CC Liu and Xochitl, Wisdom Quarterly; quotes by Lotusing (Myo Edizioni) (Mind Blow #53) Life is an endless series of interesting nonsense. Choose mindfulness.  I used to doubt. I used to dream in place of knowing. I used to fear. I used to worry without experiencing.Knowing-and-seeing removes all doubt. There was never anything to fear -- but ignorance. And even fearing that makes no sense.  "People create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true."  The...

Every drone is a war crime (cartoon)

Tom Tomorrow (ThisModernWorld.com)The MIC's Petraeus-CIA distraction: Sexual indiscretion trumps mass murder any d...

What the h*ll is my Israel doing? (video)

E. Landau, A. Dorrian, P. Macpherson, edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom QuarterlyIs compassion for Palestinians in Gaza anti-semitism? Absolutely not. But one would never know that from reading through the mainstream mead's coverage of Israel's war crimes against Palestinians in the name of self-defense. And wherever Israel goes, the US/MIC is not far behind.Often "we" (as if the average American had much to do with the decision-making motives of corporate war-profiteers and violence-prone generals at...

Incarceration Nation (Alternative Radio)

Prof. Michelle Alexander, AlternativeRadio.org; Wisdom QuarterlyAR (Program #ALEM001) recorded in Santa Fe, NM, Sept. 12, 2012. (Nessom-Marshall)  Prof. Alexander (AR)From the auction block to the cell block, there is a trajectory from slavery to Jim Crow to the best pretext for systematic racism and segregation ever devised, the "War on Drugs." The latter has resulted in mass jailings characterized by deep racial disparities.  The US is likely to send about one-third of young black...