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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Langkah Perbaikan Komputer

Tips Perbaikan Komputer ini lebih ditujukan kepada para teknisi pemula yang baru memulai karirnya dalam perbaikan komputer dan perangkat komputer lainnya seperti printer dan lainnya. Dalam memperbaiki komputer jangan asal vonis kesalahan tetapi harus dilakukan dengan prosedur yang tepat sehingga jawaban yang diberikan kepada costumer juga tidak bimbang dan ragu, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kita...

Coastal Cleanup Days 2012

ArroyoSeco.org; HealTheBay.org; Wisdom QuarterlyIt is often asked in inter-religious circles, "Why does Los Angeles have such thick smog?" Answer: "So god can't see what they're doing down there."  But Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012 is another in Heal the Bay's  ongoing efforts to clean up the nation's largest megalopolis.  Help save the planet one area at a time. This cleanup centers on the arroyo seco ("dry river bed") where the San Gabriel River feeds the Santa Monica Bay. Sign...

Porn King paying to see Romney taxes

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly "He wants to see what? Ha, I'd sooner appear in his mag!" "But he's offering a mil." "Uh-oh."  Hustler's Larry Flynt offers $1 million for Romney's tax return"Oh, Moroni, what wouldn't I do to win?"The only guy worse than war-mongering Pres. Barry Soetoro Obama is Republican candidate Willard "Mittens" Romney (whose moniker "Mittromney" sounds an awful lot like Mormonism's namesake Maroni to us).Comedy: "Book of Mormon" comes to Los AngelesGolden...