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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Menampilkan Folder Dihidden Virus

Virus memang sangat menjengkelkan, ada virus yang merusak, menghapus data namun ada virus hanya menyembunyikan data.Seperti yang saya alami kemarin, salah seorang konsumen saya yang saya bantu memberikan materi belajar internet di rumahnya, kebetulan di komputer konsumen saya ini tidak terpasang antivirus sehingga virus dengan leluasa masuk ke komputer ini tanpa permisi...Kemunginan...

Putting Buddhist Leaders on a Pedestal.

It isn't a secret that some in the west have an infatuation with Buddhism. It is still relatively new to the majority of Americans, having only really been absorbed by the white populations that make up most of the country since the 1950s. So, it still is in a bit of a honeymoon phase where for some in these white populations put the teachers on pedestals. For my non-American readers that means thinking that a certain person is perfect, so much so that you're willing to look past obvious faults...