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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gambling (Collection of Ajahn Brahm's lecture)

Collecting money is harder, but spend it easy and the easiest way to lose money is to gamble. All gamblers are losers in the end. Nevertheless, people are still happy predict the future and hope to get a lot of money from gambling. I told these two stories to show how dangerous it predict the future, even if we get a sign....

Buddhist Views on Suicide (By : Bhikkhu Guṇasīlo)

 Buddhist Views on Suicide Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Paṇḍupalāso va dani 'si, ca ta m yamapurisāpi upaṭṭhitā Uyyogamukhe tiṭṭhasi ca, ca te na pātheyyam'pi vijjat...

Parents of son Liabilities:(By : Bhikkhu Guṇasīlo)

Obligations to Her Parents Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa Puttadārassa saṅgaho, ca anākulā kammantā, etammaṅgalamuttama m; Support children and wife, worked flawlessly, that's the main gift. (Mahāmaṅgala Sutta, Sutta Nipata)&nbs...

Law of Kamma (By : Bhikkhu Khemaviro)

Law of Kamma Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa If we do bad deeds through speech, physical body, and mind, then the result is poor or bad consequences. Conversely, if the will, which underlies the act was "right" (good), then the good will of a good speech will appear (right), the correct physical behavior, and mind that is true, then the result would be happy, calm, and peacefu...

TRUE LOVE (Collection of Ajahn Brahm's lecture)

Problems began when buyarnya fantasy romance, disillusionment can really hurt us. In romantic love, we do not really love our spouses, we just love the way they make us tersentuh.Yang we love is the "sting" that we feel in their presence. That is why, when they were not there, we miss him and asked to send a bottle ... (See previous story). Like the "shock" others, not how long it would be passe...

Consecrated Children To Parents

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa At that time, the Blessed One was living in near Rajagaha in Veluvana monastery, in the nature reserve feed the black squirrels (Kalandakanivāpa). Once the Blessed One got up at dawn the day, he brought out a bowl of funds and his cloak, then headed to Rajagaha to receive funds. In the course of his looks by giving worship center Siṅgālaka respect to various directions. He asked, "Young householders, why after wake up early and get out of town Rajagaha with clothes and hair wet, you worship the six directions...

Two From Getting and Giving Happiness

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato SammāsambuddhassaAnavassuta cittassa, ananvāhatacetaso,puñña pāpapahῑnassa, natthi jāgarato bhayaṁ A person whose mind is not tainted by desire, free from hatred,to overcome the good and bad, it is no longer afraid.(Dhammapada III: 7...

knowlege is important

knowlege is import...

Kamma, rebirth and inequality in life

People always wonder about fairness in life, and why each person is born is not the same. The questions often asked about why someone so healthy and others are born with many physical afflictions. Why would someone born in wealthy families, and others in poverty papa. Why would someone be able to enjoy a long and happy life, and the other short-life by acts of violence or accidents.&nbs...

Ajaran Buddha dan Mitos

Dalam ajaran Buddha, mengapa tidak ada kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan maha tinggi yang menciptakan semesta?Umat Buddha cenderung bersikap cukup realitis dalam hal ini dan tidak mempercayai mitos penciptaan seperti alam semesta muncul dari telur kosmik, atau diciptakan oleh seorang pria tua dengan jenggot putihnya yang panjang. Jadi kita senantiasa percaya bahwa semesta selalu a...