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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Metteya dalam The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus, 1894

The Blessed One proceeded with a great company of the brethrento the sala grove of the Mallas, the Upavattana of Kusinaraon the further side of the river Hirannyavati,and when he had arrived he addressed the venerale Ananda, and said:"Make ready for me, I pray you, Ananda,the couch with its head to the north,between the twin sala trees.I am weary, Ananda, and wish to lie down." [1]"Be it so, Lord!" said the venerable Ananda,and he spread a couch with its head to the north, between the twin sala trees.And the Blessed One laid himself down,and he was mindful and self-possessed. [2]The Blessed One...

Metteyya / Maitreya Bodhisattva = Muhammad SAW ???

Beberapa oknum umat Islam berusaha untuk mempropagandakan agamanya melalui cara-cara yang tidak sesuai dengan kebenaran. Salah satunya berupa menyatakan bahwa dalam agama Buddha terdapat ramalan mengenai Muhammad SAW dimana mereka mengklaim bahwa Maitreya atau Metteyya yang ditunggu oleh umat Buddha sebagai Buddha masa depan tidak lain adalah Muhammad SAW. Seperti di: http://www.al-shia.com/html/id/servi...ama%20Lain.htmDalam Sutta Pitaka Dhiga Nikaya Sang Buddha menceritakan, pada zaman dahulu ada seorang maharaja dunia (cakkavatti) yang bernama Dalhanemi, memerintah dengan bijaksana, jujur dan...