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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Syarat Pasang Iklan di Belajar Ilmu Komputer

Blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer saat ini berpengunjung lebih dari 1500 pengunjung per hari, serta lebih dari 2500 halaman per hari dan terus meningkat karena selalu melakukan update artikel terbaru. Bagi yang berminat memasang iklan di blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer, harus mengikuti syarat sebagai berikut.Pemasang iklan bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap isi iklan yang dipasang di Blog Belajar Ilmu...

The Green Tara Mantra (video)

Buddhist Light    Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha   Green Tara (Leighton Cooke)OM represents Tara's sanctified body, speech, and mind.TARE means liberating from suffering, the disappointment and pain of samsara, the Five Aggregates of Clinging (skandhas, heaps, groups, constituent factors) under the control of delusion and karma.TUTTARE means liberating from the eight fears, the external and internal dangers, delusion, and karma.TURE means liberating from the ignorance of the true...

China rockets into space (video)

Steve Chao, Al Jazeera English, June 16, 2012 GOBI DESERT - China's latest space mission has successfully lifted off with the country's first female taikonaut. It is the next step in China's strategy to build a permanently-occupied space station of its own. It is now in a position to reveal the truth about the Moon, its archeological artifacts, stations, and occupants. The West's military-industrial complex must negotiate with the world's largest country and quite possibly its strongest economy...

Nirvana for Sale? Popularity of Mindfulness

"Mindfulness" Grows in Popularity - and ProfitsIf I breathe in and breathe out, I'll be good. But if I sell the Buddha's technique, I'll be great.    COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP, June 11, 2012) In what's become a daily ritual, Tim Ryan finds a quiet spot, closes his eyes, clears his mind, and tries to tap into the eternal calm.     In Ryan's world, it's a stretch for people to get this relaxed. He's a member of Congress."Mindful Nation" - Buddhist practice for USMindfulness...

Buddhist Suu Kyi accepts Nobel Prize

Text: NPR.org, June 16, 2012; USCampaignforBurma.org; Wisdom QuarterlyWorldwide protests, such as this one in Japan, were needed to gain Daw Suu's liberty (AFP)     Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, the pro-democracy opposition leader of Burma (Myanmar), spoke in Norway today, formally accepting the peace prize she was awarded in 1991 while under house arrest by the authoritarian forces that led a coup and have...

The Buddha's return from Space

Tipitaka.net, Dhammapada 181, edited by Wisdom QuarterlyHigher Buddhist heavens (akasha deva lokas) 20th anniversary Hubble (NASA)    SANKASSANAGARA, ancient India - On returning from space, the Realm of the Thirty-Three, the Buddha uttered this verse (181) in reply to Sariputra's welcome.    On one occasion, while at Savatthi, the Buddha performed the "miracle of the pairs" in answer to the challenge of the ascetics of various sects. After this, he went to Tavatimsa. His...

Riots in Burma: Buddhists vs. Muslims?

Safety fears restrict relief work after Myanmar riotsReuters; Manny Mogato in Manila; writing Martin Petty; editing Andrew HeavensArmed troops patrolled Burma's northwest city of Sittwe on Friday [June 15, 2012] as a fragile peace held in the wake of days of sectarian violence that has stoked nationalist fervor and displaced 30,000 people, with many feared dead.    Heavy rain kept many residents indoors in the Rakhine state capital as police and aid groups struggled to get food to...

Suu Kyi on democracy-friendly growth (video)

ILOTV, June 14, 2012 Burma Need Democracy-Friendly Growth Aung San Suu Kyi called for international aid and investment to promote economic progress in Burma (Myanmar) and in particular focused attention on the problem of youth unemployment. Highlighting the potential of her country both in terms of its natural and human resources she noted, "It is not so much joblessness as hopelessness that threatens our future." The Nobel Laureate made her landmark address to a packed Assembly Hall at the 101st session of the International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland. M...

Buddhists in Space: China's female astronaut

Maxim Duncan, Reuters; MSNBC.comView of Buddhism's First Heaven (catumajhrajika akasha deva loka) near Earth space ESA Christer Fuglesang at ISS STS 128 spacewalk (NASA handout 9-5-09/Reuters)   Female astronaut Liu Yang (Jason Lee/Reuters) JIUQUAN (Reuters) - China is sending its first woman into outer space this weekend, prompting a surge of national pride as the rising power takes another step toward putting a space station in orbit within the decade.     Liu Yang,...