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Golden Buddhas in Thai Grand Palace (Steveohim/flickr.com); trekking Himalayan foothills, West Bengal, Singalila Nat'l Park, Darjeeling district, near Sikkim (Biswarupsarkar72).
As the world was ending, most of us gathered in Los Angeles, the mecca (Bodh Gaya) of world communication right at the planet's throat chakra. But two of our editors took a trip to the far reaches of Buddhistdom, which is just outside of Christendom and the world's other Vedic/Hindu offshoots.
One went east, the other west, one to India, the other to Europe. There didn't seem much use in traveling to world-class cities to find Buddhism hiding out in the city. We can get that at home.
No, all spirituality resides, as it has for millennia, in and around the Himalayas. It's the rooftop of the world. The "Rebirth Stories" (Jatakas) tell of the Bodhisat resorting to quiet Himalayan caves.
"Enlightenment does not perfect personalities;
it only perfects perspective."
Saintsmay be jerks, but you can't let that get you down.
We need to stand right where we are and begin our climb.
Island peak on Indian Sea (NH53/flickr.com)
Alas, what did we find? Travel is amazing, amazing beyond imagining. Get a backpack, and get on the road! We recommend it to everyone. If only because it lifts us out of the provincial, the biases we never even think to question.
Buddhist Europe is more Central Asian, having traveled up from its co-origins in ancient India/modern Afghanistan. Kalmykia is a lot like being in a second or third world Asian country but with Caucasians.
Bhumi (Earth) is a great place to learn.
Better to spend time on top of the world with a guide like Bish. But what is there to find? Talk of the food, talk of the pain, talk of toilets, talk of dreams, talk of pushing limits, talk of past misgivings -- but for all that what we find is that YOU CAN STAND IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU ARE. That is, you can begin right where you are, wherever that may be.
We should have all gone to Mexico together and danced at the foot of Kukulcan temple pyramid in Chichen Itza and danced with the Aztecs. Right here, right now, this is where it's at. We dreamed of going there (anywhere) to begin. But we have to stake our ground and set up our mats-and-cushions (zafus and zabutons) and do our sitting (zazen) until dhyana/jhana (zen). Then on to insight (vipassana).
None of this takes a plane ride, a bus tour, a train hop, or a suicide-by-taxi bid. It can all start right NOW. Stop, drop, and roll (out a sitting mat) and see. One can start meditating right here, right now. Or, if one prefers to stand, R.E.M.'s lyrics may make a little more sense. So sit.
Photographer Biswarup Sarkar (text derived from Wikipedia), Wisdom Quarterly
Himalayas: Mount Everest (left) and the "Sleeping Buddha" (Mithun/NavigatorIND.com)
"Sleeping Buddha" along the Himalayan range viewed from India (Biswarupsarkar72)
Heavenly light, cold morning in the kitchen
WEST BENGAL, India - It's 5:02 pm. We are staring at the "Sleeping Buddha" as imagined by people in the past.
Mount Kumbhakarna on the left is the head. Mt. Kanchenjungha(the habitat of "Abominable Snowmen," the Yakshis or Yetis) in the middle is the torso. Mt. Pandim on the right is the foot.
It looks divine against heavenly hues. "Heavenly shades of night are falling/It's twilight time..." (The Platters).
Lohtse, Mt Everest topped by cloud, Makalu
There are some places on Earth where the [space] creator deliberately creates sets of ongoing drama to test the human spirit for its highest spiritual appreciation for truth and beauty. Sandakphu is undoubtedly one of them.
At 11,929 feet (3,636 m) Sandakphu is the highest peak in the state of West Bengal, India. It is situated at the edge of Singalila National Park, in the Darjeeling district on the West Bengal-Sikkim border. It is the highest point on Singalila Ridge.
Sandakphu has a small village on its peak with a number of hostels. Mt. Everest, Kanchendzonga, and many other peaks can be seen from its summit.
It is a very windy place. The wind roars like ocean waves at night. From Sandakphu the best view of the Mt. Kumbhakarna, Mt. Kanchendzonga, and Mt. Pandim is possible. Together these three are known as the "Sleeping Buddha" ("Sleeping Shiva" to some).
Here is an explicit route map created by my friend, Dr. Pallab Seth, with whom I -- together with other friends, Himadri, Raju, and Pulok -- shared the adventure of a lifetime on a journey to Sandakphu-Phalut.
Hai, sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Jeruk merupakan buah yang sangat di sukai oleh semua orang dari kalangan anak-anak sampai dewasa. Dari rasanya yang sebagian besar manis itulah yang menarik lidah setiap orang untuk merasakan buah jeruk tersebut. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum, kalau jeruk merupakan salah satu sumber vitamin C yang baik untuk tubuh kita. Tapi tahukah anda, bahwa buah jeruk memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan anda....????
Sahabat, Tips Kesehatan. Kandungan buah jeruk sangat baik untuk menjaga dan melindungi tubuh kita dari beberapa penyakit yang sangat berbahaya yang dapat menyerang tubuh. Oleh karena itulah, mengkonsumsi buah jeruk sangat dianjurkan untuk kesehatan tubuh anda. Tips kesehatan kali ini akan mengetengahkan sebuah artikel yang berkaitan dengan manfaat jeruk bagi kesehatan tubuh anda. Berikut ini 7 manfaat jeruk bagi kesehatan anda :
Manfaat pertama yaitu jeruk sangat baik untuk mencegah penyakit kanker seperti kanker kulit, payudara, paru-paru, mulut dan usus besar. Ini dikarenakan buah jeruk mengandung D-limonene yang merupakan senyawa yang sangat baik untuk mencegah berbagai kanker tersebut.
Bagi anda yang bermasalah dengan kadar kolersterol yang tinggi, maka mengkonsumsi jeruk merupakan salah satu solusi yang dapat anda ambil. Ini dikarenakan, buah jeruk mengandung Hesperidin dan Pectin. kedua zat tersebut sangat baik untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol dalam tubuh anda. ( 7 Makanan Yang Menurunkan Kadar Kolesterol Anda ).
Anda memiliki tekanan darah yang tinggi...??? Maka mengkonsumsi buah jeruk juga sangat baik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi anda. Ini dikarenakan buah jeruk mengandung Hesperidin dan magnesium yang berfungsi menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi anda. ( Tips Mudah Agar Tekanan Darah Tidak Tinggi ).
Anda mengalami radang sendi atau kekakuan pada otot dan sendi anda....???. Maka mengkonsumsi buah jeruk merupakan alternatif yang dapat anda ambil. Ini dikarenakan buah jeruk terbukti dapat mengurangi radang pada sendi atau kekakuan pada otot dan sendi anda.
Buah jeruk ternyata sangat baik untuk perkembangan otak anda. Ini dikarenakan buah jeruk mengandung asam folat yang merupakan zat yang sangat baik untuk membantu perkembangan otak anda. ( 7 Makanan Yang Dapat Mencerdaskan Otak Anda ).
Manfaat berikutnya yaitu, buah jeruk juga sangat baik untuk memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh anda. Ini dikarenakan buah jeruk merupakan sumber vitamin C. Fungsi vitamin C yaitu merangsang produksi sel darah putih dalam tubuh kita. Sehingga sangat baik dan dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan pada tubuh kita. ( 4 Makanan Yang Memperkuat Daya Tahan Tubuh Anda ).
Buah jeruk juga mengandung zat antioksidan. Fungsi antioksidan yaitu dapat membantu melindungi kulit dari kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh radikal bebas Sehingga anda akan tampak lebih awet muda.dengan rajin mengkonsumsi buah jeruk tersebut. ( 6 Tips Mudah Agar Tetap Awet Muda Dan Sehat ).
Sahabat, tips kesehatan. Semoga artikel yang berjudul 7 manfaat buah jeruk bagi kesehatan dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Akhir kata, salam hangat dari penulis.(Sumber : healthonlinezine).
NaturalNews.com, "Beyond coincidence: Pieces of the puzzle rapidly coming together"
WARNING: Alex Jones overheats when lured into defending guns and condemning pharmaceuticals (such as Prozac) which increase likelihood of those drugged committing suicide and mass murder. PART II
Guns don't kill people, government moles using patsies medicated to the hilt on SSRI pharmaceuticals kill people.
(Mike Adams, Natural News) A prominent rifle manufacturer, John Noveske, was killed in a mysterious car crash on Jan. 4, 2013. Why? According to Outdoor Wire, Noveske crossed the oncoming lane and was ejected. Interestingly, a week before, Noveske posted a detailed article on Facebook listing all of the school shooting -- tying them to psychiatric drugs. Which "medicines" was Adam Lanza on? That was his last post ever before being erased.
Noveske was not the first prominent gun rights supporter to be killed in the last few days. Keith Ratliff, creator of a popular YouTube channel on exotic weapons, was murdered. According to the Daily Mail, Ratliff was "discovered on a rural road in Carnesville, Georgia... [with] a single gunshot wound to the head..."
The widely-discredited British CNN host Piers Morgan -- who is wanted in England for questioning related to the Daily Mirror phone hacking scandal, invited guests onto his show who threatened Alex Jones' children and more. Here is the video:
Steve Quayle (stevequayle.com) warns, "The red list is on!" This list refers to a secret kill list of Americans, as authorized by Pres. Obama by fiat through executive order (a kind of dictatorship-lite popularized by Pres. G.W. Bush, whom Obama just signed an executive order to extend Secret Service protection for, and he included such permanent protection in that order for himself).
The red list is designed to be invoked at will and have Americans legally executed without trial. Pres. Obama signed the NDAA authorizing secret assassinations of Americans by Americans on American soil. It has become a key component of Obama's domestic policy -- as given to him by the Military-Industrial Complex, of which he is simply the titular head.
Beyond Coincidence
No video footage has been released from Sandy Hook showing Adam Lanza carrying any kind of rifle. Is it a coincidence that Dianne Feinstein had her gun confiscation bill ready for immediate release?
And is it a coincidence that, according to Google.com, the United Way Sandy Hook donation support page was created on Dec. 11, 2012 -- three days before the shooting?
Is it also a coincidence that, according to NBC News, Adam Lanza's AR-15 rifle was left in his card and never used in the shooting at all?
Bank of America, a major financial partner in the Military-Industrial Complex, then set up an economic embargo against online gun parts manufacturers.
Then Facebook (a clandestine arm of the FBI/CIA/NSA) suddenly and without warning shut down the accounts of hundreds of prominent Second Amendment advocates, including NaturalNews.com.
And is it a coincidence that ever since the Sikh Temple shooting, eye witnesses report MULTIPLE shooters (just like at the Aurora, CO theater shooting)? But only one "lone gunman" with wide eyes and a trail of super-convenient "evidence" to make any prosecution a slam dunk, which even in an insanity defense will lead to neutralization of the Manchurian candidate by pharmaceutical control?
What a sad world to live in when a shadowy government will do all that -- blatant false flag operations -- just to get their way with the least amount of struggle. Police and soldiers are not all involved. This is coming down from the top. But they are the ones executing the illegal orders, so the Nuremberg trial defense of "I was only following orders" may not be enough to protect them post police state. More
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