Problems began when buyarnya fantasy romance, disillusionment can really hurt us. In romantic love, we do not really love our spouses, we just love the way they make us tersentuh.Yang we love is the "sting" that we feel in their presence. That is why, when they were not there, we miss him and asked to send a bottle ... (See previous story). Like the "shock" others, not how long it would be passed.
True love is love that is not selfish. We only care about other people. We said to them, "my heart will always open doors for you, whatever you do," and we mean it with these sayings. We just want them happy. True love is rare.
Many of us like to think that our special relationship is true love, not love romance. Here is a test to assess your love termasukjenis which.
Think about your partner. Imagine his face in your mind.Remember the day you met her and the good times with him. Now imagine that you received a letter from your spouse. The letter tells you that the he had fallen in love with your best friend, and they had gone to live together. How do you feel?
If your love is true love, you will be so thrilled that your partner has menernukan better person than yourself, and he's even happier now. You will feel happy because of your spouse and your friends can share a life together. You will be very happy because they loved each other. Would not your partner happiness is paramount in your true love?
True love is rare.
A queen was looking out the window of his palace to the Buddha who is running for alms-food in town. The king saw her and became jealous of the queen's devotion to the ascetic Court. He berated the queen and demanded to know who is more beloved to the queen, Buddha or her husband. The Queen is a loyal follower of Buddha, but at that moment you have to very carefully if your husband is a king. Missing head means missing a real head. The queen wanted to keep his head intact, then he answered with an undeniable honesty, "I love myself more than you all!"
Sources from the Internet,Excerpted from the book Opening the Door Heart
12 years ago
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