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Friday, October 5, 2012

Conscious Life Expo (LA, Oct. 5-7)

Wisdom Quarterly; 2012.ConsciousLifeExpo.com Conscious Life Expo Oct. 2012, Los Angeles Airport Hilton (consciouslifenews.com)   GT (Ancient Aliens), Wren (WQ)The Conscious Life Expo comes to Los Angeles this weekend: October 2012 Expo. What will you be doing at the end of the world on December 21, 2012? Why not sail off the edge like a modern Columbus or Viking? Linda Moulton Howe (EarthFiles)Join your tribe on a Cruise to the Mayan Yucatan to celebrate the birth of the Fifth...

Occupy Wall St: "American Autumn" (video)

Wisdom Quarterly; American Autumn: an OccuDoc from Dennis Trainor Jr.   RATM's Tom Morello as new Woody GuthriePacifica Radio's Michael Slate Show delves into the new Occu Doc and the senselessness of our one party system with two wings, a moderate and a hard right. Choosing the lesser of two evils means we always end up with evil. If an incumbent is re-elected because the alternative is worse, it's no surprise s/he does nothing new the next time. Obama does not deserve to be re-elected,...

They Call It Myanmar: Lifting the Curtain (film)

Wisdom Quarterly; Photosynthesis Prod; NewYorkerFilms; VOA    The Saffron Revolution 2007-2012 (R.A.)This is the story of the most Buddhist country in the world (with 89% of the population as adherents), Burma.    The military coup that took place a half century ago led to the creation of an Orwellian nightmare -- a police state ruled by General Than Shwe and an elite junta of criminal military men, who changed the name of the country to "Myanmar" as they embezzled its wealth,...

True Story of Mind Over Matter: PK Man

WilliamJames.com; Coast to Coast AM (Oct. 4, 2012); adapted by Wisdom Quarterly (LINK)    PK (psychokinesis) is the ability to control things using only the mind. The PK Man: A True Story of Mind Over Matter (Hampton Roads, 2000) by Jeffrey Mishlove with a foreword by Dr. John Mack MD, Harvard professor of psychiatry, presents an unbelievable story.Parapsychology and Psychokinesis (C2C) However, in the spirit of William James, it deserves careful attention. It is a scientific exploration...

Lesbianism vs. $65 million dowry?

Lesbian heiress Gigi Chao is on "loving terms" with father despite $65 million dowry offer(fanpop.com)    Gigi has a flood of offers (Bobby Yip/Reuters)HONG KONG (AP) - The daughter of a flamboyant Hong Kong tycoon -- who has offered $65 million to any man who can woo her away from her lesbian partner -- said she's not upset with her father.   But it's unlikely she will be accepting any of the marriage proposals flooding in.   I'm not a feminist, but... (inourwordsblog.com) ...