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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Charter for Compassion

Wisdom Quarterly; CharterForCompassion.orgKwan Yin first of seven manifestations of Buddha in Japan (Gemc666/flickr.com)   Heart (campus.udayton.edu)The principle of compassion (karuna) lies at the heart of all religious, ethical, and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves.   Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and put...

Self-view, non-duality, and Zen (video)

Alan Watts (alanwatts.org); KPFK.org (Audio Archives); Wisdom QuarterlyPLAY NOW ("Intellectual Yoga," Aug. 5, 2012 8:00 am)Yoga (to yoke) means union. There are different ways (to yoke, to union). It opposes alienation, the view of separateness of "self" from all (sakkaya-drishti). Experiencing the ONENESS of all things is not enlightenment. But it is blissful, a  relief, giving a sense of connection longed for (connectedness) at a profound and innate level. How? Allow it.   ...

The Summer of Naked Bath Salt "Zombies"

Examiner.com; Wisdom QuarterlyGoing to extremes: results from tanning spray vs. bath salt abuse (examiner.com)  The summer of naked bath salts-induced attacks continues apace. The latest abuser of the powerful hallucinogen was a brand-new mother in Altoona, Pennsylvania, who couldn’t wait until she had left the maternity ward to smoke a dose, strip naked, and embark on a violent rampage. The Altoona Mirror reports that on June 17th, two days after giving birth, 31-year-old Carla Murphy (shown...

Pengertian Istilah CTR CPC RPM Google Adsense

Pengertian Istilah CTR CPC RPM Google Adsense. Bergabung bersama google adsense menyenangkan memang, apalagi bagi blogger yang sudah sering menerima pembayaran dari google adsense, tentu sangat senang. Blog Belajar Ilmu Komputer sendiri belum terlalu populer di dunia adsense google namun sudah terbukti mendapatan Pembayaran dari Google Adsense, meski baru sekali dan sekarang akan mendapatkan...